2x2 (Windows, 2012)
Games similar to 2x2:
43  Zoombinis: Island Odyssey (Windows, 2002)
43  Math Forever (Windows, 2010)
42  Train Your Brain With Dr. Kawashima (Windows, 2009)
40  School House: 30 Educational Programs (DOS, 1991)
40  Yogi Bear's Math Adventures (DOS, 1990)
40  Mickey's Runaway Zoo (DOS, 1991)
40  Columbus Discovery (DOS, 1992)
40  2x2 (DOS, 1995)
40  Magiczne Karty (DOS, 1993)
40  Advanced Thinking Skills (DOS, 1992)
40  Magic Boxes (DOS, 1989)
40  Matrix Madness (DOS, 1984)
40  JumpStart 2nd Grade Math (Windows, 1997)
40  Play & Learn: Reading and Counting (Windows, 2001)
40  Magic Numbers (Windows, 2003)
40  Test & Improve Your Memory (Windows, 2004)
40  The Crayon Factory (Windows, 1995)
40  I Spy Mystery (Windows, 2006)
40  Gehirnjogging: Vol. 1 (Windows, 2007)

Notes: Games similar to 2x2, Games like 2x2, AnyTech, Inc., AnyTech, Inc., Windows, Educational, Math, Logic, Board Game, Mental training, Puzzle elements, PC, Game Similarities.

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