8-Bit Armies (PlayStation 4, 2018)
Games similar to 8-Bit Armies:
99  8-Bit Hordes (PlayStation 4, 2019)
75  Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Commander's Challenge (PlayStation 3, 2009)
72  Command & Conquer (PlayStation, 1997)
72  Command & Conquer: Red Alert (PlayStation, 1997)
71  KKND2: Krossfire (PlayStation, 1999)
71  Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Retaliation (PlayStation, 1998)
71  Warzone 2100 (PlayStation, 1999)
70  Command & Conquer (PlayStation 3, 2009)
70  Command & Conquer: Red Alert (PlayStation 3, 2009)
70  Dune 2000 (PlayStation, 1999)
70  Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Retaliation (PlayStation 3, 2009)
70  R.U.S.E.: The Art of Deception (PlayStation 3, 2010)
51  Tom Clancy's EndWar (PlayStation 3, 2008)
45  Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings (PlayStation 2, 2001)
45  WarCraft II: The Dark Saga (PlayStation, 1997)
44  Sudden Strike 4 (PlayStation 4, 2017)
43  Pirates: Treasure Hunters (PlayStation 4, 2016)
43  There Came an Echo (PlayStation 4, 2016)
41  Commandos 2: Men of Courage (PlayStation 2, 2002)
40  Populous: The Beginning (PlayStation 3, 2007)
40  Populous: The Beginning (PlayStation, 1999)
40  Stormrise (PlayStation 3, 2009)

Notes: Games similar to 8-Bit Armies, Games like 8-Bit Armies, Petroglyph Games Inc., SOEDESCO, PlayStation 4, Strategy, Tactics, War, Real-Time, Bird's-eye view, Free-roaming camera, Sony PlayStation, PSX, PS1, PS2, PS3, PS4, Game Similarities.

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