//N.P.P.D. RUSH//: The Milk of Ultraviolet (Windows, 2014)
Games similar to //N.P.P.D. RUSH//: The Milk of Ultraviolet:
74  Uriel's Chasm 2: Et (Windows, 2015)
64  Neon Chrome (Windows, 2016)
63  Neon Hardcorps (Windows, 2016)
62  Interphase (DOS, 1989)
60  NY Warriors (DOS, 1991)
55  Uriel's Chasm (Windows, 2014)
52  Cyberhunt (Windows, 2017)
41  Area 4643 (Windows, 2018)

Notes: Games similar to //N.P.P.D. RUSH//: The Milk of Ultraviolet, Games like //N.P.P.D. RUSH//: The Milk of Ultraviolet, Rail Slave Games, KISS Ltd, Windows, Action, Cyberpunk, Dark Sci-Fi, Shooter, Top-down, Nauseous Pines, Uriel's Chasm, PC, Game Similarities.

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