1Key Minigolf (Windows, 2005)
Games similar to 1Key Minigolf:
90  Twisted Mini Golf (DOS, 1995)
64  1001 Minigolf Challenge (Windows, 2006)
62  Minnnni-Golf (Windows, 2002)
60  3-D Ultra MiniGolf Deluxe (Windows, 1999)
60  Bomb Golf (Windows, 1997)
50  Will Harvey's Zany Golf (DOS, 1988)
40  Goofy Golf Deluxe (Windows, 1999)
40  Hole-In-One Miniature Golf (DOS, 1989)
40  Mini-Putt (DOS, 1987)
40  Hole-In-One Miniature Golf Deluxe! (DOS, 1989)

Notes: Games similar to 1Key Minigolf, Games like 1Key Minigolf, Generation Stars, Generation Stars, Windows, Sports, Arcade, Top-down, Golf, Miniature golf, PC, Game Similarities.

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