90 |  | The Untouchables (DOS, 1989) |
85 |  | Gobernators (Parodia política peruana) (Windows, 2016) |
83 |  | Spooky Ghosts Dot Com (Windows, 2018) |
80 |  | Nocturnal Emmision (Windows, 2001) |
74 |  | Super Amazing Wagon Adventure (Windows, 2013) |
70 |  | Private Investigator (Windows, 1996) |
70 |  | Jail Break (Windows, 2010) |
70 |  | Desperado 2 (DOS, 1991) |
60 |  | Crime Wave (DOS, 1990) |
57 |  | Neko Navy (Windows, 2017) |
57 |  | Butcher (Windows, 2016) |
57 |  | Duck Game (Windows, 2015) |
57 |  | Mini Ghost (Windows, 2017) |
57 |  | Alien Splatter Redux (Windows, 2017) |
56 |  | Downwell (Windows, 2015) |
56 |  | Amaranthine (Windows, 2016) |
56 |  | Broforce (Windows, 2015) |
56 |  | Straimium Immortaly (Windows, 2016) |
56 |  | Ghost 1.0 (Windows, 2016) |
56 |  | Rive (Windows, 2016) |
56 |  | CounterAttack (Windows, 2016) |
56 |  | GoNNER (Windows, 2016) |
56 |  | Gunman Clive 2 (Windows, 2015) |
56 |  | Good Robot (Windows, 2016) |
56 |  | Squidlit (Windows, 2018) |
56 |  | Q-YO Blaster (Windows, 2018) |
56 |  | Bleed 2 (Windows, 2017) |
56 |  | Juanito Arcade Mayhem (Windows, 2017) |
56 |  | Akane (Windows, 2018) |
56 |  | Squirm (Windows, 2018) |
55 |  | Mystik Belle (Windows, 2015) |
55 |  | Alien Run (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Nutty Dimension (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | .EXE (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Experience (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Cally's Caves 2 (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Super Space Pug (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Rogue Stormers (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Bard's Gold (Windows, 2015) |
55 |  | Deadbolt (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Asteroid Bounty Hunter (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Infinity Wings: Scout and Grunt (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Operation Hardcore (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | MilitAnt (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Super Mustache (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Holodrive (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Pink Heaven (Windows, 2015) |
55 |  | Steredenn (Windows, 2015) |
55 |  | Cally's Caves 3 (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | The Angry Video Game Nerd II: ASSimilation (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Blood Alloy: Reborn (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | GrottyScape (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Angus Hates Aliens (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Mighty No. 9 (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | The Way (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Blazing Star (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Pulstar (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Pixel Gladiator (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Best Buds vs. Bad Guys (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Let Them Come (Windows, 2017) |
55 |  | Tower Fortress (Windows, 2017) |
55 |  | Flinthook (Windows, 2017) |
55 |  | Duke of Alpha Centauri (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Cancelled Refuge (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Septic Savages (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Chicka Wars (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Super GunWorld 2 (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Magnetta (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Too Angry to Space (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | AM2R: Return of Samus (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Evil Robots from N1M (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Steam Heart (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Gunnihilation (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | A Quiver of Crows (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Square Heroes (Windows, 2015) |
55 |  | Guns, Gore & Cannoli (Windows, 2015) |
55 |  | Seraph (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Crystal Cosmos (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Metal Slug 2: Super Vehicle - 001/II (Windows, 2016) |
55 |  | Pink Hour (Windows, 2014) |
55 |  | Kero Blaster (Windows, 2014) |
54 |  | Soldier of Failure: Operation Zombie (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | TAGAP 3: The Apocalyptic Game About Penguins 3 (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | David (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Bleed (Windows, 2013) |
54 |  | Robot Exploration Squad (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Necromonads (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Beekyr Reloaded (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Fighter of Evil (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | PixelJunk Shooter Ultimate (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Gunslugs (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Gunslugs II (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Gryphon Knight: Epic (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Cave Story (Windows, 2005) |
54 |  | Explosionade (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | FeeSoeeD (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | The Braves & Bows (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Running VoltGun (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | TAGAP 2: The Apocalyptic Game About Penguins 2 (Windows, 2011) |
54 |  | Crazy Catman (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Dragon Bros (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | 2V Hoverbike (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Zzzz-Zzzz-Zzzz (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Explottens (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Zen vs Zombie (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Crush (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Void Source (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Super Mega Bob (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | ShipLord (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Mint (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Green Cat (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Soldier of Failure 2 (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Death Rings of Jupiter (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Vintage Hero (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Guns, Gore & Cannoli 2 (Windows, 2018) |
54 |  | Contradiction (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Nongünz (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | It Lurks Below (Windows, 2018) |
54 |  | ENYO Arcade (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Trespassers (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Omega Strike (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Mayhem ZX (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Shadow Complex: Remastered (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | The Mummy Demastered (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | High Noon Revolver (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Mines of Mars (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Alien Rampage (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Terra Lander (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Metanet Hunter CD (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Battlecrew: Space Pirates (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Darkness Assault (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Badass Hero (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Captain Kaon (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Paladin (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Pizzarian (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | 12 is Better Than 6 (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Luckslinger: A Fistful of Fortune (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | SEEP Universe (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Sol Divide (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Damn (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Apocalypse Night (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Life on Mars: Remake (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Galacide (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Icarus-X: Tides of Fire (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Ice Cream Surfer (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Achievement Hunter: Offensive (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Rustbucket Rumble (Windows, 2015) |
54 |  | Soldier of Failure (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Hereafter (Windows, 2017) |
54 |  | Procyon (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Humanity Asset (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Achievement Hunter: Punk (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Platformines (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Crystal Caves (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Commander Keen: Keen Dreams (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Mercenary Kings (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Heavy Recoil: Convoy Chaser (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Xeodrifter (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Furry 2 Remake (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Enemy Mind (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Ancient Future (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Infinos Gaiden (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda EX (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Achievement Hunter: Zombie 3 (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Cycle 28 (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Snake Plissken X Jack Burton (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Achievement Hunter: Golem (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Dr.Green (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Birdcakes (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Achievement Hunter: Unicorn (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Achievement Hunter: Knight (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Black Bird (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | America's Retribution (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Fast Food Rampage (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Mega Coin Squad (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Scud Frenzy (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Ammo Pigs: Armed and Delicious (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Iji (Windows, 2008) |
53 |  | Leopoldo Manquiseil (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Ukrainian Ninja (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Rock Boshers DX: Directors Cut (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Jets 'n' Guns 2 (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Super Strawberry Man (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | TAGAP: The Apocalyptic Game About Penguins (Windows, 2007) |
53 |  | Cloud Master (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Gun Rage (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | GunGirl 2 (Windows, 2010) |
53 |  | Achievement Hunter: Cat (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Pilam Sky (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Achievement Hunter: Samurai (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | RiftStar Raiders (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Achievement Hunter: Chef (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Viktor (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Achievement Hunter: Zombie 2 (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Chaos Domain (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Radical Roach Deluxe (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Guilt Battle Arena (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Jet Gunner (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Aperion Cyberstorm (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Achievement Hunter: Princess (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Retrobooster (Windows, 2014) |
53 |  | Achievement Hunter: Witch (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Double Kick Heroes (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Achievement Hunter: Mermaid (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Achievement Hunter: Gnom (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Fatal Stormer (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Spencer (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Grood (Windows, 2018) |
53 |  | Achievement Hunter: Dragon (Windows, 2018) |