99 Action & Arcade (Windows, 2007)
Games similar to 99 Action & Arcade:
65  War Rock (Windows, 2007)
65  Panzer Killer! (Windows, 2007)
65  Commanding Officer: Tank Battalion Eastern Front 1941-1945 (Windows, 2007)
65  Frontlines: Fuel of War (Windows, 2008)
64  Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (Windows, 2015)
63  Delta Force: Xtreme 2 (Windows, 2009)
62  Tank-O-Box (Windows, 2004)
62  Extreme Assault (DOS, 1997)
61  War of Tank (Windows, 2011)
60  Ashes (Windows, 2002)
60  Gear Up (Windows, 2015)
60  Tread Marks (Windows, 2000)
60  TankTime 3D (Windows, 2000)
60  Heavy Metal (DOS, 1989)
60  Hammer 2 (Windows, 2017)
57  Enemy Territory: Quake Wars (Windows, 2007)
55  Assault Heroes (Windows, 2007)
53  NecroVisioN: Lost Company (Windows, 2009)
53  Section 8 (Windows, 2009)
53  Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Windows, 2009)
53  Last Galaxy Hero (Windows, 2005)
52  Breed (Windows, 2004)
52  Space Paranoids (Windows, 2004)
51  Incoming: The Final Conflict (Windows, 1998)
51  Steel Storm: Burning Retribution (Windows, 2011)
50  Combat (Windows, 2001)
50  Gemini-2 (DOS, 1986)
50  Space Tank (Windows, 2014)
50  Tokyo Warfare (Windows, 2016)
50  Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair (Windows, 2016)
50  Nova 9: The Return of Gir Draxon (DOS, 1991)
50  Metal Rage: Defender of the Earth (DOS, 1996)
50  Battlezone (Windows, 2017)
50  The Warrior War (Windows, 2018)
50  Gunmetal (DOS, 1998)
50  T-Mek (DOS, 1996)
50  Assault Rigs (DOS, 1996)
50  Desert Gunner (Windows, 2014)
50  Warthog Wars (Windows, 2014)
50  Gunmetal (Windows, 1998)
50  Recoil (Windows, 1999)
50  Hard Core (Windows, 2001)
50  Red Crucible 2: Reborn (Windows, 2018)
46  Call of Duty: World at War (Windows, 2008)
46  Battlefield 2142 (Windows, 2006)
46  Battlefield 2 (Windows, 2005)
45  Halo 2 (Windows, 2007)
45  Call of Duty 2 (Windows, 2005)
45  Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (Windows, 2010)
44  Battlefield: Vietnam (Windows, 2004)
44  Call of Duty (Windows, 2003)
44  Battlefield 3 (Windows, 2011)
43  Battlefield 1942 (Windows, 2002)
43  Battlefield: Vietnam - Redux (Windows, 2005)
43  Halo: Combat Evolved (Windows, 2003)
42  Battlefield V (Windows, 2018)
42  Battlefield 4 (Windows, 2013)
40  Command & Conquer: Renegade (Windows, 2002)
40  World War 3 (Windows, 2018)
40  BattleRush 2 (Windows, 2018)

Notes: Games similar to 99 Action & Arcade, Games like 99 Action & Arcade, Alten8 Ltd., Windows, Action, Arcade, Shooter, 1st-person, 3rd-person, Other, Tank, PC, Game Similarities.

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