3 Stars of Destiny (Windows, 2009)
Games similar to 3 Stars of Destiny:
99  Laxius Force III: The Last Stand (Windows, 2010)
99  Laxius Force II (Windows, 2009)
90  Asguaard (Windows, 2009)
89  Laxius Force (Windows, 2008)
85  Laxius Power II (Windows, 2003)
85  Laxius Power III (Windows, 2004)
85  Laxius Power (Windows, 2002)
80  Millennium 2: Take Me Higher (Windows, 2009)
79  Millennium 3: Cry Wolf (Windows, 2010)
78  Millennium 4: Beyond Sunset (Windows, 2011)
78  Sylia (Windows, 2011)
77  The Book of Legends (Windows, 2012)
77  Moonchild (Windows, 2012)
63  Broken Hearts (Windows, 2007)
62  Skyborn (Windows, 2012)
60  Chronus Arc (Windows, 2018)
59  Aveyond (Windows, 2008)
58  Aveyond 2 (Windows, 2007)
56  Blades of Heaven (Windows, 2005)
53  Breath of Death VII: The Beginning (Windows, 2011)
51  Valyria Tear (Windows, 2013)
50  Prologue: A Guardian Story (Windows, 2014)
50  Rhapsody of Zephyr (Windows, 1998)
50  Legend of a Ninja: A Shadow to Remember (Windows, 2014)
50  Foresight Dolly (DOS, 1995)
50  Vickinachi (Windows, 2017)
50  Legend of the Ancient Dragon (DOS, 1996)
50  Pier Solar and the Great Architects (Windows, 2014)
50  Tenshi no Uta (Windows, 2016)
50  Rance VI: Zeth Hōkai (Windows, 2004)
50  Legend of the Ancient Dragon (Windows, 1997)
50  Jiji and the Mysterious Forest: Chapter 3 (Windows, 1996)
50  The Legend of Heroes IV: Akai Shizuku (Windows, 2000)
42  Branmarker: Shami Risni no Bōken (Windows, 2006)
40  Phantom Knight: Mugen no Meikyū II (Windows, 2000)
40  Desert Time: Mugen no Meikyū (Windows, 1998)
40  Phantom Knight: Mugen no Meikyū 3 - Type S (Windows, 2003)
40  Tōshin Toshi II (Windows, 1997)
40  Knights of Xentar (DOS, 1994)

Notes: Games similar to 3 Stars of Destiny, Games like 3 Stars of Destiny, Aldorlea Games, Aldorlea Games, Windows, Role-Playing, RPG, Fantasy, Anime, Manga, Top-down, RPG Maker, PC, Game Similarities.

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