.heartbeats (Windows, 2012)
Games similar to .heartbeats:
48  Jisei: The First Case (Windows, 2010)
48  Juniper's Knot (Windows, 2017)
48  Air Pressure (Windows, 2010)
47  SC2VN (Windows, 2015)
44  The 39 Steps (Windows, 2013)
43  One Day in London (Windows, 2016)
42  Wild Island Quest (Windows, 2015)
42  Heaven Will Be Mine (Windows, 2018)
41  Sixtieth Kilometer (Windows, 2016)
41  The Silver Case (Windows, 2016)
41  Heileen: Sail Away (Windows, 2008)
41  Everlasting Summer (Windows, 2013)
40  Fable of the Sword (Windows, 2018)
40  Sleepless Night (Windows, 2012)
40  SpaceTone (Windows, 2018)
40  Sad City 42 (Windows, 2017)
40  Beyond the Sunset (Windows, 2017)
40  Homeward (Windows, 2012)
40  The Barbarian and the Subterranean Caves (Windows, 2017)
40  Black Pencil (Windows, 2004)

Notes: Games similar to .heartbeats, Games like .heartbeats, Windows, Adventure, Visual Novel, 1st-person, Ren'Py, PC, Game Similarities.

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