3D Shooting Tsukuru (PlayStation, 1996)
Games similar to 3D Shooting Tsukuru:
65  StrikePoint (PlayStation, 1996)
63  Dezaemon Kids! (PlayStation, 1998)
60  Snoopy vs. the Red Baron (PlayStation 2, 2006)
60  Heatseeker (PlayStation 2, 2007)
60  Dezaemon Kids! (PlayStation 3, 2011)
60  Iron Man (PlayStation 3, 2008)
53  V2000 (PlayStation, 1998)
53  Invasion from Beyond (PlayStation, 1998)
51  Vanark (PlayStation, 2000)
50  Demolition Girl (PlayStation 2, 2004)
50  Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (PlayStation 3, 2009)
42  Warhawk (PlayStation 3, 2007)
41  Shooter: Starfighter Sanvein (PlayStation, 2000)
40  Shooter: Starfighter Sanvein (PlayStation 3, 2015)
40  Robotech: Battlecry (PlayStation 2, 2002)
40  WarJetz (PlayStation, 2001)
40  WarJetz (PlayStation 2, 2001)

Notes: Games similar to 3D Shooting Tsukuru, Games like 3D Shooting Tsukuru, Success Corp., ASCII Corporation, PlayStation, Action, Shooter, 3rd-person, Other, Flight, Aviation, Sony PlayStation, PSX, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, Game Similarities.

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