3 Cards to Midnight (Windows, 2009)
Games similar to 3 Cards to Midnight:
85  Hostile Makeover (Windows, 2009)
84  The Secret of Margrave Manor (Windows, 2008)
83  Mysteryville (Windows, 2007)
64  Jade Rousseau: The Secret Revelations - The Fall of Sant' Antonio (Windows, 2010)
63  Private Eye: Greatest Unsolved Mysteries (Windows, 2007)
63  Phantasmat (Windows, 2011)
63  Interpol: The Trail of Dr. Chaos (Windows, 2007)
62  Castle (Windows, 2012)
60  Path of Sin: Greed (Windows, 2018)
60  Ashley Clark: Secret of the Ruby (Windows, 2018)
60  Crime Secrets: Crimson Lily (Windows, 2016)
60  Beyond the Invisible: Darkness Came (Windows, 2018)
60  Lost Civilization (Windows, 2014)
55  Route 66 (Windows, 2009)
55  Jane Angel: Templar Mystery (Windows, 2009)
55  Jessica: Mysterious Journey (Windows, 2009)
55  Margrave Manor 2: The Lost Ship (Windows, 2009)
55  Kellie Stanford: Turn of Fate (Windows, 2009)
54  Paranormal Agency (Windows, 2008)
53  P. J. Pride: Pet Detective (Windows, 2007)
53  Jewel Quest Mysteries: The Seventh Gate (Windows, 2011)
52  Bluebeard's Castle (Windows, 2012)
51  Urban Legends: The Maze (Windows, 2013)
50  The Panic Room (Windows, 2016)
50  Endless Fables 3: Dark Moor (Windows, 2018)
50  Rescue Lucy (Windows, 2016)
50  Queen's Quest 3: The End of Dawn (Windows, 2017)

Notes: Games similar to 3 Cards to Midnight, Games like 3 Cards to Midnight, Big Finish, Inc., Big Finish, Inc., Windows, Adventure, Puzzle, Cards, Tiles, Hidden object, Word Construction, Detective, Mystery, 1st-person, Top-down, Female, Amnesia, PC, Game Similarities.

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