3D Shooter (Windows, 2002)
Games similar to 3D Shooter:
64  Whack A Mole (Windows, 2001)
62  Disney's Arcade Frenzy (Windows, 1999)
60  Platoon (DOS, 1987)
54  Bovinator (Windows, 2001)
50  Cosmic Sheriff (DOS, 1989)
50  PC-Fun (DOS, 1985)
50  Lucky Luke: Shoot & Hit (Windows, 2014)
50  Space Battle (Windows, 2010)
50  Torpedo Alley (DOS, 1985)

Notes: Games similar to 3D Shooter, Games like 3D Shooter, GameYard.com, GameYard.com, Windows, Action, Shooter, 1st-person, Fixed, Flip-screen, PC, Game Similarities.

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