* R-Chain (Windows, 2013) * R-activ (DOS, 1995) * R.A.M. (DOS, 1990) * R.A.W: Realms of Ancient War (Windows, 2012) * R.B.I. Baseball 15 (Windows, 2015) * R.B.I. Baseball 16 (Windows, 2016) * R.B.I. Baseball 2 (DOS, 1991) * R.I.P. (Windows, 2005) * R.I.P.D.: Rest in Peace Department - The Game (Windows, 2013) * R.O.M. Gold: Rings of Medusa (DOS, 1994) * R.S.A Darts (DOS, 1993) * R.U.S.E.: The Art of Deception (Windows, 2010) * R/C Helicopter: Indoor Flight Simulation (Windows, 2002) * RAM Ghost (Windows, 2013) * RAM! (DOS, 1985) * RAMSAK (DOS, 1982) * RATillery (DOS, 2016) * RC Cars (Windows, 2003) * RC Daredevil (Windows, 2001) * RC Fun City (Windows, 2018) * RC Plane 3 (Windows, 2017) * RC Racers II (Windows, 2000) * RC Racing: Off Road 2.0 (Windows, 2016) * RC Simulation 2.0 (Windows, 2015) * RC Toy Machines (Windows, 2006) * RE: Prince of Nigeria (Windows, 2013) * RECT WINDER (ASCII) (Windows, 2007) * RETRO 4 (Windows, 2008) * RF Online (Windows, 2006) * RIM: Battle Planets (Windows, 2001) * RIP 3: The Last Hero (Windows, 2008) * RIP: Strike Back (Windows, 2006) * RIS: Delitti Imperfetti (Windows, 2008) * ROD: Revolt Of Defense (Windows, 2016) * ROGUS: Kingdom of The Lost Souls (Windows, 2015) * ROKH (Windows, 2017) * ROM CHECK FAIL (Windows, 2008) * RON 13:13: Retaliation (Windows, 2004) * RON 13:13^2: The Thickening (Windows, 2004) * RON 2 and 1/2: Fowl Play (Windows, 2001) * ROTN Quiz Game (Windows, 2003) * ROX (DOS, 1993) * RPG MO (Windows, 2015) * RPG Maker 2000 (Windows, 2000) * RPG Maker 2003 (Windows, 2002) * RPG Maker MV (Windows, 2015) * RPG Maker VX (Windows, 2007) * RPG Maker VX Ace (Windows, 2011) * RPG Maker XP (Windows, 2005) * RPG Tycoon (Windows, 2016) * RS-2 (DOS, 1990) * RS3: Racing Simulation Three (Windows, 2002) * RTL Biathlon 2007 (Windows, 2006) * RTL Biathlon 2009 (Windows, 2008) * RTL Boxen Extra: Der Boxmanager (Windows, 2000) * RTL Racing Team Manager (Windows, 2008) * RTL Ski Jumping 2005 (Windows, 2004) * RTL Ski Jumping 2007 (Windows, 2006) * RTL Skijumping 2006 (Windows, 2005) * RTL Skispringen 2002 (Windows, 2001) * RTL Skispringen 2003 (Windows, 2002) * RTL Skispringen 2004 (Windows, 2003) * RTL Skispringen Herausforderung 2001 (Windows, 2000) * RTL Winter Games 2007 (Windows, 2006) * RWBY: Grimm Eclipse (Windows, 2016) * RYL: Path of the Emperor (Windows, 2005) * Rabbids Go Home (Windows, 2010) * Rabbit Hole 3D (Windows, 2014) * Rabbit Island (Windows, 2016) * Rabbit Valley Legend (Windows, 2018) * Rabbit Wars (Windows, 2007) * Rabi-Ribi (Windows, 2016) * Raccoon Hero (Windows, 2017) * Race (Windows, 2018) * Race 07: Official WTCC Game (Windows, 2007) * Race Arcade (Windows, 2017) * Race Car 'Rithmetic (DOS, 1983) * Race Cars: The Extreme Rally (Windows, 2006) * Race Drivin' (DOS, 1992) * Race Mania (DOS, 1996) * Race Track (Windows, 1995) * Race for the Galaxy (Windows, 2017) * Race for the Galaxy AI (Windows, 2009) * Race the Nags (DOS, 1993) * Race the Sun (Windows, 2013) * Race to Mars (Windows, 2014) * Race! (DOS, 1989) * Race: The Official WTCC Game (Windows, 2006) * RaceRoom Racing Experience (Windows, 2013) * Racecar (DOS, 1983) * Racecraft (Windows, 2016) * Racer (DOS, 1994) * Racer 8 (Windows, 2014) * Racer Jammer (DOS, 1982) * Rachel's Retreat (Windows, 2011) * Rachunkowe Abecadło (DOS, 1994) * Racing Pitch (Windows, 2006) * Rack 'Em (DOS, 1988) * Rack 'Em Up (Windows, 2010) * Rack N Ruin (Windows, 2015) * Racket: Nx (Windows, 2017) * Racter (DOS, 1984) * Rad Rodgers (Windows, 2018) * Rad Rodgers: World One (Windows, 2016) * Rad Warrior (DOS, 1987) * Rad-Challenge 07 (Windows, 2007) * Radar Defense (Windows, 2017) * Radar Lock (Windows, 2010) * Radial-G: Racing Revolved (Windows, 2016) * Radiant Melodia (Windows, 2018) * Radiant One (Windows, 2018) * Radiation Island (Windows, 2016) * Radical Heights (Windows, 2018) * Radical Roach Deluxe (Windows, 2014) * Radio Baseball (DOS, 1986) * Radix: Beyond the Void (DOS, 1995) * Raft (Windows, 2016) * Rag Doll Kung Fu (Windows, 2006) * Ragdoll Cannon (Windows, 2009) * Ragdoll Matrix (Windows, 2004) * Rage (Windows, 2011) * Rage Against the Machine (DOS, 1997) * Rage Against the Zombies (Windows, 2017) * Rage Parking Simulator 2016 (Windows, 2016) * Rage Rally (Windows, 2002) * Rage in Peace (Windows, 2018) * Rage of Mages (Windows, 1998) * Rage of Mages II: Necromancer (Windows, 1999) * Raging Justice (Windows, 2018) * Ragnarok (DOS, 1993) * Ragnarok II: Legend of the Second (Windows, 2013) * Ragnarök Online (Windows, 2002) * Rags to Riches: The Financial Market Simulation (DOS, 1993) * RahJongg: The Curse of Ra (Windows, 1998) * Raid on Coasts (Windows, 2017) * Raid: World War II (Windows, 2017) * Raiden (DOS, 1994) * Raiden II (Windows, 1997) * Raiden III (Windows, 2006) * Raiden IV (Windows, 2015) * Raiden IV: OverKill (Windows, 2015) * Raiden V: Director's Cut (Windows, 2017) * Raiders of the Broken Planet: Prologue (Windows, 2017) * RaidersSphere4th (Windows, 2015) * Rail Cargo Simulator (Windows, 2009) * Rail Simulator (Windows, 2007) * RailKings Model Railroad Simulator (Windows, 2002) * RailWorks (Windows, 2009) * RailWorks 2: Train Simulator (Windows, 2010) * RailWorks 3: Train Simulator 2012 (Windows, 2011) * Railroad Empire (DOS, 1989) * Railroad Lines (Windows, 2008) * Railroad Pioneer (Windows, 2003) * Railroad Puzzles (Windows, 2001) * Railroad Tycoon 3 (Windows, 2003) * Railroad Tycoon II (Windows, 1998) * Railroad X (Windows, 2014) * Rails Across America (Windows, 2001) * Railsimulator.com's Train Simulator 2013 (Windows, 2012) * Railway Challenge (DOS, 1993) * Railway Empire (Windows, 2018) * Rain Blood Chronicles: Mirage (Windows, 2013) * Rain Talisman (Windows, 2007) * Rain World (Windows, 2017) * Rainbow Fish and the Amazing Lagoon (Windows, 2003) * Rainbow Fish and the Whale (Windows, 2001) * Rainbow Fish: The Most Beautiful Fish in the Ocean (Windows, 2002) * Rainbow Hero (Windows, 2015) * Rainbow Islands (Windows, 2004) * Rainbow Mystery (Windows, 2010) * Rainbow Snake (Windows, 2017) * Rainbow Step (Windows, 2017) * Rainbow Web (Windows, 2005) * Rainbow Web 2 (Windows, 2008) * Rainforest Cascade (Windows, 2007) * Raining Blobs (Windows, 2016) * Raining Coins (Windows, 2017) * Rajikonheri `yūsha'! (Windows, 2011) * Rake (Windows, 2015) * Rakker and the Sinking Cities (Windows, 2007) * Raklem: War on Earth (Windows, 2002) * Raku Jongg (Windows, 2000) * Rakuen (Windows, 2017) * RalliSport Challenge (Windows, 2002) * Rallo Gump (DOS, 1994) * Rally Challenge (Windows, 1997) * Rally Championship Xtreme (Windows, 2001) * Rally Championships (DOS, 1994) * Rally Copters (Windows, 2016) * Rally Cross Challenge (DOS, 1989) * Rally Poland (Windows, 2010) * Rally Racers (Windows, 1996) * Rally Racers (Windows, 2017) * Rally Sport (DOS, 1996) * Rally Trophy (Windows, 2001) * Rally-K! (DOS, 1995) * Ralph Bosson's High Seas (DOS, 1988) * Ram Boe (Windows, 2016) * Rama (DOS, 1996) * Rama (Windows, 1996) * Ramayana (Windows, 2015) * Rambo III (DOS, 1989) * Rambo: First Blood Part II (DOS, 1985) * Rambo: The Video Game (Windows, 2014) * Ramen (Windows, 2018) * Ramonovo Kouzlo (DOS, 1995) * Rampage (DOS, 1988) * Rampage Knights (Windows, 2015) * Rampage World Tour (Windows, 1997) * Rampart (DOS, 1992) * Rampcube (DOS, 1991) * Ranadin 2.0 (DOS, 1989) * Ranadinn (DOS, 1988) * Rance 5D: Hitoribocchi no Onna no Ko (Windows, 2002) * Rance Quest (Windows, 2011) * Rance VI: Zeth Hōkai (Windows, 2004) * Ranch Rush (Windows, 2008) * Randal's Monday (Windows, 2014) * Randall (Windows, 2017) * Randar no Bōken (Windows, 2017) * Randevu s neznakomkoy 2 (Windows, 2001) * Randevu s neznakomkoy 3: Kurortnyi roman (Windows, 2001) * Randevu s neznakomkoy: Priklyucheniya studenta (Windows, 2002) * Random House Puzzles & Games: Crosswords (Windows, 2004) * Randomizator (Windows, 2017) * Randy Balma: Municipal Abortionist (Windows, 2008) * Range (Windows, 2010) * Rangi (Windows, 2017) * Rangy Lil's Wild West Adventure (Windows, 2009) * Ranx: The Video Game (DOS, 1990) * Rapala Pro Fishing (Windows, 2004) * Rapanui (Windows, 1998) * RapeLay (Windows, 2006) * Rapid Assault (DOS, 1995) * Rapid Gunner: Tactical Shooter (Windows, 2004) * Rapid Response (DOS, 1992) * Rapid Tap (Windows, 2018) * Rappelz (Windows, 2006) * Raptor (Windows, 2005) * Raptor Valley: Night 1 (Windows, 2016) * Raptor: Call of the Shadows (DOS, 1994) * Raptor: Call of the Shadows (Windows, 1997) * Rapture: World Conquest (Windows, 2017) * Rascals: Carnival Isles (Windows, 2009) * Rasetsu (Windows, 2001) * Rasputin's Curse (Windows, 2010) * Rastan (DOS, 1990) * Rasty Pelican (Windows, 2017) * Rat Attack! (Windows, 2007) * Rat Hunter (Windows, 2006) * Rat Simulator (Windows, 2017) * Ratatouille (Windows, 2007) * Rath-Tha (DOS, 1992) * Ratings War (Windows, 2015) * Rats (Windows, 2015) * Rats! (Windows, 1998) * Ratz Instagib (Windows, 2016) * Ravage (DOS, 1996) * Ravage D.C.X (Windows, 1996) * Ravaged (Windows, 2012) * Rave Shuttle: The Cosmic Challenge (Windows, 1997) * Raven Squad (Windows, 2009) * Raven's Cry (Windows, 2015) * Raven: Chapter 1 - The Commands of Eurybia (Windows, 2007) * Ravenfield (Windows, 2017) * Ravenloft: Stone Prophet (DOS, 1995) * Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession (DOS, 1994) * Ravenmark: Scourge of Estellion (Windows, 2015) * Ravensword: Shadowlands (Windows, 2013) * Raw Data (Windows, 2017) * Raw Footage (Windows, 2018) * Raw Poker (Windows, 2001) * Ray Gigant (Windows, 2016) * Ray-Hound (Windows, 2006) * RayStorm (Windows, 2001) * Raycatcher (Windows, 2009) * Rayman (Windows, 1995) * Rayman (DOS, 1995) * Rayman 2: The Great Escape (Windows, 1999) * Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc (Windows, 2003) * Rayman Arena (Windows, 2001) * Rayman Designer (Windows, 1997) * Rayman Legends (Windows, 2013) * Rayman Origins (Windows, 2012) * Rayman: Raving Rabbids (Windows, 2007) * Rayman: Raving Rabbids 2 (Windows, 2008) * Rayon Riddles: Rise of the Goblin King (Windows, 2016) * Razed (Windows, 2018) * Razor2: Hidden Skies (Windows, 2010) * Razortron 2000 (Windows, 2016) * Re-Loaded (Windows, 2015) * Re-Loaded (DOS, 1997) * Re-Mission (Windows, 2006) * Re-Volt (Windows, 1999) * Re;Lord 1: The Witch of Herfort and Stuffed Animals (Windows, 2018) * ReCUB 2000 (Windows, 2000) * ReVOLUTION (Windows, 2002) * Reach for the Skies (DOS, 1993) * Reach for the Stars (Windows, 2000) * Reach for the Stars: The Conquest of the Galaxy (DOS, 1988) * Reach out for Gold (DOS, 1993) * Reactor 09 (Windows, 2006) * Read 'N Roll (DOS, 1988) * Reader Rabbit (DOS, 1987) * Reader Rabbit 2 (DOS, 1991) * Reader Rabbit 2: Deluxe! (Windows, 1996) * Reader Rabbit 3 (DOS, 1993) * Reader Rabbit Maths Ages 6-8 (Windows, 2003) * Reader Rabbit's Kindergarten (Windows, 1997) * Reader Rabbit's Preschool (Windows, 1997) * Reader Rabbit's Reading 1 (Windows, 1997) * Reader Rabbit's Reading 2 (Windows, 1997) * Reader Rabbit's Ready for Letters (DOS, 1992) * Reader Rabbit's Toddler (Windows, 1998) * Reader Rabbit: 1st Grade (Windows, 1998) * Reader Rabbit: 1st Grade - Capers on Cloud Nine! (Windows, 2001) * Reader Rabbit: 2nd Grade - Mis-cheese-ious Dreamship Adventures! (Windows, 2001) * Reader Rabbit: Kindergarten - Bounce Down in Balloon Town! (Windows, 2001) * Reader Rabbit: Personalized 2nd Grade (Windows, 1999) * Reader Rabbit: Preschool - Sparkle Star Rescue! (Windows, 2001) * Reading Blaster Mission 1: Secret of the Sunken Treasure (Windows, 2001) * Reading Blaster Mission 2: Planet of the Lost Things (Windows, 2001) * Reading Simulator (Windows, 2017) * Reagan Gorbachev (Windows, 2016) * Reah: Face the Unknown (Windows, 1999) * Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers (Windows, 2016) * Real Boxing (Windows, 2014) * Real Crimes: Jack the Ripper (Windows, 2009) * Real Crimes: The Unicorn Killer (Windows, 2009) * Real Detectives: Murder in Miami (Windows, 2010) * Real Drift (Windows, 2018) * Real Farm (Windows, 2017) * Real Flight R/C Simulator Deluxe (Windows, 1999) * Real Heroes: Firefighter (Windows, 2012) * Real Kanojo (Windows, 2010) * Real Lives (Windows, 2002) * Real Myst (Windows, 2000) * Real Pool 2 (Windows, 2002) * Real Pool 3D: Poolians (Windows, 2018) * Real Soccer 2009 (Windows, 2009) * Real Video Poker (Windows, 1998) * Real War (Windows, 2001) * Real War: Rogue States (Windows, 2002) * Real Warfare II: Northern Crusades (Windows, 2011) * Real Warfare: 1242 (Windows, 2011) * Real World Golf (Windows, 2005) * Real World Golf 2007 (Windows, 2006) * Real World Racing (Windows, 2013) * Real-Action Basketball (Windows, 2006) * RealFlight 8 (Windows, 2018) * RealSports Baseball (Windows, 2010) * RealSports Tennis (Windows, 2010) * RealSports Volleyball (Windows, 2010) * Really Big Sky (Windows, 2011) * Really Happy Mouse (Windows, 2014) * Realm (DOS, 1997) * Realm Grinder (Windows, 2017) * Realm Royale (Windows, 2018) * Realm of the Mad God (Windows, 2012) * Realms (DOS, 1992) * Realms Online (Windows, 2011) * Realms of Arkania III: Shadows over Riva (DOS, 1997) * Realms of Arkania III: Shadows over Riva (Windows, 2009) * Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny (Windows, 2013) * Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny (DOS, 1993) * Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny (Windows, 2013) * Realms of Arkania: Star Trail (DOS, 1994) * Realms of Arkania: Star Trail (Windows, 2013) * Realms of Arkania: Star Trail (Windows, 2017) * Realms of Chaos (Windows, 2013) * Realms of Chaos (DOS, 1995) * Realms of Magic (Windows, 2017) * Realms of the Haunting (Windows, 2011) * Realms of the Haunting (DOS, 1997) * Realmz (Windows, 1999) * Realpolitiks (Windows, 2017) * Reaper: Tale of a Pale Swordsman (Windows, 2014) * Reaping the Dungeon (DOS, 1993) * Reassembly (Windows, 2015) * Reaxxion (Windows, 2007) * Rebel Charge at Chickamauga (DOS, 1987) * Rebel Galaxy (Windows, 2015) * Rebel Moon (DOS, 1995) * Rebel Moon Rising (Windows, 1997) * Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk (Windows, 2005) * Rebel Runner - Operation: Digital Code (DOS, 1996) * Rebels Prison Escape (Windows, 2003) * Rebons (Windows, 2017) * Rebound (DOS, 1985) * Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville (Windows, 2015) * Rebuild the History (Windows, 2012) * Rec Room (Windows, 2016) * Receiver (Windows, 2013) * Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale (Windows, 2010) * Reckless Space Pirates (Windows, 2017) * Reckon (Windows, 2003) * Recoil (Windows, 1999) * Record of Agarest War Zero (Windows, 2014) * Recourse (Windows, 2016) * Recover the Restarts! (Windows, 2011) * Recovery Search & Rescue Simulation (Windows, 2013) * Rectangles (Windows, 2004) * Recursed (Windows, 2016) * Recycle: Garbage Truck Simulator (Windows, 2014) * Red Ace (Windows, 2001) * Red Ace Squadron (Windows, 2002) * Red Ash: The Indelible Legend (Mockup) (Windows, 2015) * Red Babe (DOS, 1994) * Red Baron (DOS, 1990) * Red Baron (Windows, 2005) * Red Baron (Windows, 2010) * Red Baron 3-D (Windows, 1998) * Red Baron II (Windows, 1997) * Red Baron with Mission Builder (Windows, 1997) * Red Baron with Mission Builder (DOS, 1997) * Red Bull Air Race (Windows, 2008) * Red Bull Air Race: The Game (Windows, 2017) * Red Clash '93 (Windows, 2003) * Red Comrades 2 (Windows, 1999) * Red Comrades 3: Return of Alaska - Reloaded (Windows, 2017) * Red Comrades: Save the Galaxy - Reloaded (Windows, 1999) * Red Crucible 2: Reborn (Windows, 2018) * Red Death (Windows, 2017) * Red Eclipse (Windows, 2011) * Red Faction (Windows, 2001) * Red Faction II (Windows, 2003) * Red Faction: Armageddon (Windows, 2011) * Red Faction: Guerrilla (Windows, 2009) * Red Faction: Guerrilla - Re-Mars-tered (Windows, 2018) * Red Feud (Windows, 2002) * Red Game Without A Great Name (Windows, 2015) * Red Ghost (DOS, 1995) * Red Goddess: Inner World (Windows, 2015) * Red Hawk (Windows, 1999) * Red Haze (Windows, 2017) * Red Hot Overdrive (Windows, 2014) * Red Hot Ricochet (Windows, 2018) * Red Jets (Windows, 2004) * Red Johnson's Chronicles (Windows, 2013) * Red Johnson's Chronicles: One Against All (Windows, 2013) * Red Lake (Windows, 2015) * Red Lightning (DOS, 1989) * Red Number: Prologue (Windows, 2017) * Red Obsidian Remnant (Windows, 2017) * Red Ocean (Windows, 2007) * Red Orchestra 2 (Bohaterowie Stalingradu Edycja Kolekcjonerska) (Windows, 2011) * Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad (Windows, 2011) * Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45 (Windows, 2006) * Red Riding Hood: Star Crossed Lovers (Windows, 2018) * Red Risk (Windows, 2016) * Red Rope: Don't Fall Behind (Windows, 2016) * Red Shark (Windows, 2002) * Red Shark 2 (Windows, 2005) * Red Skies over Europe (Windows, 2004) * Red Skies: Von Stalingrad nach Berlin (Windows, 2005) * Red Spheres (Windows, 2008) * Red Storm Rising (DOS, 1989) * Red Thunder (Windows, 2000) * Red Trigger (Windows, 2016) * Red Wake Carnage (Windows, 2017) * Red's Kingdom (Windows, 2017) * RedCat (DOS, 1994) * RedCat 2: De Ontvoering van Prinses Dana (DOS, 1995) * RedCat Spookkasteel (Windows, 1997) * RedCat SuperKarts (Windows, 2000) * RedCat: Rekenen - De Razende Rekenrace (DOS, 1996) * RedCat: Rekenen - De Razende Rekenrace (Windows, 1996) * RedJack: The Revenge of the Brethren (Windows, 1998) * Redeemer (Windows, 2017) * Redemption Cemetery: Children's Plight (Windows, 2012) * Redemption Cemetery: Curse of the Raven (Windows, 2010) * Redemption: Eternal Quest (Windows, 2015) * Redemption: Saints and Sinners (Windows, 2016) * Redhook's Revenge (DOS, 1993) * Redirection (Windows, 2016) * Redisruption (Windows, 2004) * Redline (Windows, 1999) * Redline Racer (Windows, 1998) * Redmoon (Windows, 1999) * Redneck Deer Huntin' (DOS, 1997) * Redneck Deer Huntin' (Windows, 1997) * Redneck Kentucky and the Next Generation Chickens (Windows, 2007) * Redneck Rampage (DOS, 1997) * Redneck Rampage Rides Again (DOS, 1998) * Redneck Rampage: Possum Bayou (DOS, 1998) * Redneck Rampage: The Early Years (Windows, 1997) * Redrum (Windows, 2008) * Redux: Dark Matters (Windows, 2014) * Reef Shot (Windows, 2017) * Reel Deal Slots 2nd Vol. (Windows, 2002) * Reficul (Windows, 2017) * RefleX (Windows, 2014) * Reflect (Windows, 2008) * Reflection of Mine (Windows, 2017) * Reflex Arena (Windows, 2017) * Reflex Point (DOS, 1985) * Reformers (Windows, 2017) * Refrain Love: Anata ni Aitai (Windows, 1999) * Reframed (Windows, 2018) * Refunct (Windows, 2015) * Regalia: Of Men and Monarchs (Windows, 2017) * Regency Solitaire (Windows, 2015) * Regent Deluxe (DOS, 1994) * Regions of Ruin (Windows, 2018) * Regret (Windows, 2008) * Reign of Kings (Windows, 2015) * Reign: Conflict of Nations (Windows, 2009) * ReignMaker (Windows, 2014) * Reignfall (Windows, 2018) * Reigns (Windows, 2016) * Reigns: Game of Thrones (Windows, 2018) * Reigns: Her Majesty (Windows, 2017) * Reincarnations: Awakening (Windows, 2009) * Reincarnations: Uncover the Past (Windows, 2011) * Reiner Knizia's Samurai (Windows, 2003) * Reis rond de wereld in 80 dagen (Windows, 2010) * Relativity Wars (Windows, 2015) * Relentless Logic (DOS, 1985) * Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure (DOS, 1995) * Relentless: Twinsen's Adventure (Windows, 2011) * Relic Alone (Windows, 2015) * Relic Hunters Zero (Windows, 2015) * Relics Anthology (Windows, 2003) * Relics: The 2nd Birth (Windows, 2001) * Relics: The Recur of Origin (Windows, 1999) * Relik (Windows, 2017) * Relive (Windows, 2015) * Reload (Windows, 2010) * Remake de La Abadía del Crimen (Windows, 2008) * Remaya Idle (Windows, 2017) * Remedy (Windows, 2004) * Remember Me (Windows, 2013) * Remember Tomorrow (DOS, 1998) * Remembering Pearl Harbor (Windows, 2016) * Rememoried (Windows, 2015) * Remington Super Slam Hunting: Africa (Windows, 2012) * Remington Super Slam Hunting: Alaska (Windows, 2012) * Remington Top Shot: Interactive Target Shooting (Windows, 1998) * Remnants of Isolation (Windows, 2015) * Remnants of Naezith (Windows, 2018) * RemorseView (included game) (DOS, 1997) * Remote Assault (Windows, 2001) * Remote Control (DOS, 1989) * Remothered: Tormented Fathers (Windows, 2017) * Removal Man (Windows, 2003) * Rencounter (Windows, 2016) * Rend (Windows, 2018) * Rendezvous with Rama (DOS, 1985) * Rendezvous with a Stranger Girl (Windows, 2000) * Renegade (DOS, 1988) * Renegade Legion: Interceptor (DOS, 1990) * Renegade Ops (Windows, 2011) * Renegade Racers (Windows, 2000) * Renegade: Battle for Jacob's Star (DOS, 1995) * Renex III (Windows, 2004) * Renoir (Windows, 2016) * Renovate & Relocate: Boston (Windows, 2010) * Rent-a-Hero (Windows, 1999) * Rent-a-Vice (Windows, 2018) * Rento Fortune (Windows, 2017) * Repentant (Windows, 2018) * Reperfection: Volume 1 (Windows, 2012) * Replay: VHS is Not Dead (Windows, 2015) * Replica (Windows, 2016) * Reportazh (Windows, 2004) * Reprisal Universe (Windows, 2015) * Reptilian Rebellion (Windows, 2016) * Reptiloids (Windows, 2018) * Republic: The Revolution (Windows, 2003) * Requiem Hurts: Kankin (Windows, 2001) * Requiem for a Heavyweight (DOS, 1989) * Requiem: Avenging Angel (Windows, 1999) * Requiem: Memento Mori (Windows, 2008) * Requital (Windows, 2006) * Rescate en el Golfo (DOS, 1990) * Rescue (DOS, 1990) * Rescue 2: Everyday Heroes (Windows, 2015) * Rescue Frenzy (Windows, 2012) * Rescue Helicopter Simulator 2014 (Windows, 2014) * Rescue Heroes: Hurricane Havoc (Windows, 2001) * Rescue Heroes: Meteor Madness (Windows, 2002) * Rescue Lucy (Windows, 2016) * Rescue Quest Gold (Windows, 2017) * Rescue Rover (DOS, 1991) * Rescue Rover 2 (DOS, 1991) * Rescue Simulator 2014 (Windows, 2013) * Rescue Team (Windows, 2011) * Rescue Team 2 (Windows, 2012) * Rescue Team 3 (Windows, 2015) * Rescue Team 4 (Windows, 2017) * Rescue Team 5 (Windows, 2015) * Rescue at Rajini Island (Windows, 2009) * Rescue: Everyday Heroes (Windows, 2013) * Rescue: The Beagles (Windows, 2008) * Reservoir Dogs (Windows, 2006) * Reservoir Dogs: Bloody Days (Windows, 2017) * Reset 1-1 (Windows, 2016) * Resette's Prescription: Book of memory, Swaying scale (Windows, 2016) * Residence 44 Quest (DOS, 1999) * Resident Evil (Windows, 2015) * Resident Evil (Windows, 1997) * Resident Evil 0 (Windows, 2016) * Resident Evil 2 (Windows, 1998) * Resident Evil 2 (Windows, 2019) * Resident Evil 3: Nemesis (Windows, 2001) * Resident Evil 4 (Windows, 2007) * Resident Evil 5 (Windows, 2009) * Resident Evil 6 (Windows, 2013) * Resident Evil 7 Teaser: Beginning Hour (Windows, 2016) * Resident Evil 7: Biohazard (Windows, 2017) * Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City (Windows, 2012) * Resident Evil: Revelations (Windows, 2013) * Resident Evil: Revelations 2 - Episode One: Penal Colony (Windows, 2015) * Resident Evil: Survivor (Windows, 2002) * Residue (Windows, 2013) * Resonance (Windows, 2012) * Resonance of Fate (Windows, 2018) * Respect Inc (Windows, 2000) * Rest in Peace (Windows, 2016) * Restaurant Empire (Windows, 2003) * Restaurant Empire II (Windows, 2009) * Restaurant Rush (Windows, 2008) * Restricted Area (Windows, 2005) * Resurrection (Windows, 2000) * Resurrection: New Mexico (Windows, 2011) * Resynth (Windows, 2018) * Retaliation: Enemy Mine (Windows, 2015) * Retaliation: Path of War (Windows, 2014) * Retention (Windows, 2015) * Retribution (DOS, 1994) * Retro (Windows, 2005) * Retro Act (Windows, 2010) * Retro City Rampage: DX (DOS, 2015) * Retro City Rampage: DX (Windows, 2015) * Retro Game Crunch (Windows, 2014) * Retro Granny's Garden (Windows, 2006) * Retro Hacker (Windows, 2018) * Retro II (Windows, 2006) * Retro Parking (Windows, 2016) * Retro/Grade (Windows, 2013) * Retrobooster (Windows, 2014) * Retrovirus (Windows, 2013) * Retsnom (Windows, 2015) * Return Fire (Windows, 1996) * Return Fire 2 (Windows, 1998) * Return NULL: Episode 1 (Windows, 2015) * Return of Die Vie Ess (Windows, 2001) * Return of the Incredible Machine: Contraptions (Windows, 2000) * Return of the Mutant Space Bats of Doom (DOS, 1995) * Return of the Obra Dinn (Windows, 2018) * Return of the Phantom (DOS, 1993) * Return of the Tentacle: Prologue (Windows, 2018) * Return to Castle Wolfenstein (Windows, 2001) * Return to Chaos (Windows, 2001) * Return to Doom (DOS, 1988) * Return to Krondor (Windows, 1998) * Return to Kroz (DOS, 1990) * Return to Mysterious Island (Windows, 2004) * Return to Mysterious Island 2: Mina's Fate (Windows, 2009) * Return to Pirate's Island 2 (Windows, 2000) * Return to Ringworld (DOS, 1994) * Return to Sector 9 (Windows, 2007) * Return to Zork (Windows, 2011) * Return to Zork (DOS, 1993) * Return. (Windows, 2018) * Returner 77 (Windows, 2018) * Reunion (DOS, 1994) * Reus (Windows, 2013) * Reveal the Deep (Windows, 2015) * Revelation (DOS, 1992) * Revelation Online (Windows, 2018) * Revelations 2012 (Windows, 2012) * Revenant (Windows, 1999) * Revenant Dogma (Windows, 2018) * Revenant Rising (Windows, 2014) * Revenant Saga (Windows, 2017) * Revenge Quest (Windows, 2017) * Revenge of Defender (DOS, 1989) * Revenge of the Mutant Camels (DOS, 1994) * Revenge of the Titans (Windows, 2011) * Revenge of the Toys (Windows, 1998) * Reverie (Windows, 2017) * Reverse Side (Windows, 2015) * Reverse x Reverse (Windows, 2015) * Reversi (Windows, 2004) * Reversi (DOS, 1985) * Reversi (Windows, 2010) * Reversi 3D TR (Windows, 2003) * Reversi Plus (Windows, 2000) * Reversion: Chapter 1 - The Escape (Windows, 2012) * Reversion: Chapter 2 - The Meeting (Windows, 2013) * Revoke (Windows, 2018) * Revolt 1917 (Windows, 2018) * Revolution '76 (DOS, 1989) * Revolution 60 (Windows, 2016) * Revolution Ace (Windows, 2014) * Revolution Under Siege (Windows, 2010) * Revolution Under Siege: Gold (Windows, 2015) * Revolution X (DOS, 1996) * Revolve (Windows, 2017) * Revolver (Windows, 2001) * Revolver360 Re:Actor (Windows, 2014) * Revulsion (Windows, 2017) * Rewrite (Windows, 2011) * Rex Blade: The Apocalypse (DOS, 1996) * Rex Blade: The Battle Begins (DOS, 1996) * Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender (DOS, 1992) * Rex Nebular and the Cosmic Gender Bender (Windows, 2014) * Rex Rocket (Windows, 2014) * Rex: Another Island (Windows, 2017) * Rez Infinite (Windows, 2017) * Rezerwowe psy (Windows, 1999) * Rezrog (Windows, 2017) * Rhapsody of Zephyr (Windows, 1998) * Rhem (Windows, 2002) * Rhem 2: The Cave (Windows, 2005) * Rhem 3: The Secret Library (Windows, 2008) * Rhem 4: The Golden Fragments (Windows, 2010) * Rhem I SE: The Mysterious Land (Windows, 2017) * Rhem IV: The Golden Fragments - SE (Windows, 2016) * Rhianna Ford & The Da Vinci Letter (Windows, 2010) * Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches (Windows, 2008) * Rhythm Destruction (Windows, 2012) * Rhythm Zone (Windows, 2010) * RiME (Windows, 2017) * Riana Rouge (Windows, 1997) * Rich Tauber's Bass Champ (DOS, 1991) * Richard & Alice (Windows, 2013) * Richard Burns Rally (Windows, 2004) * Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa (Windows, 2007) * Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa (Pre-Order Bonus Pack) (Windows, 2007) * Richard Longhurst and the Box that Ate Time (Windows, 2003) * Richard Longhurst and the Box that Ate Time (DOS, 2001) * Richard Scarry's Best Neighborhood Disc Ever! (DOS, 1994) * Richard Scarry's Busiest Neighborhood Disc Ever! (DOS, 1994) * Richard Scarry's Busytown (Windows, 1999) * Richard Scarry's Busytown: Best Math Program Ever (Windows, 1997) * Richard Scarry's How Things Work in Busytown (Windows, 1997) * Richard Scarry's How Things Work in Busytown (DOS, 1994) * Richie the Gnome: Underground Treasures (Windows, 2012) * Richie's Plank Experience (Windows, 2016) * Richy's Nightmares (Windows, 2018) * Rick Dangerous (DOS, 1989) * Rick Dangerous 2 (DOS, 1990) * Rick Davis's World Trophy Soccer (DOS, 1989) * Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality (Windows, 2017) * Ricky Raccoon (Windows, 2017) * Ricky Raccoon 2: Adventures in Egypt (Windows, 2017) * Ricochet (Windows, 2005) * Ricochet (Windows, 2000) * Ricochet (Windows, 2001) * Ricochet Infinity (Windows, 2007) * Ricochet: Lost Worlds (Windows, 2004) * Riddle of the Sphinx: An Egyptian Adventure (Windows, 2000) * Riddled Corpses (Windows, 2015) * Ride (Windows, 2015) * Ride 'em Low (Windows, 2012) * Ride 2 (Windows, 2016) * Ride 3 (Windows, 2018) * Ride to Hell: Retribution (Windows, 2013) * Ride! (Windows, 2007) * Ride! Carnival Tycoon (Windows, 2007) * Ridge Racer: Unbounded (Windows, 2012) * Riding Champion: Legacy of Rosemond Hill (Windows, 2000) * Riding Star (Windows, 2014) * Riding Star (Windows, 1998) * Riding Star 2 (Windows, 2006) * Riding Star 3 (Windows, 2007) * Riff Racer: Race Your Music (Windows, 2015) * Rift (Windows, 2011) * RiftSpace (Windows, 2004) * RiftStar Raiders (Windows, 2018) * Rig Racer 2 (Windows, 2005) * Rig'n'Roll (Windows, 2009) * Righteous City: Part I (Windows, 2008) * Righteous City: Part II (Windows, 2008) * Righteous Kill (Windows, 2008) * Righteous Kill 2: Revenge of the Poet Killer (Windows, 2009) * Rigonauts (Windows, 2012) * Rigor Mortis (Windows, 2017) * Rikki and Mikki to the Rescue! (Windows, 2006) * RimWorld (Windows, 2016) * Rime Berta (Windows, 2014) * Ring Cycle (DOS, 1996) * Ring II: Twilight of the Gods (Windows, 2003) * Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages (Windows, 2013) * Ring of Elysium (Windows, 2018) * Ring: The Legend of the Nibelungen (Windows, 1999) * Ringer King (Windows, 1999) * Ringies (Windows, 2008) * Ringman (Windows, 2014) * Rings of Medusa (DOS, 1990) * Rings of Zilfin (DOS, 1987) * Rings of the Magi v2.0 (Windows, 2001) * Ringworld: Revenge of the Patriarch (DOS, 1992) * Rinne (Windows, 2005) * Riot Police (Windows, 2004) * Riot: Civil Unrest (Windows, 2017) * Ripley's Believe It or Not!: The Riddle of Master Lu (DOS, 1995) * Ripper (DOS, 1996) * Ripper (Limitierte Auflage) (DOS, 1996) * Riptide GP 2 (Windows, 2014) * Riptide GP: Renegade (Windows, 2016) * Rise & Fall: Civilizations at War (Windows, 2006) * Rise & Shine (Windows, 2017) * Rise 2: Resurrection (DOS, 1996) * Rise of Balloons (Windows, 2017) * Rise of Flight United (Windows, 2013) * Rise of Flight: The First Great Air War (Windows, 2009) * Rise of Industry (Windows, 2018) * Rise of Insanity (Windows, 2017) * Rise of Nations (Windows, 2003) * Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends (Windows, 2006) * Rise of Prussia (Windows, 2010) * Rise of Prussia Gold (Windows, 2013) * Rise of Venice (Windows, 2013) * Rise of the Ancients (Windows, 2016) * Rise of the Argonauts (Windows, 2008) * Rise of the Dragon (Windows, 2017) * Rise of the Dragon (DOS, 1990) * Rise of the Phoenix (DOS, 1994) * Rise of the Robots (DOS, 1994) * Rise of the Robots: The Director's Cut (DOS, 1994) * Rise of the Tomb Raider (Windows, 2016) * Rise of the Triad (Windows, 2013) * Rise of the Triad: Dark War (DOS, 1994) * Rise of the Triad: Dark War (Windows, 2009) * Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins (DOS, 1994) * Rise of the Wool Ball (Windows, 2017) * Rise to Ruins (Windows, 2014) * Risen (Windows, 2009) * Risen 2: Dark Waters (Windows, 2012) * Risen 3: Titan Lords (Windows, 2014) * Rising Angels: Hope (Windows, 2016) * Rising Angels: Reborn (Windows, 2013) * Rising Eagle: Futuristic Infantry Warfare (Windows, 2007) * Rising Islands (Windows, 2016) * Rising Kingdoms (Windows, 2005) * Rising Lands (Windows, 1997) * Rising Storm (Windows, 2013) * Rising Storm 2: Vietnam (Windows, 2017) * Rising World (Windows, 2014) * Risk (DOS, 1986) * Risk (Windows, 2007) * Risk II (Windows, 2000) * Risk of Rain (Windows, 2013) * Risk: Factions (Windows, 2011) * Risk: The Game of Global Domination (Windows, 1996) * Risk: The Official Game (Windows, 2012) * Riskers (Windows, 2017) * Risky Rescue (Windows, 2016) * Risky Woods (DOS, 1992) * Ristar (Windows, 2010) * Rite of Passage: The Perfect Show (Windows, 2013) * Rituals (Windows, 2015) * Rival Ball (Windows, 2001) * Rival Ball Tournament (Windows, 2005) * Rival Books of Aster (Windows, 2017) * Rival Megagun (Windows, 2018) * Rival Realms (Windows, 1998) * Rivals of Aether (Windows, 2015) * Rive (Windows, 2016) * Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Windows, 1997) * River City Melee: Battle Royal Special (Windows, 2017) * River City Ransom: Underground (Windows, 2017) * River City Super Sports Challenge: ~All Stars Special~ (Windows, 2015) * River Raid (Windows, 2010) * River Raid II (Windows, 2010) * River Raid eXtreme (Windows, 2003) * Riverside Explorer: version 1.0 (Windows, 2000) * Rnixa's Secret 2 (Windows, 2008) * Road Avenger (Windows, 2009) * Road Fighter (Windows, 2010) * Road Hog! (DOS, 1995) * Road Not Taken (Windows, 2014) * Road Rage (Windows, 2017) * Road Rally (DOS, 1983) * Road Rash (Windows, 1996) * Road Redemption (Windows, 2014) * Road Runner (DOS, 1989) * Road Rush (Windows, 2004) * Road Wars (Windows, 2001) * Road of Danger (Windows, 2017) * Road to Ballhalla (Windows, 2016) * Road to Fame (Windows, 2005) * Road to India: Between Hell and Nirvana (Windows, 2001) * Roadclub: League Racing (Windows, 2017) * RoadkillerZ (Windows, 2017) * Roads of Rome (Windows, 2011) * Roads of Rome II (Windows, 2015) * Roads of Rome III (Windows, 2012) * Roads of Rome: New Generation (Windows, 2017) * Roads of Rome: New Generation II (Windows, 2018) * Roadside Assistance Simulator (Windows, 2014) * Roadskunk (Windows, 1999) * Roadwar 2000 (DOS, 1987) * Roadwar Europa (DOS, 1987) * Roadworks Simulator (Windows, 2016) * Roadworks: The Simulation (Windows, 2016) * Roar (Windows, 1997) * Rob Blanc I: Better Days of a Defender of the Universe (Windows, 2000) * Rob Blanc II: Planet of the Pasteurised Pestilence (Windows, 2000) * Rob Blanc III: The Temporal Terrorists (Windows, 2000) * Robak (DOS, 1991) * Robber (Windows, 2009) * Robbery Bob: Man of Steal (Windows, 2015) * Robbie Swifthand (Windows, 2017) * Robbo (DOS, 1994) * Robbo Millennium (Windows, 2000) * Robbotto (Windows, 2018) * Robby's Adventure (Windows, 2017) * Robert D. Anderson & the Legacy of Cthulhu (Windows, 2007) * Robert E. Lee: Civil War General (Windows, 1996) * Robert Redford Saves the Day: Episode 1: Getting There (Windows, 2001) * Robert Redford Saves the Day: Episode 2 - The Pit and the Pendulum (Windows, 2001) * Robert Redford Saves the Day: Episode 3: Who Framed Roger Redford? (Windows, 2003) * Roberta Williams' King's Quest I: Quest for the Crown (DOS, 1990) * Roberta Williams' King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride (DOS, 1994) * Roberta Williams' King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride (Windows, 1995) * Roberta Williams' Mixed-Up Mother Goose (DOS, 1991) * Roberta Williams' Phantasmagoria (Windows, 1995) * Roberta Williams' Phantasmagoria (DOS, 1995) * Robin Hood's Quest (Windows, 2007) * Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown (Windows, 2003) * Robin Hood: Forest Adventures (Windows, 2004) * Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood (Windows, 2002) * Robin Steele the Waifu Thief (Windows, 2014) * Robin's Island Adventure (Windows, 2012) * Robin's Quest: A Legend Born (Windows, 2014) * Robinson Crusoe (Windows, 2001) * Robinson Crusoe and the Cursed Pirates (Windows, 2010) * Robinson's Requiem (DOS, 1994) * Robo Quest (Windows, 2012) * Robo Recall (Windows, 2017) * Robo Rumble (Windows, 1998) * RoboBall (Windows, 2018) * RoboBlitz (Windows, 2006) * RoboCop (DOS, 1989) * RoboCop (DOS, 1989) * RoboCop (Windows, 2003) * RoboCop 2D (Windows, 2004) * RoboCop 3 (DOS, 1992) * RoboMaze II: The Lobby (DOS, 1991) * Robocop 2D 2: Robocop vs Terminator (Windows, 2005) * Robocraft (Windows, 2014) * Roboforge (Windows, 2001) * Roboman (DOS, 1989) * Robomaze III: The Dome (DOS, 1991) * Robot (DOS, 1990) * Robot Arena (Windows, 2001) * Robot Arena III (Windows, 2016) * Robot Arena: Design & Destroy (Windows, 2003) * Robot City (Windows, 1995) * Robot Exploration Squad (Windows, 2015) * Robot Heroes (Windows, 2017) * Robot II: Das Labyrinth im Wald (DOS, 1990) * Robot III: Insel der heiligen Prüfung (Windows, 2004) * Robot III: Insel der heiligen Prüfung (DOS, 1992) * Robot IV: Operation ExtraTax (DOS, 1993) * Robot Junior (DOS, 1991) * Robot King Part I: Rebooted and Ready (Windows, 2017) * Robot Odyssey (DOS, 1985) * Robot Pinball Escape (Windows, 2012) * Robot Puzzle (Windows, 2002) * Robot Rascals (DOS, 1987) * Robot Rescue Revolution (Windows, 2014) * Robot Roller-Derby: Disco Dodgeball (Windows, 2015) * Robot Shield (Windows, 2017) * Robot Soccer Challenge (Windows, 2017) * Robot Squad Simulator 2017 (Windows, 2016) * Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction (Windows, 2001) * Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction (Windows, 2002) * Robotica (DOS, 1995) * Roboto (DOS, 1992) * Robotragedy (Windows, 2005) * Robotragedy 2: Countdown to Doomsday (Windows, 2006) * Robotron X (Windows, 1997) * Robotron: 2084 (DOS, 1995) * Robots (Windows, 2005) * Robottrack (Windows, 2000) * Robotz DX (Windows, 2010) * Robowars (Windows, 2014) * Robozone (DOS, 1991) * Rochard (Windows, 2011) * Rock 'N' Roll Defense (Windows, 2016) * Rock 'n Roll (DOS, 1990) * Rock Boshers DX: Directors Cut (Windows, 2014) * Rock Man (DOS, 1994) * Rock Manager (Windows, 2002) * Rock Paper Scissors Champion (Windows, 2016) * Rock Tour (Windows, 2007) * Rock Zombie (Windows, 2014) * Rock and Bach Studio (DOS, 1993) * Rock n' Roll Racing (Windows, 2014) * Rock of Ages (Windows, 2011) * Rock of Ages II: Bigger and Boulder (Windows, 2017) * Rock'N Roller (DOS, 1992) * Rock, Rock, Rock (Windows, 2008) * Rock-Slide (DOS, 1989) * Rock: A True Story (Windows, 2008) * RockShot (Windows, 2018) * Rockabilly Kid (Windows, 2009) * Rocket (DOS, 1981) * Rocket Chase (DOS, 1997) * Rocket Fighter (DOS, 1993) * Rocket Fist (Windows, 2016) * Rocket Jockey (Windows, 1996) * Rocket Knight (Windows, 2010) * Rocket Lander (DOS, 1982) * Rocket League (Windows, 2015) * Rocket Mania! Deluxe (Windows, 2003) * Rocket Racer (Windows, 2006) * Rocket Ranger (DOS, 1988) * Rocket Ranger (Windows, 2014) * Rocket Rangers (DOS, 1990) * Rocket Wars (Windows, 2017) * RocketBowl (Windows, 2004) * Rocketbirds 2: Evolution (Windows, 2017) * Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken (Windows, 2012) * Rockets (DOS, 1986) * RocketsRocketsRockets (Windows, 2015) * Rockett's Camp Adventures (Windows, 1999) * Rockett's New School (Windows, 1997) * Rockett's Secret Invitation (Windows, 1998) * Rockett's Tricky Decision (Windows, 1998) * Rockford: The Arcade Game (DOS, 1987) * Rockman 7 (Windows, 2007) * Rockman 8 (Windows, 2010) * Rockman Strategy (Windows, 2001) * Rocknor's Bad Day (Windows, 2002) * Rocko's Quest (Windows, 2003) * Rocks (DOS, 1997) * Rocks & Rockets (Windows, 2017) * Rocks 'n' Diamonds (Windows, 1998) * Rocks 'n' Diamonds (DOS, 1998) * Rocksmith: All-new 2014 Edition - Remastered (Windows, 2013) * Rockstar! (DOS, 1989) * Rocky Interactive Horror Show (Windows, 1999) * Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter 3: Trophies of the West (Windows, 2000) * Rocky Racers (Windows, 2002) * Rocky's Boots (DOS, 1984) * Rode Kill: A Day in the Life (Windows, 2001) * Rode Quest (Windows, 2002) * Rode Quest 2: The Sweet Smell of Stenchie (Windows, 2003) * Rodge Rock In Retroactive (DOS, 1995) * Rodina (Windows, 2014) * Rodney's Funscreen (DOS, 1992) * Rogue (DOS, 1984) * Rogue Clone (DOS, 1988) * Rogue Empire (Windows, 2018) * Rogue Legacy (Windows, 2013) * Rogue Quest: The Vault of the Lost Tyrant (Windows, 2017) * Rogue Stache (Windows, 2017) * Rogue State (Windows, 2015) * Rogue Stormers (Windows, 2016) * Rogue Survivor (Windows, 2010) * Rogue System (Windows, 2016) * Rogue Trooper (Windows, 2006) * Rogue Trooper: Redux (Windows, 2017) * Rogue Wizards (Windows, 2016) * Rogue'n Roll (Windows, 2017) * Roguelands (Windows, 2016) * Roketz (DOS, 1997) * Roko-Loko no Castelo do Ratozinger (Windows, 2005) * Roko-Loko no Castelo do Ratozinger Remix (Windows, 2007) * Rol Crusaders (DOS, 1995) * Roland Garros 97 (DOS, 1997) * Roland Garros 97 (Windows, 1997) * Roland Garros French Open - Paris 1999 (Windows, 2000) * Roland Garros French Open 2000 (Windows, 2000) * Roland Garros French Open 2001 (Windows, 2001) * Roland Garros French Open 2003 (Windows, 2003) * Rolemaster: Magestorm (Windows, 1996) * Rolf Kauka's Fix & Foxi: Plot's 3 (Windows, 2007) * Rollcage (Windows, 1999) * Rollcage Stage II (Windows, 2000) * Roller Coaster Apocalypse VR (Windows, 2018) * Roller Coaster Egypt VR (Windows, 2018) * Roller Coaster Factory 2 (Windows, 2002) * Roller Coaster Mania (Windows, 2007) * Roller Coaster Rampage (Windows, 2012) * Roller Coaster Rumbler (DOS, 1990) * Roller Rush (Windows, 2005) * RollerBall (Windows, 2001) * RollerCoaster Legends (Windows, 2017) * RollerCoaster Legends II: Thor's Hammer (Windows, 2018) * RollerCoaster Mania 2 (Windows, 2006) * RollerCoaster Tycoon (Windows, 1999) * RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 (Windows, 2002) * RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 (Windows, 2004) * RollerCoaster Tycoon: Classic (Windows, 2017) * RollerCoaster Tycoon: World (Windows, 2016) * Rollerblade Racer (DOS, 1993) * Rollers of the Realm (Windows, 2014) * Rollin (DOS, 1995) * Rolling Bird (Windows, 2018) * Rolling Jack (DOS, 1994) * Rolling Line (Windows, 2018) * Rolling Madness 3D (Windows, 2005) * Rolling Marbles (Windows, 1999) * Rolling Ronny (DOS, 1994) * Rolling Stones Voodoo Lounge CD-ROM (Windows, 1995) * Rolling Sun (Windows, 2015) * Roly Polys no Sekai Ryokō (Windows, 1997) * Roman Adventures: Britons - Season One (Windows, 2018) * Roman Bowl (Windows, 2007) * Romance Detective (Windows, 2016) * Romance Detective 2 (Windows, 2016) * Romance of Rome (Windows, 2009) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms (DOS, 1989) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms (Windows, 2016) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms 12 with Power Up Kit (Windows, 2018) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms II (Windows, 2017) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms II (DOS, 1991) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms III: Dragon of Destiny (Windows, 2017) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms III: Dragon of Destiny (DOS, 1993) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms IX (Windows, 2003) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms IX with Power Up Kit (Windows, 2017) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms Maker (Windows, 2015) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms VI with Power Up Kit (Windows, 2017) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII (Windows, 2000) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms VII with Power Up Kit (Windows, 2017) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII (Windows, 2002) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms VIII with Power Up Kit (Windows, 2017) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms X (Windows, 2004) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms X with Power Up Kit (Windows, 2017) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI (Windows, 2008) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIII (Windows, 2016) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms Ⅳ with Power Up Kit (Windows, 2017) * Romance of the Three Kingdoms Ⅴ with Power Up Kit (Windows, 2017) * Romancia: Another Legend (Windows, 1999) * Romancia: Dragon Slayer Jr. (Windows, 2017) * Romancing SaGa 2 (Windows, 2017) * Romancing the Seven Wonders: Taj Mahal (Windows, 2010) * Romantic Encounters at the Dome (DOS, 1988) * Romby (Windows, 2017) * Rome: Caesar's Will (Windows, 2000) * Rome: Curse of the Necklace (Windows, 2007) * Rome: Pathway to Power (DOS, 1993) * Rome: Total War (Windows, 2004) * Rommel: Battles for North Africa (DOS, 1989) * Romopolis (Windows, 2009) * Rompe Muros (DOS, 1989) * Rondgang (DOS, 1992) * Ronin (Windows, 2015) * Ronja Rövardotter (Windows, 1998) * Ronnie's Resort (Windows, 1997) * Roogoo (Windows, 2008) * Room Zoom: Race for Impact (Windows, 2003) * Roommates (Windows, 2014) * Rooms: The Main Building (Windows, 2014) * Rooms: The Unsolvable Puzzle (Windows, 2015) * RoonSehv: NeTerra (Windows, 2015) * Rooster (DOS, 1995) * Rooster Teeth vs. Zombiens (Windows, 2014) * Root of Evil: The Tailor (Windows, 2016) * Root of all Evil (Windows, 2007) * Roots of Insanity (Windows, 2017) * Ropes and Dragons (Windows, 2017) * Ropeway Simulator 2014 (Windows, 2014) * Rorke's Drift (DOS, 1990) * Rose Guns Days: Season 1 (Windows, 2012) * Rose Knight (DOS, 1996) * Rose Online (Windows, 2012) * Rosemary (Windows, 2009) * Rosemary West's House of Fortunes (DOS, 1993) * Rosenkreuzstilette (Windows, 2017) * Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel (Windows, 2017) * Rosette and Words (Windows, 2018) * Roswell Pinball (Windows, 1998) * RotaDim (Windows, 2002) * RotaPicture (Windows, 2003) * Rotaktix (DOS, 1993) * Rotastic (Windows, 2012) * Rotating Pong (DOS, 2002) * Rotlicht Tycoon (Windows, 2003) * Rotlicht Tycoon 2 (Windows, 2007) * Rotor (DOS, 1991) * Rotox (DOS, 1991) * Roulette Fever (Windows, 2000) * Round 42 (DOS, 1986) * Roundabout (Windows, 2014) * Route 66 (Windows, 2009) * Route Candle (Windows, 2016) * Routes (Windows, 2003) * Rover the Dragonslayer (Windows, 2016) * Rowan's Battle of Britain (Windows, 2001) * Roy G Beats (Windows, 2012) * Royal Battleships (Windows, 2018) * Royal Bounty (Windows, 2015) * Royal Casino: Video Poker (Windows, 2018) * Royal Defense (Windows, 2014) * Royal Detective: The Lord of Statues (Windows, 2012) * Royal Flush (DOS, 1994) * Royal Quest (Windows, 2014) * Royal Roads (Windows, 2018) * Royal Trouble (Windows, 2012) * Royal Trouble: Honeymoon Havoc (Windows, 2015) * Rubber and Lead (Windows, 2015) * Rubble N Strafe (Windows, 2014) * Rube Works: The Official Rube Goldberg Invention Game (Windows, 2014) * Rubicon (Windows, 2012) * Rubies of Eventide (Windows, 2003) * Rubik Cube (DOS, 1991) * Rubik's Cube (DOS, 1982) * Rubik's Cube Challenge (Windows, 2007) * Rubik's Games (Windows, 1999) * Rubik's Puzzle Galaxy: RUSH (Windows, 2010) * Ruby & Majesty: Treasure Team (Windows, 2018) * Ruckus Poker (DOS, 1993) * Ruckus Roulette (DOS, 1993) * Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book (DOS, 1995) * Rugby (Windows, 2000) * Rugby 06 (Windows, 2006) * Rugby 08 (Windows, 2007) * Rugby 15 (Windows, 2014) * Rugby 18 (Windows, 2017) * Rugby 2004 (Windows, 2003) * Rugby 2005 (Windows, 2005) * Rugby Challenge 3 (Windows, 2016) * Rugby League 2 (Windows, 2005) * Rugby League Live 3 (Windows, 2015) * Rugby League Live 4 (Windows, 2017) * Rugby League Team Manager 2018 (Windows, 2017) * Rugby Union Team Manager 2017 (Windows, 2016) * Rugby World Cup 2015 (Windows, 2015) * Rugby World Cup 95 (DOS, 1995) * Rugrats Adventure Game (Windows, 1998) * Rugrats Go Wild (Windows, 2003) * Rugrats Munchin Land (Windows, 2002) * Rugrats Totally Angelica Boredom Buster (Windows, 2000) * Rugrats in Paris: The Movie (Windows, 2000) * Rugrats: All Growed Up (Windows, 2001) * Rugrats: Mystery Adventures (Windows, 1999) * Rugrats: Search for Reptar (Windows, 1999) * Ruin of the Reckless (Windows, 2017) * Ruiner (Windows, 2017) * Ruins (Windows, 2011) * Ruins City VR (Windows, 2016) * Ruins of Cawdor (DOS, 1995) * Rulai Jingang Quan Chuanqi (DOS, 1992) * Rulers of Nations: Geo-Political Simulator 2 (Windows, 2014) * Rules of Engagement (DOS, 1991) * Rules of Engagement 2 (DOS, 1993) * Rules of Survival (Windows, 2017) * Rules of the Game (Windows, 2001) * Rum Ram (Windows, 2018) * Rumble (Windows, 2015) * Rumble Box (Windows, 2005) * Rumble Fighter: Unleashed (Windows, 2016) * Rummel & Rabalder: Dr. Franks Mask (Windows, 2000) * Rumpelstiltskin's Labyrinth of the Lost (DOS, 1995) * Rumpelstiltskin's Labyrinth of the Lost (Windows, 1995) * Rumpus (Windows, 2017) * Rumu (Windows, 2017) * Run Run and Die (Windows, 2015) * Run for Rum: A Pirate Tale (Windows, 2014) * Run for Your Life (Windows, 2009) * Run for the Money (DOS, 1984) * Run or Die (Windows, 2014) * Run!ZombieFood! (Windows, 2017) * Run, Jesus Run! (Windows, 2010) * RunMan (Windows, 2003) * RunMan Unlimited (Windows, 2003) * RunMan's Christmas Adventure (Windows, 2003) * RunMan's Monster Fracas (Windows, 2005) * RunMan: Going Coconuts (Windows, 2004) * RunMan: Race Around the World (Windows, 2009) * RunOut (Windows, 2003) * Runaway 2: The Dream of the Turtle (Windows, 2007) * Runaway City (DOS, 1998) * Runaway: A Road Adventure (Windows, 2003) * Runaway: A Twist of Fate (Windows, 2009) * Runbow (Windows, 2016) * Rune (Windows, 2000) * Rune Master (Windows, 2016) * Rune of Fate (Windows, 2008) * RuneScape (Windows, 2001) * RuneStone Keeper (Windows, 2015) * Runes (Windows, 1997) * Runes of Avalon (Windows, 2007) * Runes of Avalon 2 (Windows, 2008) * Runes of Avalon: Path of Magic (Windows, 2007) * Runes of Brennos (Windows, 2015) * Runes of Magic (Windows, 2009) * Runespell: Overture (Windows, 2011) * Runesword 2 (Windows, 2001) * Runic Rampage (Windows, 2017) * Runner3 (Windows, 2018) * Running Shadow (Windows, 2015) * Running Through Russia (Windows, 2017) * Running VoltGun (Windows, 2017) * Running with Rifles (Windows, 2015) * Runt of the Litter (Windows, 2017) * Rush (Windows, 2001) * Rush Bros. (Windows, 2013) * Rush Hour (Windows, 1997) * Rush Hour (DOS, 1987) * Rush Rover (Windows, 2016) * Rush for Berlin (Windows, 2006) * Rush for Glory (Windows, 2014) * Rush for Gold: Alaska (Windows, 2016) * Rush for Gold: California (Windows, 2016) * Rush'n Attack (DOS, 1989) * Russia Battlegrounds (Windows, 2018) * Russian Car Driver (Windows, 2017) * Russian Fishing 4 (Windows, 2018) * Russian Fool (Windows, 2004) * Russian Front II: The Kursk Campaign (DOS, 1990) * Russian Horror Story (Windows, 2015) * Russian Roulette (Windows, 1996) * Russian Roulette II: The Next Worlds (Windows, 1999) * Russian Subway Dogs (Windows, 2018) * Russian Underground: VR (Windows, 2016) * Rust (Windows, 2013) * Rustbucket Rumble (Windows, 2015) * Rusty Lake: Hotel (Windows, 2016) * Rusty Lake: Paradise (Windows, 2018) * Rusty Lake: Roots (Windows, 2016) * Ruthless Safari (Windows, 2017) * Ruzafa's Nightmare (Windows, 2014) * Ryder Cup: Johnnie Walker (DOS, 1994) * RymdResa (Windows, 2015) * Rynn's Adventure: Trouble in the Enchanted Forest (Windows, 2016) * Ryu-Koku (Windows, 2017) * Ryōki no Ori (Windows, 1997) * Ryōki no Ori Dai-2 Shō (Windows, 1997) * Rzeźnik (Windows, 2003) * République (Windows, 2015) * Rückblende (Windows, 2007) * RŌBLOX (Windows, 2005) * rComplex (Windows, 2009) * rE/Generation (Windows, 2004) * rFactor (Windows, 2005) * rFactor 2 (Windows, 2015) * rFactor: Special Edition 2008 (Windows, 2008) * rabieZ: Epidemic (Windows, 2016) * ranTrainer (DOS, 1994) * ranTrainer 2 (DOS, 1996) * reconquest (Windows, 2016) * rein (Windows, 2010) * robotfindskitten (DOS, 1997) * robotfindskitten3d (Windows, 2003) * rymdkapsel (Windows, 2014)