8-Bit Bayonetta (Windows, 2017)
Games similar to 8-Bit Bayonetta:
89  Lichtspeer (Windows, 2016)
87  Squirm (Windows, 2018)
80  Carious Weltling II (Windows, 2005)
80  La Espada Sagrada (DOS, 1990)
65  Treadnauts (Windows, 2018)
61  Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime (Windows, 2015)
60  GoNNER (Windows, 2016)
59  Seraph (Windows, 2016)
59  Crystal Cosmos (Windows, 2016)
58  Demons with Shotguns (Windows, 2015)
58  Gryphon Knight: Epic (Windows, 2015)
58  Lupinball (Windows, 2017)
57  Squidlit (Windows, 2018)
57  Akane (Windows, 2018)
56  Super Mutant Alien Assault (Windows, 2016)
56  Tower Fortress (Windows, 2017)
56  Iron Crypticle (Windows, 2017)
55  1979: Invasion Earth (Windows, 2017)
55  Rive (Windows, 2016)
55  High Noon Revolver (Windows, 2017)
55  The Braves & Bows (Windows, 2017)
55  Pixel Space Battles (Windows, 2017)
55  Degauss (Windows, 2017)
55  Jump Gunners (Windows, 2017)
55  Death Rings of Jupiter (Windows, 2017)
55  Africa Hunting (Windows, 2017)
55  Blast Lander (Windows, 2017)
55  Achievement Hunter: Offensive (Windows, 2017)
55  Fighter of Evil (Windows, 2017)
55  Invasion (Windows, 2017)
55  Last Soldier (Windows, 2017)
55  Robot Heroes (Windows, 2017)
55  Hero Barrier (Windows, 2017)
55  Straimium Immortaly (Windows, 2016)
54  TowerFall: Ascension (Windows, 2014)
54  MilitAnt (Windows, 2016)
54  Castle Invasion: Throne Out (Windows, 2016)
54  Aperion Cyberstorm (Windows, 2018)
54  Super GunWorld 2 (Windows, 2016)
54  Cycle 28 (Windows, 2018)
54  Nutty Dimension (Windows, 2016)
54  PixBit (Windows, 2016)
54  Square Heroes (Windows, 2015)
54  Mystik Belle (Windows, 2015)
54  Bard's Gold (Windows, 2015)
54  Cally's Caves 3 (Windows, 2016)
54  Pang Adventures (Windows, 2016)
54  Spencer (Windows, 2018)
54  Spac3 Invaders Extr3me (Windows, 2018)
54  Super Destronaut (Windows, 2016)
54  Spooky Ghosts Dot Com (Windows, 2018)
54  Cloud Master (Windows, 2018)
54  Gun Rage (Windows, 2018)
54  Axiom Verge (Windows, 2015)
54  Älg Invaders: Return of the Gädda (Windows, 2016)
54  Super Destronaut DX (Windows, 2018)
54  Brave Dungeon (Windows, 2016)
54  Lock Her Up: The Trump Supremacy (Windows, 2018)
54  Cave Story (Windows, 2005)
54  Super Weekend Mode (Windows, 2018)
54  Achievement Hunter: Unicorn (Windows, 2018)
53  Cuphead (Windows, 2017)
53  Paperbound (Windows, 2015)
53  Out of This World (DOS, 1992)
53  Capsule Force (Windows, 2015)
53  Sol Divide (Windows, 2015)
53  Uriel's Chasm 2: Et (Windows, 2015)
53  Horizon Shift (Windows, 2015)
53  Explosionade (Windows, 2015)
53  Iron Fisticle (Windows, 2014)
52  Groundskeeper 2 (Windows, 2014)
52  The Culling of the Cows (Windows, 2014)
52  Flashback: The Quest for Identity (DOS, 1993)
52  Cave Story+ (Windows, 2011)
52  Rock Boshers DX: Directors Cut (Windows, 2014)
52  Uriel's Chasm (Windows, 2014)
52  Viktor (Windows, 2014)
52  Aquaria (Windows, 2007)
51  Gentlemen! (Windows, 2013)
51  Blackthorne (Windows, 2013)
50  Max 2: Counterattack (Windows, 2002)
50  Blackthorne (DOS, 1994)
50  The Interceptor (DOS, 1993)
50  Navy Moves (DOS, 1990)
50  Skull Quest I: The Cyan Sarcophagus (DOS, 1993)
50  Plexu: The Time Travellers (DOS, 1990)
50  Joe Blade (DOS, 1990)
50  Super Methane Bros (Windows, 2001)
50  Space Invaders (DOS, 1995)
50  Aliens (DOS, 1996)
50  The Dungeons of Grimlor II (DOS, 1995)
50  Ack-Ack Attack! (DOS, 1995)
50  Skull Quest II: The Vortex (DOS, 1994)
50  Spit Wad Willy (DOS, 1993)
50  PLEBS (DOS, 1989)
50  Il grande gioco di Tangentopoli (DOS, 1993)
50  Scud Atak (DOS, 1991)
50  Alien Attack (DOS, 1993)
50  Electroman (DOS, 1993)
50  Patriot Command (DOS, 1992)
50  Bandits! (DOS, 1992)
50  SDI2040 (DOS, 1993)
50  Goferpop (DOS, 1991)
50  Sandstorm (DOS, 1993)
50  Space Intruders (DOS, 1993)
50  PC-Fun (DOS, 1985)
50  Jetpack: Christmas Special (DOS, 1993)
50  Gravitar (DOS, 1993)
50  TIE Invaders (DOS, 1996)
50  Tick Attack (DOS, 1983)
50  Cash Invaders (DOS, 2002)
50  Zak Zapper (Windows, 2000)
50  LaserAge (Windows, 1999)
50  Space Armada (Windows, 2010)
50  Air-Strike (DOS, 1998)
50  Space Fortress (DOS, 1999)
50  Just Shoot The Thing! (Windows, 2000)
50  Magical Chase (Windows, 1998)
50  Space Invaders (Windows, 1999)
50  Alien Invaders 2000 (Windows, 1999)
50  Invaders From Neptune! (Windows, 2000)
50  3D Mars Mission (Windows, 2001)
50  Love Invaders (Windows, 2005)
50  Dark Angael (Windows, 1997)
50  Orbsters (Windows, 1997)
50  Disney's Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games (Windows, 1995)
50  Avenger (DOS, 1997)
50  Disney's Arcade Frenzy (Windows, 1999)
50  Dactylus (DOS, 1997)
50  CHAMP Galaxia (DOS, 1996)
50  Super Stupid Space Invaders (DOS, 1997)
50  Invaders 95 (Windows, 1995)
50  Nelda Nockbladder's Anatomy Lesson (Windows, 1997)
50  CHAMP Galagon (DOS, 1997)
50  Galagatron (Windows, 1996)
50  CHAMP Invaders (DOS, 1997)
50  Choppy the Pork Chop (Windows, 1996)
50  Buggers (Windows, 2001)
50  Platoon (DOS, 1987)
50  Booster Trooper (Windows, 2010)
50  Insect Invade II (Windows, 2005)
50  Cybernoid II (Windows, 2002)
50  Wings 2 (Windows, 2006)
50  Hell Yeah!: Wrath of the Dead Rabbit (Windows, 2012)
50  Buzz Bombers (Windows, 2010)
50  Guarda Castelos Upgrade (Windows, 2012)
50  Stick Soldiers (Windows, 2002)
50  Centipede (Windows, 2010)
50  Fighter (Windows, 1995)
50  Astrosmash (Windows, 2010)
50  Out of This World (Windows, 2006)
50  Teng Soldier (Windows, 2010)
50  Demons to Diamonds (Windows, 2010)
50  Totally Tiny Arcade (Windows, 2007)
50  Galaxian (Windows, 2008)
50  Blasturon (Windows, 2008)
50  The Cleaner (Windows, 2008)
50  Emberwind (Windows, 2009)
50  Feyruna - Fairy Forest (Windows, 2007)
50  Froggy Castle (Windows, 2003)
50  Clone Invader (DOS, 1989)
50  Granny's Garden (Windows, 2007)
50  Invaders Possibly from Space (Windows, 2009)
50  Crazy Hunt (Windows, 2008)
50  Exerion (Windows, 2004)
50  Lucky Luke (DOS, 1987)
50  Ghosts 'N Goblins (DOS, 1987)
50  Tommy's Space Goblins (DOS, 1987)
50  Spider Fighter (Windows, 2010)
50  Mushroom Mania (DOS, 1987)
50  3105 A.D. (Windows, 2003)
50  Burger Blaster (DOS, 1988)
50  Air-Sea Battle (Windows, 2010)
50  Intifada (DOS, 1989)
50  Space Spirals (DOS, 1988)
50  Contra (DOS, 1988)
50  Bit-Bat (DOS, 1982)
50  Pooyan (Windows, 2010)
50  IBM Personal Computer BASIC Compiler (included game) (DOS, 1982)
50  Star Ship Attack (DOS, 1982)
50  Anti-Ballistic-Missile (DOS, 1982)
50  UFO (DOS, 1982)
50  Skeet Shoot (DOS, 1982)
50  Spyder (DOS, 1983)
50  Space Commanders (DOS, 1983)
50  DemonLisher (Windows, 2004)
50  Zapshot (DOS, 1986)
50  Millipede (Windows, 2004)
49  Stellar Interface (Windows, 2016)
47  A City Sleeps (Windows, 2014)
45  Spacecats with Lasers: The Outerspace (Windows, 2017)
45  Taras Bulba and platforms of Hoolion (Windows, 2017)
45  Original Journey (Windows, 2017)
45  Atomik: RunGunJumpGun (Windows, 2016)
44  Wings of Wor (Windows, 2016)
44  Mini Doom (Windows, 2016)
44  Iro Hero (Windows, 2018)
44  Lazy Galaxy: Rebel Story (Windows, 2018)
44  Mini Doom II (Windows, 2018)
44  Lazy Galaxy (Windows, 2018)

Notes: Games similar to 8-Bit Bayonetta, Games like 8-Bit Bayonetta, Bitbaboon, Platinum Games Inc., SEGA Games Co., Ltd., Windows, Action, Fantasy, Shooter, Side view, Fixed, Flip-screen, Unity, PC, Game Similarities.

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