1979 Revolution: Black Friday (Xbox One, 2018)
Games similar to 1979 Revolution: Black Friday:
90  Life Is Strange: Before the Storm - Episode 1: Awake (Xbox One, 2017)
86  Life Is Strange 2: Episode 1 - Roads (Xbox One, 2018)
59  Black Mirror (Xbox One, 2017)
59  Batman: The Telltale Series - The Enemy Within: Episode 1 - The Enigma (Xbox One, 2017)
58  Life Is Strange: Episode 1 - Chrysalis (Xbox One, 2015)
58  Yesterday: Origins (Xbox One, 2016)
57  Life Is Strange: Episode 1 - Chrysalis (Xbox 360, 2015)
56  The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit (Xbox One, 2018)
52  Syberia II (Xbox 360, 2015)
50  Agatha Knife (Xbox One, 2018)
50  Syberia II (Xbox, 2004)
49  Knee Deep (Xbox One, 2017)
48  The Walking Dead: Episode 1 - A New Day (Xbox 360, 2012)
48  The Walking Dead: Michonne - Episode 1: In Too Deep (Xbox 360, 2016)
48  Agatha Christie: The ABC Murders (Xbox One, 2016)
48  The Walking Dead: Michonne - Episode 1: In Too Deep (Xbox One, 2016)
48  Batman: The Telltale Series - Episode 1: Realm of Shadows (Xbox 360, 2016)
48  Batman: The Telltale Series - Episode 1: Realm of Shadows (Xbox One, 2016)
47  The Wolf Among Us: Episode 1 - Faith (Xbox 360, 2013)
46  The Walking Dead: Season Two (Xbox One, 2014)
46  Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon (Xbox, 2003)
45  The Walking Dead: Season Two (Xbox 360, 2013)
45  MechaNika (Xbox One, 2018)
43  The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - Episode 1: Ties That Bind Part One (Xbox One, 2016)
42  White Night (Xbox One, 2015)

Notes: Games similar to 1979 Revolution: Black Friday, Games like 1979 Revolution: Black Friday, iNK Stories LLC, nFusion Interactive LLC, Digerati Distribution, Xbox One, Adventure, Contemporary, Middle East, Graphic Adventure, 3rd-person, Other, Cinematic camera, Unity, Middle East, Microsoft Xbox, Game Similarities.

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