2 Squared (Windows, 1999)
Games similar to 2 Squared:
65  Whirlwords (Windows, 1999)
65  WordSearch (Windows, 1999)
63  x15 (Windows, 2001)
63  Casper's Treasure Hunt (Windows, 1997)
63  Revolver (Windows, 2001)
63  Mosaic (Windows, 2001)
62  7D Rings (Windows, 2002)
62  2D 3D Puzzle Dreamy Kiss (Windows, 2002)
62  2D 3D Puzzle Say I Do (Windows, 2002)
62  2D 3D Puzzle War Craft No1 (Windows, 2002)
54  NightSparks (Windows, 2000)

Notes: Games similar to 2 Squared, Games like 2 Squared, MG Software, MG Software, Windows, Puzzle, Turn-based, 1st-person, Fixed, Flip-screen, Tile matching puzzle, removal, PC, Game Similarities.

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