7th Sea: A Pirate's Pact (Windows, 2018)
Games similar to 7th Sea: A Pirate's Pact:
90  Choice of the Pirate (Windows, 2016)
62  Choice of Magics (Windows, 2018)
60  Rent-a-Vice (Windows, 2018)
60  DinoKnights (Windows, 2018)
60  The Road to Canterbury (Windows, 2018)
60  Silverworld (Windows, 2018)
60  Showdown at Willow Creek (Windows, 2018)
60  The Hero Project: Open Season (Windows, 2018)
60  Stronghold: A Hero's Fate (Windows, 2018)
60  I, Cyborg (Windows, 2018)
60  Tower Behind the Moon (Windows, 2018)
60  Death Collector (Windows, 2018)
60  Weyrwood (Windows, 2018)
59  Reckless Space Pirates (Windows, 2017)
59  Demon Mark: A Russian Saga (Windows, 2017)
59  Avatar of the Wolf (Windows, 2017)
59  Grand Academy for Future Villains (Windows, 2017)
59  The Cryptkeepers of Hallowford (Windows, 2017)
59  The Last Monster Master (Windows, 2017)
59  T-Rex Time Machine (Windows, 2017)
59  Chronicon Apocalyptica (Windows, 2019)
59  Broadway: 1849 (Windows, 2017)
59  Runt of the Litter (Windows, 2017)
59  The Eagle's Heir (Windows, 2017)
58  Hollywood Visionary (Windows, 2015)
58  Saga of the North Wind (Windows, 2016)
58  MetaHuman Inc. (Windows, 2015)
57  Versus: The Lost Ones (Windows, 2015)
57  Diabolical (Windows, 2015)
57  Choice of the Petal Throne (Windows, 2015)
52  Pendragon Rising (Windows, 2015)
51  Choice of Rebels: Uprising (Windows, 2017)
50  Blood Money (Windows, 2018)
50  The Mysteries of Baroque (Windows, 2018)
50  Choice of Broadsides: HMS Foraker (Windows, 2018)
50  Plundered Hearts (DOS, 1987)
50  Undercover Agent (Windows, 2018)
50  The Martian Job (Windows, 2018)
49  Welcome to Moreytown (Windows, 2017)
49  The Superlatives: Aetherfall (Windows, 2017)
49  Heart of the House (Windows, 2017)
49  Trials of the Thief-Taker (Windows, 2017)
49  Creatures Such as We (Windows, 2017)
49  Choice of the Cat (Windows, 2017)
49  Tally Ho (Windows, 2017)
49  The Hero Unmasked! (Windows, 2017)
48  Congresswolf (Windows, 2016)
48  Empyrean (Windows, 2016)
48  Cannonfire Concerto (Windows, 2016)
47  The ORPHEUS Ruse (Windows, 2015)
47  Sixth Grade Detective (Windows, 2015)
47  Ratings War (Windows, 2015)
47  A Wise Use of Time (Windows, 2015)
46  Psy High (Windows, 2014)
46  Thieves' Gambit: The Curse of the Black Cat (Windows, 2014)
42  Fallen Hero: Rebirth (Windows, 2018)
40  Gilded Rails (Windows, 2018)
40  The Aether: Life as a God (Windows, 2018)
40  The Twelve Trials (Windows, 2018)
40  The Last Wizard (Windows, 2018)
40  Doomsday on Demand 2 (Windows, 2018)
40  Doomsday on Demand (Windows, 2018)
40  The Magician's Burden (Windows, 2018)
40  The Great Tournament 2 (Windows, 2018)
40  Community College Hero: Knowledge Is Power (Windows, 2018)
40  Nuclear Powered Toaster (Windows, 2018)

Notes: Games similar to 7th Sea: A Pirate's Pact, Games like 7th Sea: A Pirate's Pact, Choice of Games LLC, Choice of Games LLC, Windows, Adventure, Sea Pirates, Caribbean, Interactive Fiction, Text Adventure, RPG elements, Text-based, Spreadsheet, ChoiceScript games, PC, Game Similarities.

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