911 Paramedic (Windows, 2002)
Games similar to 911 Paramedic:
99  Emergency Room 2 (Windows, 1999)
99  Emergency Room: Life or Death (Windows, 2000)
99  Emergency Room 3 (Windows, 2001)
99  Emergency Room: Disaster Strikes (Windows, 1999)
90  Emergency Room (DOS, 1995)
86  Vet Emergency 2 (Windows, 2003)
86  Vet Emergency (Windows, 2001)
83  Zoo Vet (Windows, 2004)
76  Emergency Room: Code Red (Windows, 2001)

Notes: Games similar to 911 Paramedic, Games like 911 Paramedic, Legacy Interactive Inc., Legacy Interactive Inc., Windows, Educational, Simulation, Health, Nutrition, Science, Puzzle elements, 1st-person, Simulation - Medical, PC, Game Similarities.

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