Shadows on the Vatican - Act II: Wrath (Windows, 2015)
Games similar to Shadows on the Vatican - Act II: Wrath:
43  The Colonel's Bequest (Windows, 2017)
43  Cubert Badbone, P.I. (Windows, 2003)
42  The Second Guest (Windows, 2012)
42  Oz Orwell and the Crawling Chaos (Windows, 2012)
41  The Colonel's Bequest (DOS, 1989)
41  Dexter: The Game (Windows, 2011)
41  Sherlock Holmes vs. Jack the Ripper (Windows, 2009)
40  RIS: Delitti Imperfetti (Windows, 2008)
40  Chronicles of Mystery: The Scorpio Ritual (Windows, 2008)
40  Chronicles of Mystery: The Tree of Life (Windows, 2009)
40  Murders in Space (DOS, 1990)
40  Hugo II: Whodunit? (DOS, 1991)
40  Die Sage von Nietoom (DOS, 1994)
40  Trick or Treat (DOS, 1994)
40  Demon Day (DOS, 2004)
40  Daryl F. Gates Police Quest: Open Season (DOS, 1993)
40  Batman Returns (DOS, 1992)
40  Scooby-Doo!: Case File #3 - Frights! Camera! Mystery! (Windows, 2007)
40  Free D.C! (DOS, 1991)
40  Evidence: The Last Report (DOS, 1996)
40  A.S.L.E.: Die Tierspürnasen - Katzenraub im Vogelviertel (Windows, 2006)
40  Mortadelo y Filemón: El Escarabajo de Cleopatra (Windows, 2001)
40  Shadow of Destiny (Windows, 2002)
40  Scooby-Doo!: Case File N°2 - The Scary Stone Dragon (Windows, 2003)
40  Mortadelo y Filemón: Operación Moscú (Windows, 2001)
40  Polda 3 (Windows, 2000)
40  Mortadelo y Filemón: El Sulfato Atómico (Windows, 1997)
40  The Final Cut (Windows, 2001)
40  Piposh Hollywood (Windows, 1999)
40  Mortadelo y Filemón: Balones y Patadones (Windows, 2003)
40  Mortadelo y Filemón: Mamelucos a la Romana (Windows, 2003)
40  Hinter Gittern Vol. II (Windows, 2006)
40  Dollar (Windows, 2006)
40  Evidence: The Last Report (Windows, 1996)
40  Delaware St. John: Volume 2: The Town with No Name (Windows, 2005)
40  Im Namen des Gesetzes (Windows, 2005)
40  Demon Day (Windows, 2004)
40  Hinter Gittern: Der Frauenknast (Windows, 2004)
40  Balko (Windows, 2005)
40  Kids Zone: My Horse Gang (Windows, 2006)

Notes: Games similar to Shadows on the Vatican - Act II: Wrath, Games like Shadows on the Vatican - Act II: Wrath, 10th Art Studio, Adventure Productions, Adventure Productions, KISS Ltd, Windows, Adventure, Detective, Mystery, 3rd-person, Other, PC, Game Similarities.

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