Xatax (DOS, 1994)
SIMILARITY RANKING Games similar to Xatax:
95 |  | Illusion Blaze (DOS, 1994) | 95 |  | The Day 4: Icarus (DOS, 1994) | 95 |  | Super Beemger (DOS, 1994) | 95 |  | IAS (DOS, 1994) | 94 |  | Geu Nal-i Omyeon 3: Dragon Force (DOS, 1993) | 94 |  | The Day 5: Assault Dragon (DOS, 1995) | 94 |  | SK-111 'Star Killer' (Windows, 1995) | 94 |  | Into the Sun: Projected Distruction (DOS, 1995) | 92 |  | Blood Money (DOS, 1990) | 92 |  | Revolver360 Re:Actor (Windows, 2014) | 91 |  | Syder Arcade (Windows, 2012) | 91 |  | Alien Stars (Windows, 2008) | 90 |  | IO (Windows, 2007) | 90 |  | Astro Tripper (Windows, 2009) | 90 |  | Power-Up (Windows, 2014) | 90 |  | Leave Home (Windows, 2010) | 90 |  | Absolute Blue (Windows, 2005) | 90 |  | Side Arms Hyper Dyne (DOS, 1988) | 90 |  | Menace (DOS, 1989) | 90 |  | Steel Saviour (Windows, 2004) | 90 |  | WarMachine Overload (Windows, 2005) | 90 |  | C-RUSH (Windows, 2014) | 90 |  | Star Blaze (Windows, 2005) | 90 |  | Fren-ze (Windows, 2006) | 85 |  | Project-X (DOS, 1994) | 84 |  | Fox Ranger II: Second Mission (DOS, 1993) | 84 |  | Delvion Star Interceptor (DOS, 1995) | 83 |  | Fox Ranger (DOS, 1992) | 83 |  | Jets 'n' Guns (Windows, 2004) | 83 |  | Interpose (DOS, 1996) | 83 |  | Defender (DOS, 1992) | 83 |  | Stargunner (DOS, 1996) | 82 |  | Forgotten Worlds (DOS, 1991) | 82 |  | Blaster! (DOS, 1997) | 82 |  | Mono Space (DOS, 1997) | 82 |  | Betamax (DOS, 1997) | 82 |  | Nebula Fighter (DOS, 1997) | 81 |  | Jets 'n' Guns Gold (Windows, 2007) | 81 |  | Steredenn (Windows, 2015) | 81 |  | Procyon (Windows, 2014) | 81 |  | RS-2 (DOS, 1990) | 80 |  | Zeroth Zone (DOS, 1999) | 80 |  | Pulstar (Windows, 2016) | 80 |  | Time Pilot (Windows, 2010) | 80 |  | Star Breaker (DOS, 1989) | 80 |  | Blazing Star (Windows, 2016) | 80 |  | Gleylancer (Windows, 2016) | 80 |  | Nebula Fighter (Windows, 2003) | 80 |  | 2V Hoverbike (Windows, 2017) | 80 |  | Revenge of Defender (DOS, 1989) | 80 |  | AfterBurn (Windows, 2004) | 80 |  | Super Chain Crusher Horizon (Windows, 2012) | 80 |  | Stargunner (Windows, 2013) | 80 |  | Starmaxx (DOS, 1983) | 80 |  | 3105 A.D. (Windows, 2003) | 80 |  | Platypus (Windows, 2002) | 80 |  | Hornado (Windows, 2001) | 80 |  | Bio Hazard Battle (Windows, 2010) | 80 |  | PixelShips (Windows, 2000) | 80 |  | BlastZone 2 (Windows, 2011) | 75 |  | Tubular Worlds (DOS, 1994) | 72 |  | In the Hunt (Windows, 1997) | 70 |  | Armalyte (Windows, 2010) | 70 |  | G Darius (Windows, 2000) | 70 |  | Astrobatics (Windows, 2003) | 70 |  | Redux: Dark Matters (Windows, 2014) | 70 |  | Darius Gaiden (Windows, 1999) | 70 |  | Last Resort (Windows, 2008) | 70 |  | Armed Seven (Windows, 2008) | 70 |  | Zangeki Warp (Windows, 2017) | 65 |  | Entity (DOS, 1994) | 65 |  | The Orion Project (DOS, 1994) | 64 |  | Jim Power: The Lost Dimension in 3D (DOS, 1993) | 64 |  | Meteor Mission (DOS, 1995) | 64 |  | Prototype (DOS, 1995) | 64 |  | Duke Nukem II (DOS, 1993) | 64 |  | VanSlug: X Mission (DOS, 1995) | 64 |  | Major Stryker (DOS, 1993) | 64 |  | World Quest (DOS, 1993) | 63 |  | Bit Blaster XL (Windows, 2016) | 63 |  | Dalek Attack (DOS, 1992) | 63 |  | Hurrican (Windows, 2007) | 63 |  | Space Vegetables (DOS, 1992) | 63 |  | Hydorah (Windows, 2010) | 63 |  | Firewind (DOS, 1996) | 63 |  | Baoxiao Chuji (DOS, 1992) | 63 |  | Box Ranger (DOS, 1992) | 63 |  | Stillhunt (DOS, 1996) | 63 |  | Hunter Hunted (Windows, 1996) | 62 |  | Duke Nukum: Episode 1 - Shrapnel City (DOS, 1991) | 62 |  | Super Hydorah (Windows, 2017) | 62 |  | Duke Nukum: Episode 2 - Mission: Moonbase (DOS, 1991) | 62 |  | Duke Nukem (DOS, 1991) | 62 |  | Duke Nukum: Episode 3 - Trapped in the Future (DOS, 1991) | 62 |  | Realm (DOS, 1997) | 62 |  | Super Cyborg (Windows, 2014) | 62 |  | MURI (Windows, 2013) | 62 |  | Lazarus (DOS, 1997) | 62 |  | Ikaruga (Windows, 2014) | 62 |  | The Fourth Generation (DOS, 1997) | 62 |  | Starcom (DOS, 1997) | 62 |  | MAZ! (Windows, 2017) | 61 |  | The Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures (Windows, 2013) | 61 |  | Solaris 1.0.4. (Windows, 2000) | 61 |  | Awesomenauts (Windows, 2012) | 61 |  | Galactic Patrol (Windows, 1998) | 61 |  | Space Tripper (Windows, 2002) | 61 |  | Xenon 2000: Project PCF (Windows, 2000) | 61 |  | P47 Thunderbolt (DOS, 1990) | 61 |  | Jackson City (DOS, 1990) | 60 |  | Duke Nukem II (Windows, 2013) | 60 |  | The Final Warrior (Windows, 2014) | 60 |  | Stellar 2D (Windows, 2015) | 60 |  | Duke Nukem (Windows, 2013) | 60 |  | Warside (Windows, 2015) | 60 |  | Isin-Densin Zero (Windows, 1999) | 60 |  | Ballpoint Universe: Infinite (Windows, 2013) | 60 |  | Alien Horde (Windows, 2003) | 60 |  | Sonic Princess (Windows, 2001) | 60 |  | Gaurodan (Windows, 2013) | 60 |  | TechnoSylph: vsys gaiden Special version (Windows, 2003) | 60 |  | Entrance Gate (Windows, 2002) | 60 |  | Zappa Roidz (DOS, 1989) | 60 |  | The Cleaner (Windows, 2008) | 60 |  | Major Stryker (Windows, 2014) | 60 |  | Crimzon Clover (Windows, 2010) | 60 |  | Battle Squadron (Windows, 2013) | 60 |  | Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection (Windows, 2014) | 60 |  | Dark Matter (Windows, 2013) | 60 |  | Cho Ren Sha 68k (Windows, 2001) | 60 |  | BiFrost (Windows, 2013) | 60 |  | Tyrian 2000 (Windows, 1999) | 60 |  | Wisp Lisp: Array of List (Windows, 2011) | 60 |  | Gunner 3 (Windows, 2000) | 60 |  | Anyman (Windows, 2012) | 60 |  | Great Glacier (Windows, 2004) | 60 |  | Killer Baby (Windows, 2006) | 60 |  | The Great Paper Adventure (Windows, 2010) | 60 |  | Solar 2 (Windows, 2011) | 60 |  | Gundeadligne (Windows, 2011) | 60 |  | Uriel's Chasm 2: Et (Windows, 2015) | 60 |  | Raiden IV (Windows, 2015) | 60 |  | Gentrieve (Windows, 2010) | 60 |  | UFO-Hunt 2001 (Windows, 2001) | 60 |  | Fire Zone (Windows, 1999) | 60 |  | Marsh (Windows, 2010) | 60 |  | The Steel Empire (Windows, 2017) | 60 |  | Street Fighter X Mega Man (Windows, 2012) | 60 |  | Intensity XS: ReCharge (Windows, 2001) | 60 |  | GFID Advanced Place: Project φ (Windows, 2001) | 60 |  | VectorMan (Windows, 2010) | 60 |  | Intensity XS (Windows, 2001) | 60 |  | Maidens of a Hollow Dream (Windows, 2018) | 60 |  | RayStorm (Windows, 2001) | 60 |  | Hydorah (Windows, 2013) | 60 |  | Heckpoint (Windows, 2017) | 60 |  | Urban Uprising: Dark New World (Windows, 2006) | 60 |  | Alien Tequila (Windows, 2002) | 60 |  | Bullshot (Windows, 2016) | 60 |  | Xenon (DOS, 1989) | 60 |  | ProtoType (Windows, 2006) | 60 |  | Raiden III (Windows, 2006) | 60 |  | Hellraider (DOS, 1989) | 60 |  | Nighthaw-X3000 (Windows, 2017) | 60 |  | Angelfish (Windows, 2006) | 60 |  | Metroid Sigma (Windows, 2015) | 60 |  | Ironclad (Windows, 2016) | 60 |  | Dark Moon (DOS, 1999) | 60 |  | Halo Zero (Windows, 2005) | 60 |  | Reflex Point (DOS, 1985) | 60 |  | Bob Morane: Science Fiction 1 (DOS, 1987) | 60 |  | Major Havoc (Windows, 2010) | 60 |  | Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future (DOS, 1988) | 60 |  | Monadius (Windows, 2005) | 60 |  | Inescapable (Windows, 2013) | 60 |  | Robocop 2D 2: Robocop vs Terminator (Windows, 2005) | 60 |  | Adagio (Windows, 2005) | 60 |  | Tyrian 2000 (DOS, 1999) | 60 |  | Out 'M' Up (DOS, 2000) | 60 |  | Weapon of Choice (Windows, 2015) | 60 |  | Gongbat (Windows, 2015) | 60 |  | Nick Naster's eXtinction (Windows, 2003) | 60 |  | Crimzon Clover: World Ignition (Windows, 2014) | 60 |  | Asteria (Windows, 2014) | 60 |  | Zub (Windows, 2007) | 60 |  | Project Root (Windows, 2014) | 60 |  | DubWars (Windows, 2016) | 60 |  | Protoganda: Strings (Windows, 2007) | 60 |  | Override (Windows, 2017) | 60 |  | Varia (Windows, 2007) | 60 |  | Supercharged Robot Vulkaiser (Windows, 2007) | 60 |  | Space Strike (Windows, 2007) | 60 |  | BII-NARY: The War Against Pop-Ups (Windows, 2002) | 60 |  | Fuck Space! (Windows, 2006) | 60 |  | GraviTron (Windows, 2006) | 60 |  | Broken Pearl (Windows, 2014) | 60 |  | PixelShips Retro (Windows, 2006) | 60 |  | Journey to Silius (Windows, 2017) | 60 |  | DroneSwarm (Windows, 2007) | 60 |  | Uriel's Chasm (Windows, 2014) | 60 |  | Clean Asia! (Windows, 2007) | 60 |  | Nux (Windows, 2007) | 60 |  | TUMIKI Fighters (Windows, 2004) | 60 |  | Blessed (Windows, 2007) |
Notes: Games similar to Xatax, Games like Xatax, Pixel Painters Corporation, DOS, Action, Sci-Fi, Futuristic, Shooter, Side view, Scrolling shoot 'em up, PC, Game Similarities.