Zenonia (PlayStation 3, 2010)
SIMILARITY RANKING Games similar to Zenonia:
84 | | Legend of Mana (PlayStation 3, 2011) | 82 | | Legend of Mana (PlayStation, 2000) | 81 | | Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand (PlayStation 2, 2006) | 80 | | Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim (PlayStation 2, 2005) | 80 | | Ys IV: Mask of the Sun - A New Theory (PlayStation 2, 2005) | 80 | | Ys I・II: Eternal Story (PlayStation 2, 2003) | 80 | | Ys: Origin (PlayStation 4, 2017) | 74 | | Dungeon Siege III (PlayStation 3, 2011) | 73 | | Bastion (PlayStation 4, 2015) | 72 | | Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (PlayStation 2, 2001) | 71 | | Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II (PlayStation 2, 2004) | 70 | | Ys III: Wanderers from Ys (PlayStation 2, 2005) | 70 | | The Bard's Tale (PlayStation 4, 2017) | 70 | | The Bard's Tale (PlayStation 2, 2004) | 70 | | Dark Angel: Vampire Apocalypse (PlayStation 2, 2001) | 65 | | Diablo III (PlayStation 3, 2013) | 64 | | Bealphareth (PlayStation 3, 2009) | 62 | | Diablo (PlayStation, 1998) | 60 | | Moon Hunters (PlayStation 4, 2016) | 60 | | Bealphareth (PlayStation, 2000) | 52 | | Dragon Fantasy: Book II (PlayStation 3, 2013) | 52 | | Dragon Fantasy: Book I (PlayStation 3, 2013) | 50 | | Antiquia Lost (PlayStation 4, 2017) | 50 | | Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice (PlayStation 4, 2016) | 45 | | Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (PlayStation 3, 2009) | 44 | | Final Fantasy III (PlayStation 3, 2011) | 44 | | Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (PlayStation 2, 2009) | 43 | | Final Fantasy III (PlayStation, 1999) | 42 | | X-Men: Legends II - Rise of Apocalypse (PlayStation 2, 2005) | 42 | | Marvel Ultimate Alliance (PlayStation 2, 2006) | 42 | | Blood Knights (PlayStation 3, 2013) | 42 | | Marvel Ultimate Alliance (PlayStation 3, 2006) | 41 | | X-Men: Legends (PlayStation 2, 2004) | 40 | | Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time (PlayStation 4, 2018) | 40 | | Fernz Gate (PlayStation 4, 2018) | 40 | | Ages of Mages: The Last Keeper (PlayStation 4, 2019) | 40 | | The Disappearing of Gensokyo (PlayStation 4, 2018) | 40 | | Darkstone (PlayStation, 2001) | 40 | | Marvel Ultimate Alliance (PlayStation 4, 2016) | 40 | | Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess (PlayStation 4, 2015) | 40 | | Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess (PlayStation 3, 2015) | 40 | | Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (PlayStation 4, 2016) | 40 | | The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (PlayStation 2, 2002) | 40 | | Inuyasha (PlayStation, 2001) | 40 | | Victor Vran (PlayStation 4, 2017) |
Notes: Games similar to Zenonia, Games like Zenonia, Gamevil Inc., Gamevil Inc., PlayStation 3, Role-Playing, RPG, Fantasy, Anime, Manga, Action RPG, Hack and Slash, Bird's-eye view, 2D scrolling, Sony PlayStation, PSX, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, Game Similarities.