Zenonia (PlayStation 3, 2010)
Games similar to Zenonia:
84  Legend of Mana (PlayStation 3, 2011)
82  Legend of Mana (PlayStation, 2000)
81  Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand (PlayStation 2, 2006)
80  Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim (PlayStation 2, 2005)
80  Ys IV: Mask of the Sun - A New Theory (PlayStation 2, 2005)
80  Ys I・II: Eternal Story (PlayStation 2, 2003)
80  Ys: Origin (PlayStation 4, 2017)
74  Dungeon Siege III (PlayStation 3, 2011)
73  Bastion (PlayStation 4, 2015)
72  Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (PlayStation 2, 2001)
71  Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II (PlayStation 2, 2004)
70  Ys III: Wanderers from Ys (PlayStation 2, 2005)
70  The Bard's Tale (PlayStation 4, 2017)
70  The Bard's Tale (PlayStation 2, 2004)
70  Dark Angel: Vampire Apocalypse (PlayStation 2, 2001)
65  Diablo III (PlayStation 3, 2013)
64  Bealphareth (PlayStation 3, 2009)
62  Diablo (PlayStation, 1998)
60  Moon Hunters (PlayStation 4, 2016)
60  Bealphareth (PlayStation, 2000)
52  Dragon Fantasy: Book II (PlayStation 3, 2013)
52  Dragon Fantasy: Book I (PlayStation 3, 2013)
50  Antiquia Lost (PlayStation 4, 2017)
50  Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice (PlayStation 4, 2016)
45  Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (PlayStation 3, 2009)
44  Final Fantasy III (PlayStation 3, 2011)
44  Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (PlayStation 2, 2009)
43  Final Fantasy III (PlayStation, 1999)
42  X-Men: Legends II - Rise of Apocalypse (PlayStation 2, 2005)
42  Marvel Ultimate Alliance (PlayStation 2, 2006)
42  Blood Knights (PlayStation 3, 2013)
42  Marvel Ultimate Alliance (PlayStation 3, 2006)
41  X-Men: Legends (PlayStation 2, 2004)
40  Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time (PlayStation 4, 2018)
40  Fernz Gate (PlayStation 4, 2018)
40  Ages of Mages: The Last Keeper (PlayStation 4, 2019)
40  The Disappearing of Gensokyo (PlayStation 4, 2018)
40  Darkstone (PlayStation, 2001)
40  Marvel Ultimate Alliance (PlayStation 4, 2016)
40  Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess (PlayStation 4, 2015)
40  Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess (PlayStation 3, 2015)
40  Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (PlayStation 4, 2016)
40  The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (PlayStation 2, 2002)
40  Inuyasha (PlayStation, 2001)
40  Victor Vran (PlayStation 4, 2017)

Notes: Games similar to Zenonia, Games like Zenonia, Gamevil Inc., Gamevil Inc., PlayStation 3, Role-Playing, RPG, Fantasy, Anime, Manga, Action RPG, Hack and Slash, Bird's-eye view, 2D scrolling, Sony PlayStation, PSX, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, Game Similarities.

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