1979: Invasion Earth (Windows, 2017)
Games similar to 1979: Invasion Earth:
99  3D Mars Mission (Windows, 2001)
99  Alien Sky (Windows, 2004)
99  Super Destronaut (Windows, 2016)
99  Bandits! (DOS, 1992)
99  Alien Attack (DOS, 1993)
99  SDI2040 (DOS, 1993)
99  Zapshot (DOS, 1986)
99  Just Shoot The Thing! (Windows, 2000)
99  3D Alien Invasion (Windows, 1998)
99  Buggers (Windows, 2001)
99  Spac3 Invaders Extr3me (Windows, 2018)
99  Zak Zapper (Windows, 2000)
99  Space Armada (Windows, 2010)
99  3105 A.D. (Windows, 2003)
99  Alien Invaders 2000 (Windows, 1999)
99  Space Commanders (DOS, 1983)
99  Space Invaders (Windows, 1999)
99  Clone Invader (DOS, 1989)
99  Love Invaders (Windows, 2005)
99  Galaxy Invaders (Windows, 2004)
99  Invaders From Neptune! (Windows, 2000)
99  LaserAge (Windows, 1999)
99  Space Intruders (DOS, 1993)
99  CHAMP Galaxia (DOS, 1996)
99  Avenger (DOS, 1997)
99  PC-Fun (DOS, 1985)
99  Space Invaders (DOS, 1995)
99  Blasturon (Windows, 2008)
99  Galaxian (Windows, 2008)
99  Fighter (Windows, 1995)
99  Totally Tiny Arcade (Windows, 2007)
99  TIE Invaders (DOS, 1996)
99  Invaders 95 (Windows, 1995)
99  Super Stupid Space Invaders (DOS, 1997)
99  Tick Attack (DOS, 1983)
99  Cash Invaders (DOS, 2002)
99  The Interceptor (DOS, 1993)
99  Titan Attacks! (Windows, 2006)
99  Orbsters (Windows, 1997)
99  CHAMP Invaders (DOS, 1997)
99  Astrosmash (Windows, 2010)
99  Invaders Possibly from Space (Windows, 2009)
99  Yars' Revenge (Windows, 2010)
87  N++ (Windows, 2016)
86  Super Mutant Alien Assault (Windows, 2016)
86  Abduction Bit (Windows, 2016)
85  Invasion (Windows, 2017)
85  Robot Heroes (Windows, 2017)
85  Abstractanoid (Windows, 2017)
85  Blast Lander (Windows, 2017)
85  Pixel Space Battles (Windows, 2017)
84  GAMP (Windows, 2016)
84  Axiom Verge (Windows, 2015)
84  Super Destronaut DX (Windows, 2018)
84  Älg Invaders: Return of the Gädda (Windows, 2016)
83  Explosionade (Windows, 2015)
83  Out of This World (DOS, 1992)
83  Capsule Force (Windows, 2015)
83  Horizon Shift (Windows, 2015)
81  Ricochet (Windows, 2001)
80  Brickquest 2 (Windows, 2008)
80  Wings 2 (Windows, 2006)
80  Fractal Fighter (Windows, 2007)
80  Back to Earth (Windows, 2004)
80  Gravitar (DOS, 1993)
80  Kurt's Spaced Invaders (DOS, 1995)
80  Out of This World (Windows, 2006)
80  Brickquest (Windows, 2006)
80  Acky's XP Breakout (Windows, 2004)
80  Cybernoid II (Windows, 2002)
80  Chicken Invaders: Revenge of the Yolk (Windows, 2006)
80  Astro Fury (Windows, 2008)
80  Centipede (Windows, 2010)
80  Electroman (DOS, 1993)
80  Tintin on the Moon (DOS, 1989)
80  Lunar Take (DOS, 1989)
80  Bit-Bat (DOS, 1982)
80  Asteroid Pilot (DOS, 1982)
80  UFO (DOS, 1982)
80  Worm Burner (DOS, 1987)
80  Star Ship Attack (DOS, 1982)
80  Space Spirals (DOS, 1988)
80  Plexu: The Time Travellers (DOS, 1990)
80  StarBlade (DOS, 1990)
80  Millipede (Windows, 2004)
80  Tommy's Space Goblins (DOS, 1987)
80  Demons to Diamonds (Windows, 2010)
80  Spider Fighter (Windows, 2010)
80  Patriot Command (DOS, 1992)
80  Back to Earth 2 (Windows, 2007)
80  Galactic Battle (DOS, 1990)
80  Galaga (Windows, 2004)
80  Jetsons: The Computer Game (DOS, 1992)
80  1993 (DOS, 1992)
80  PLEBS (DOS, 1989)
80  Natomi Bottle Rockets Extreme (Windows, 2002)
80  Choppy the Pork Chop (Windows, 1996)
80  FreeStrike (Windows, 2001)
80  Mars Taxi (Windows, 1997)
80  Max 2: Counterattack (Windows, 2002)
80  Space Fortress (DOS, 1999)
80  CHAMP Galagon (DOS, 1997)
80  Galagatron (Windows, 1996)
75  Original Journey (Windows, 2017)
73  The Eternal Castle (Windows, 2019)
71  One Must Fall 2097 (DOS, 1994)
70  Crazy Nick's Software Picks: Roger Wilco's Spaced Out Game Pack (DOS, 1992)
70  Computer Space Simulator (Windows, 2005)
70  Missile Command (Windows, 2010)
70  Tommy's Lander (DOS, 1986)
70  Space Taxi (Windows, 2004)
70  Toho Invaders (Windows, 2009)
70  Dilbert's Desktop Games (Windows, 1997)
70  Asteroids (Windows, 2010)
70  Gravitar (Windows, 2010)
70  Space Taxi 2 (Windows, 2004)
70  AstroRaid (Windows, 2003)
70  Megamania (Windows, 2010)
70  Out on a LEM (DOS, 1984)
58  Orbt XL (Windows, 2017)
58  Mini Ghost (Windows, 2017)
57  MAZ! (Windows, 2017)
57  Akane (Windows, 2018)
57  Super Hydorah (Windows, 2017)
57  Squirm (Windows, 2018)
57  Bit Blaster XL (Windows, 2016)
57  Juanito Arcade Mayhem (Windows, 2017)
56  Polandball: Can Into Space! (Windows, 2016)
56  Handsome Mr. Frog (Windows, 2016)
55  Jump Gunners (Windows, 2017)
55  Africa Hunting (Windows, 2017)
55  Amaranthine (Windows, 2016)
55  CounterAttack (Windows, 2016)
55  Ghost 1.0 (Windows, 2016)
55  8-Bit Bayonetta (Windows, 2017)
55  TAGAP 3: The Apocalyptic Game About Penguins 3 (Windows, 2017)
55  Son of Scoregasm (Windows, 2017)
55  Death Rings of Jupiter (Windows, 2017)
55  Good Robot (Windows, 2016)
55  Space Asteroid Shooter (Windows, 2017)
55  2V Hoverbike (Windows, 2017)
55  Silly Knight (DOS, 2017)
55  Wild Guns: Reloaded (Windows, 2017)
55  Fidget Spinner in Space (Windows, 2017)
55  Life on Mars: Remake (Windows, 2017)
55  Vintage Hero (Windows, 2017)
55  Journey to Silius (Windows, 2017)
55  Crush (Windows, 2017)
55  Saddies: Attack!! (Windows, 2017)
55  Hardnoid (Windows, 2017)
55  Battlecrew: Space Pirates (Windows, 2017)
55  Captain Kaon (Windows, 2017)
55  Dragon Bros (Windows, 2017)
55  Super Rock Blasters (Windows, 2017)
55  Greedy Guns (Windows, 2017)
55  Alien Rampage (Windows, 2017)
55  Hereafter (Windows, 2017)
55  Infernal Racket (Windows, 2017)
55  8bit Invasion (Windows, 2017)
55  Heckpoint (Windows, 2017)
55  Mayhem ZX (Windows, 2017)
55  Degauss (Windows, 2017)
55  Crazy Toad (Windows, 2017)
54  Blood Alloy: Reborn (Windows, 2016)
54  Armed and Gelatinous (Windows, 2016)
54  Infinity Wings: Scout and Grunt (Windows, 2016)
54  Pang Adventures (Windows, 2016)
54  Alien Run (Windows, 2016)
54  PixBit (Windows, 2016)
54  Asteroid Bounty Hunter (Windows, 2016)
54  Stardust Vanguards (Windows, 2015)
54  The Castle (Windows, 2016)
54  Pink Heaven (Windows, 2015)
54  Pink Hour (Windows, 2014)
54  Jets 'n' Guns 2 (Windows, 2018)
54  Steredenn (Windows, 2015)
54  Gun Rage (Windows, 2018)
54  Alien Field 3671 (Windows, 2018)
54  TAGAP 2: The Apocalyptic Game About Penguins 2 (Windows, 2011)
54  Super Mustache (Windows, 2016)
54  Kero Blaster (Windows, 2014)
54  Frantic Dimension (Windows, 2018)
54  Super Hero Fight Club: Reloaded (Windows, 2018)
54  Slybots: Frantic Zone (Windows, 2016)
54  Zheros (Windows, 2016)
54  Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions - Evolved (Windows, 2014)
54  S-COPTER: Trials of Quick Fingers and Logic (Windows, 2018)
54  Lichtspeer (Windows, 2016)
54  Bullshot (Windows, 2016)
54  Dig Dug (Windows, 2016)
54  Cycle 28 (Windows, 2018)
54  Harambe Kong (Windows, 2018)
54  Pixel Gladiator (Windows, 2016)
54  Mighty No. 9 (Windows, 2016)
54  The Way (Windows, 2016)
54  WinKings (Windows, 2016)
54  Pulstar (Windows, 2016)
54  Angus Hates Aliens (Windows, 2016)
54  Pirate Pop Plus (Windows, 2016)
54  Blazing Star (Windows, 2016)
54  Crackhead (Windows, 2016)
54  Revolver360 Re:Actor (Windows, 2014)
54  Castle Invasion: Throne Out (Windows, 2016)
54  Fly and Destroy (Windows, 2016)
54  TowerFall: Ascension (Windows, 2014)
54  DubWars (Windows, 2016)
54  Shudder (Windows, 2018)
54  Duke of Alpha Centauri (Windows, 2016)
54  Fatal Stormer (Windows, 2018)
54  Evil Robots from N1M (Windows, 2016)
54  Super Cyborg (Windows, 2014)
54  Super Weekend Mode (Windows, 2018)
54  Spikit (Windows, 2016)
54  Lock Her Up: The Trump Supremacy (Windows, 2018)
54  Indian Mutiny: Little Sepoy (Windows, 2018)
54  AM2R: Return of Samus (Windows, 2016)

Notes: Games similar to 1979: Invasion Earth, Games like 1979: Invasion Earth, Windows, Action, Sci-Fi, Futuristic, Arcade, Shooter, Side view, Fixed, Flip-screen, Fixed-screen shoot 'em up, PC, Game Similarities.

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