Still Blind (Thrash, Hard Rock, Speed Metal, 1989-1991)
Music similar to Still Blind:
79  Razor (Speed Metal, Thrash, 1984-1997)
78  Accuser (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1987-2016)
78  Arakain (Hard Rock, Thrash, Heavy Metal, 1988-2016)
77  Deliverance (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1989-2013)
77  Skitzo (Thrash, Speed Metal, Death Metal, 1989-2009)
77  Exciter (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1983-2010)
75  Tourniquet (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1990-2012)
74  Stone (Speed Metal, Thrash, Stoner Rock, 1987-1992)
73  Airdash (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1988-1992)
72  Kat (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1985-2014)
70  Deathrow (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1986-1992)
70  Sacrifice (Thrash, Speed Metal, Death Metal, 1985-2009)
70  Inquisidor (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1989-2014)
69  Rigor Mortis (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1988-2014)
69  Sacred Reich (Thrash, Speed Metal, Hardcore, 1987-2012)
69  A.R.G. (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1989-2015)
69  Nuclear Assault (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1986-2015)
69  At War (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1986-2009)
69  Grinder (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1988-1991)
69  S.D.I. (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1986-2015)
69  Heathen (Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, Thrash, 1987-2009)
69  Impaler (Speed Metal, Thrash, Heavy Metal, 1985-2014)
69  Possessed (Thrash, Speed Metal, Death Metal, 1985-2003)
69  Evildead (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1989-1992)
68  Two-Bit Thief (Blues Rock, Hard Rock, Thrash, 1990-1995)
68  Mortal Sin (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1987-2011)
67  Necrosis (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1989-2015)
67  Sodom (Thrash, Speed Metal, Black Metal, 1985-2016)
67  Testament (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1987-2013)
67  Megadeth (Heavy Metal, Thrash, Speed Metal, 1985-2016)
67  Reverend (Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, Thrash, 1989-2001)
67  Znowhite (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1984-1988)
66  Viking (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1988-2015)
66  Metallica (Heavy Metal, Thrash, Hard Rock, 1983-2016)
66  Dorsal Atlântica (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1986-2014)
66  Evil Blood (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1988-2015)
66  Nasty Savage (Heavy Metal, Thrash, Speed Metal, 1984-2004)
66  Soothsayer (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1989-2013)
66  Warrant (Speed Metal, Thrash, Heavy Metal, 1985-2014)
66  Iron Angel (Speed Metal, Thrash, Heavy Metal, 1985-2013)
66  Death Mask (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1986-2011)
66  Lunatics Without Skateboards Inc (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1989-1995)
65  Atrophy (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1988-1990)
65  Alkatraz (Thrash, Speed Metal, Experimental, 2001-2001)
65  Believer (Thrash, Speed Metal, Death Metal, 1989-2011)
65  Cyclone (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1986-1990)
65  Savage Steel (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1987-1989)
65  E-X-E (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1987-1990)
65  Pyracanda (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1990-1992)
65  Deliverance (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1987-1990)
65  Donpheebin (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1992-2000)
65  Witchhammer (Speed Metal, Thrash, 1990-2011)
65  Realm (Speed Metal, Thrash, Heavy Metal, 1988-1990)
65  Randagi (Thrash, Speed Metal, Grunge, 1989-1991)
65  Addictive (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1990-1993)
65  Mandator (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1987-1989)
65  Strappado (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1991-1992)
64  Holy Terror (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1987-1988)
64  Haunted Garage (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1991-1991)
64  Hades (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, 1982-2001)
64  Indestroy (Speed Metal, Thrash, 1987-1989)
64  Agent Steel (Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, Thrash, 1985-2007)
64  Mad Butcher (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1985-1988)
64  Anthrax (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1983-2016)
64  Iron Christ (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1988-1990)
64  Fingernails (Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, Thrash, 1988-2016)
63  Killers (Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Speed Metal, 1985-2015)
63  Overdose (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1987-1996)
63  Warfare (Thrash, Punk, Heavy Metal, 1984-2015)
63  Sabbat (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1988-1991)
63  Hirax (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1985-2015)
63  Manipulated Slaves (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 2000-2014)
63  Blizzard (Thrash, Speed Metal, Punk, 2000-2016)
63  Laaz Rockit (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1984-2008)
62  Vengeance Rising (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1988-1992)
62  Annihilator (Heavy Metal, Thrash, Speed Metal, 1988-2015)
62  Bombarder (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1989-2016)
62  The Force (Thrash, Speed Metal, 2008-2013)
62  Abattoir (Speed Metal, Thrash, Heavy Metal, 1984-2004)
62  Living Death (Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, Thrash, 1984-1991)
62  Destruction (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1984-2016)
61  Piledriver (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1984-1986)
61  Rosenfeld (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1991-1991)
61  Paingate (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1995-1996)
61  Thrash Or Die (Thrash, Speed Metal, 2011-2015)
61  Infernö (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1996-1997)
61  Mobile Deathcamp (Thrash, Speed Metal, 2008-2011)
61  Arsenite (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 2012-2014)
61  Suspect (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, 2003-2009)
61  Hypertension (Thrash, Speed Metal, 2013-2016)
61  Violentor (Thrash, Speed Metal, 2011-2015)
61  Tremonti (Hard Rock, Thrash, Speed Metal, 2012-2016)
61  Mace (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1985-1987)
61  Angkor Wat (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1989-1989)
61  Breed (Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Thrash, 2007-2010)
61  Avalon (Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, Thrash, 1993-1994)
61  Indestructible Noise Command (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1987-2014)
61  Bombnation (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 2009-2014)
61  Tyranex (Speed Metal, Thrash, Heavy Metal, 2006-2014)
61  Destructor (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1985-2016)
61  E-Force (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 2003-2015)
61  Cursed (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1991-1991)
61  Segression (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1996-2014)
61  Dover Trench (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1991-1991)
61  Narcotic Greed (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1994-2001)
61  Disaster (Thrash, Speed Metal, 2006-2012)
61  Exumer (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1986-2016)
61  The Machete (Thrash, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, 2004-2007)
61  Dekapitator (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1999-2007)
61  Pyöveli (Thrash, Speed Metal, 2005-2014)
61  Monte Pittman (Heavy Metal, Thrash, Hard Rock, 2011-2014)
61  GumoManiacs (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 2008-2014)
61  Northwinds (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1990-1990)
61  AntiPeeWee (Thrash, Speed Metal, 2013-2015)
61  Next (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1988-1993)
61  Imperial (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1998-1999)
61  Acridity (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1991-1991)
61  Cranium (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1997-1999)
61  Whiplash (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1984-2009)
60  Burnt Offering (Thrash, Speed Metal, Death Metal, 1989-1998)
60  Voïvod (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Prog Rock, 1984-2016)
60  Apocalypse (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1993-1993)
60  Détente (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1986-2010)
60  Liar (Power Metal, Speed Metal, Thrash, 1989-1991)
60  The Hidden (Speed Metal, Thrash, 2014-2014)
60  Defiance (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1989-2009)
60  Sax Piják (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1993-1993)
60  Violent Playground (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1988-1988)
60  Corrosion (Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, Thrash, 1993-1993)
60  White Witch Canyon (Speed Metal, Hard Rock, Stoner Rock, 2002-2008)
60  Evil Whiplash (Speed Metal, Thrash, Heavy Metal, 2010-2012)
60  Speedwolf (Speed Metal, Thrash, Punk, 2009-2011)
60  Lethal Dose (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1988-1988)
60  Wolfpack (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1987-1987)
60  Anesthesia (Thrash, Speed Metal, Prog Rock, 1997-1997)
60  Blood Of Kings (Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, Thrash, 2013-2013)
60  Bat (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 2013-2016)
60  Metal Storm (Speed Metal, Thrash, 1988-1988)
60  Töxik Death (Thrash, Speed Metal, 2010-2014)
60  Kublai Khan (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1987-1987)
60  Bastardator (Thrash, Speed Metal, Punk, 2007-2010)
60  Red Lamb (Thrash, Hard Rock, Alternative Rock, 2012-2012)
60  Atomic Head (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 2014-2014)
60  Evil Invaders (Speed Metal, Thrash, 2013-2015)
60  Sarcasm (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1989-2014)
60  Chainsaw Band (Speed Metal, Black Metal, Thrash, 2014-2014)
60  Pantera (Heavy Metal, Thrash, Speed Metal, 1983-2015)
60  Necronomicon (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1986-2015)
60  Laid to Waste (Thrash, Speed Metal, 2015-2015)
60  Droid (Thrash, Progressive Metal, Speed Metal, 2013-2015)
60  Messerschmitt (Heavy Metal, Thrash, Speed Metal, 2011-2015)
60  Carrion (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1986-1986)
60  Coroner (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1987-1993)
60  Division Speed (Thrash, Speed Metal, 2015-2015)
60  Demoniac (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1992-1992)
60  Crucifier (Thrash, Speed Metal, 2006-2006)
60  Insane (Thrash, Speed Metal, 2005-2005)
60  Total Inferno (Thrash, Speed Metal, 2015-2015)
60  Grim Force (Thrash, Speed Metal, 2000-2000)
60  Dethrone (Speed Metal, Thrash, 1989-1992)
60  Act Of Defiance (Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, Thrash, 2015-2015)
59  Anvil Bitch (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1986-2008)
59  Patriarch (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1990-1993)
59  Guerra Total (Black Metal, Speed Metal, Thrash, 2010-2016)
59  Death Angel (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, 1987-2016)
59  Paralysis (Thrash, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, 1991-2000)
59  Death In Action (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1990-1996)
59  Helstar (Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, Thrash, 1984-2016)
59  Defalla (Hard Rock, Funk Metal, Alternative Rock, 1988-2002)
59  Hermética (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1989-1994)
59  Slayer (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1983-2015)
59  C.Y.D.H.I.E. Genoside (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, 1989-1990)
59  Fuck Off (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1988-2015)
59  Assassin (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1987-2016)
59  Attack (Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Speed Metal, 1984-1995)
58  Infernäl Mäjesty (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1987-2006)
58  Flotsam And Jetsam (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1986-2016)
58  ADX (Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, Hard Rock, 1985-2016)
58  Turbo (Heavy Metal, Thrash, Speed Metal, 1980-2013)
58  Throne Of Chaos (Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, Thrash, 1997-2003)
58  Gladiator (Hard Rock, Soft Rock, Thrash, 1992-2014)
58  Overkill (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1983-2014)
58  Terra Caput Mundi (Heavy Metal, Thrash, Speed Metal, 2008-2015)
58  Method Of Destruction (Thrash, Hardcore, Parody, 1987-2007)
58  Antidote (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1992-1996)
58  Vio-Lence (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1988-2003)
58  Dark Angel (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1985-1991)
58  Prestige (Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, Thrash, 1989-1992)
58  Outrage (Heavy Metal, Thrash, Speed Metal, 1987-2015)
58  Acid Reign (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1988-2015)
58  Dissect (Death Metal, Thrash, Speed Metal, 1991-1993)
57  Metal Church (Heavy Metal, Thrash, Speed Metal, 1984-2016)
57  Debustrol (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Hardcore, 1991-2011)
57  RaidShelter (Hard Rock, Thrash, Prog Rock, 1989-2013)
57  Distraught (Thrash, Speed Metal, Hardcore, 1998-2012)
57  Onslaught (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1984-2013)
57  Lethal (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, 1992-2015)
57  Pigmy Love Circus (Punk, Hard Rock, Thrash, 1990-2004)
57  Tankard (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1986-2014)
57  Calibos (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, 1992-2010)
57  Coldsteel (Thrash, Speed Metal, 1992-2013)
57  Loudness (Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Speed Metal, 1981-2015)
57  United (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, 1990-2012)
57  Artillery (Thrash, Heavy Metal, Speed Metal, 1985-2016)
57  Coven (Thrash, Speed Metal, Heavy Metal, 1987-1993)

Notes: Music similar to Still Blind, Music like Still Blind, Rock, Thrash, Hard Rock, Speed Metal, Artists, Bands, Songs, Audio, Records, Albums, Singles, Releases, Music Similarities

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