1000 Amps (Windows, 2012)
Games similar to 1000 Amps:
65  Toki Tori (Windows, 2010)
63  Beaver Builder (Windows, 2010)
63  MouseCraft (Windows, 2014)
63  Expand (Windows, 2015)
63  In Between (Windows, 2015)
62  Tulpa (Windows, 2015)
61  Bacteria (Windows, 2016)
60  OVIVO (Windows, 2017)
60  Panda Craze (Windows, 2007)
60  Deru: The Art of Cooperation (Windows, 2018)
60  Magnetic Joe (Windows, 2007)
53  Lemmings 2: The Tribes (DOS, 1993)
51  Happy Tree Friends: False Alarm (Windows, 2008)
50  Mr. Driller (Windows, 2000)
50  Mr. Driller 2 (Windows, 2002)
50  Randomizator (Windows, 2017)
45  Spirits (Windows, 2012)
40  Space Bastards: Sudden Justice (Windows, 1999)

Notes: Games similar to 1000 Amps, Games like 1000 Amps, Windows, Puzzle, Metroidvania, Platform, Side view, 2D scrolling, Explorable platformer, Metroidvania, PC, Game Similarities.

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