3D Trek (DOS, 1992)
Games similar to 3D Trek:
44  Flies: Attack on Earth (DOS, 1993)
43  Mission Supernova (DOS, 1994)
43  Commander Blood (DOS, 1994)
43  Meltdown (DOS, 1990)
43  Andromedas Erbe (DOS, 1994)
42  Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure (DOS, 1995)
42  Blackstar: Agent of Justice (DOS, 1995)
41  Obsidian (Windows, 1997)
41  NET:Zone (DOS, 1996)
41  NET:Zone (Windows, 1996)
41  Captain Blood (DOS, 1988)
40  The Alpha Device (Windows, 2018)
40  Batman: Arkham VR (Windows, 2017)
40  Tacoma (Windows, 2017)
40  Water Planet (Windows, 2017)
40  The Arrival (Windows, 1997)
40  Verde Station (Windows, 2014)
40  The Infinite Ocean (Windows, 2004)
40  Biosys (Windows, 1999)
40  Acalius: Enemies of the Wild (Windows, 2005)

Notes: Games similar to 3D Trek, Games like 3D Trek, DOS, Adventure, Sci-Fi, Futuristic, 1st-person, PC, Game Similarities.

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