EvilQuest (Windows, 2014)
Games similar to EvilQuest:
45  Song of the Myrne: What Lies Beneath (Windows, 2015)
44  Hero Siege (Windows, 2013)
43  Brandish (Windows, 2016)
43  Xak: The Art of Visual Stage (Windows, 2016)
42  Brandish 2: The Planet Buster (Windows, 2017)
40  Bultaneun Yeonghon (DOS, 1993)
40  Super Samtong (DOS, 1994)
40  Prophecy (DOS, 1989)
40  The Molten Core (Windows, 2008)
40  Narsillion: Leithian Another Story (Windows, 2002)
40  Fire King (DOS, 1990)

Notes: Games similar to EvilQuest, Games like EvilQuest, Chaosoft Games, Chaosoft Games, Windows, Action, Role-Playing, RPG, Fantasy, Top-down, PC, Game Similarities.

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