3x3 Eyes: Sanjiyan Henjō (Windows, 1996)
Games similar to 3x3 Eyes: Sanjiyan Henjō:
99  3x3 Eyes: Sanjiyan Henjō (DOS, 1996)
99  3x3 Eyes: Tenrin Ō Genmu (Windows, 1997)
54  Neon Genesis Evangelion: Kōtetsu no Girlfriend (Windows, 1997)
51  Quintia Road (DOS, 1992)
51  Doll: Ouroboros (Windows, 2000)
50  Doll: Ouroboros 2 (Windows, 2001)

Notes: Games similar to 3x3 Eyes: Sanjiyan Henjō, Games like 3x3 Eyes: Sanjiyan Henjō, Nihon Create, Nihon Create, Windows, Adventure, Fantasy, Anime, Manga, 1st-person, 3x3 Eyes, Manga, anime, Chinese, PC, Game Similarities.

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