Enemy Engaged: RAH-66 Comanche versus Ka-52 Hokum (Windows, 2000)
Games similar to Enemy Engaged: RAH-66 Comanche versus Ka-52 Hokum:
99  Enemy Engaged: Apache/Havoc (Windows, 1998)
67  Ka-52 Team Alligator (Windows, 2000)
66  Comanche Gold (Windows, 1998)
65  Micro Flight (Windows, 2000)
64  DCS: Black Shark (Windows, 2008)
64  Team Apache (Windows, 1998)
63  Gunship 2000 (DOS, 1991)
63  HIND: The Russian Combat Helicopter Simulation (Windows, 1996)
63  HIND: The Russian Combat Helicopter Simulation (DOS, 1996)
62  AH-64 Apache Air Assault (Windows, 2003)
62  Dangerous Waters (Windows, 2005)
61  Gunship (DOS, 1986)
60  Thunderchopper (DOS, 1989)
50  X-Plane 8: Deluxe (Windows, 2006)
45  Jane's Combat Simulations: Longbow 2 (Windows, 1997)
44  Jane's Combat Simulations: AH-64D Longbow (DOS, 1996)
40  Enemy Engaged 2 (Windows, 2007)
40  Enemy Engaged 2: Desert Operations (Windows, 2008)
40  Tomahawk (DOS, 1987)

Notes: Games similar to Enemy Engaged: RAH-66 Comanche versus Ka-52 Hokum, Games like Enemy Engaged: RAH-66 Comanche versus Ka-52 Hokum, Razorworks, Empire Interactive Entertainment, Windows, Simulation, Vehicular Combat Simulator, 1st-person, 3rd-person, Other, Helicopter, PC, Game Similarities.

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