1914: Prelude to Chaos (Windows, 2017)
Games similar to 1914: Prelude to Chaos:
90  Introvert Quest (Windows, 2017)
69  Pokémon Uranium (Windows, 2016)
66  Pokémon Zeta (Windows, 2013)
66  Pokémon Omicron (Windows, 2013)
66  Epic Battle Fantasy 3 (Windows, 2016)
63  Destiny Warriors (Windows, 2015)
62  Final Fantasy III (Windows, 2014)
60  Septerra Core: Legacy of the Creator (Windows, 1999)
58  Metal as Phuk (Windows, 2017)
55  Millennium: A New Hope (Windows, 2009)
54  Fernz Gate (Windows, 2018)
53  Final Fantasy V Advance (Windows, 2015)
53  Final Fantasy III (Windows, 2015)
53  Alphadia Genesis (Windows, 2015)
50  Mysterious Song (DOS, 2000)
50  Breath of Fire III (Windows, 2001)
50  Ba nv shen wu yu (DOS, 1994)

Notes: Games similar to 1914: Prelude to Chaos, Games like 1914: Prelude to Chaos, Amaterasu Software, Amaterasu Software, Windows, Role-Playing, RPG, World War I, Anime, Manga, Japanese-style RPG, JRPG, War, Turn-based, Bird's-eye view, RPG Maker, PC, Game Similarities.

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