Puyo Pop Fever (Xbox 360, 2007)
Games similar to Puyo Pop Fever:
99  Puyo Pop Fever (Xbox, 2004)
74  Bejeweled 3 (Xbox 360, 2011)
74  Meteos Wars (Xbox 360, 2008)
72  Word Attack Action (Xbox 360, 2010)
72  Magical Cube (Xbox 360, 2010)
71  Bejeweled: Blitz Live (Xbox 360, 2011)
50  Adventure Pop (Xbox One, 2017)
50  Magical Drop II (Xbox One, 2017)
50  Magical Drop III (Xbox One, 2018)
44  Jewel Quest (Xbox 360, 2006)
44  Totem (Xbox 360, 2008)
44  Abstacked (Xbox 360, 2008)
44  0D Beat Drop (Xbox 360, 2009)
43  Bejeweled 2: Deluxe (Xbox 360, 2005)
43  Jewelry Master Twinkle (Xbox 360, 2009)
42  Leximo! (Xbox 360, 2010)
42  Jewelry Master Twinkle Light (Xbox 360, 2010)
42  Bejeweled: Deluxe (Xbox, 2004)
41  Holiday Bonus (Xbox 360, 2011)
41  Vizati (Xbox 360, 2011)
40  Frozen: Free Fall - Snowball Fight (Xbox 360, 2015)
40  Frozen: Free Fall - Snowball Fight (Xbox One, 2015)
40  TapBlox (Xbox 360, 2013)
40  Puzzled (Xbox One, 2017)

Notes: Games similar to Puyo Pop Fever, Games like Puyo Pop Fever, Sonic Team, SEGA Corporation, Xbox 360, Puzzle, Anime, Manga, Falling Block Puzzle, Real-Time, Side view, Fixed, Flip-screen, RenderWare, Puyo-Puyo, Madō Monogatari, Microsoft Xbox, Game Similarities.

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