* L'Affaire... (DOS, 1986) * L'Empereur (DOS, 1991) * L'Eternauta: Gli Invasori della Città Eterna (DOS, 1994) * L'Odyssée Sibérienne (Windows, 2008) * L'affaire Morlov (DOS, 1996) * L-MAN (DOS, 1996) * L. A. Rush (Windows, 2006) * L. Frank Baum's The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Windows, 2010) * L. Runner II (DOS, 1992) * L.A. Blaster (DOS, 1996) * L.A. Crackdown (DOS, 1988) * L.A. Noire (Windows, 2011) * L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files (Windows, 2017) * L.A. Street Racing (Windows, 2007) * L5RC (DOS, 1998) * LA Cops (Windows, 2015) * LA Law: The Computer Game (DOS, 1992) * LAB: Still Alive (Windows, 2013) * LBreakout2 (Windows, 2002) * LCM (DOS, 1982) * LEGO Alpha Team (Windows, 2000) * LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Windows, 2012) * LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham (Windows, 2014) * LEGO Batman: The Videogame (Windows, 2008) * LEGO Chess (Windows, 1998) * LEGO City: Undercover (Windows, 2017) * LEGO Creator (Windows, 1998) * LEGO Creator: Harry Potter (Windows, 2002) * LEGO Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (Windows, 2002) * LEGO Creator: Knights' Kingdom (Windows, 2000) * LEGO DC Super-Villains (Windows, 2018) * LEGO Friends (Windows, 1999) * LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (Windows, 2010) * LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (Windows, 2011) * LEGO Indiana Jones 2: The Adventure Continues (Windows, 2009) * LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures (Windows, 2008) * LEGO Island (Windows, 1997) * LEGO Island 2: The Brickster's Revenge (Windows, 2001) * LEGO Jurassic World (Windows, 2015) * LEGO Loco (Windows, 1998) * LEGO Marvel Avengers (Windows, 2016) * LEGO Marvel Super Heroes (Windows, 2013) * LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 (Windows, 2017) * LEGO Minifigures Online (Windows, 2014) * LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game (Windows, 2011) * LEGO Racers (Windows, 1999) * LEGO Racers 2 (Windows, 2001) * LEGO Rock Raiders (Windows, 1999) * LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (Windows, 2006) * LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (Windows, 2011) * LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Windows, 2016) * LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game (Windows, 2005) * LEGO Stunt Rally (Windows, 2001) * LEGO TECHNIC BIONICLE Nestlé (Windows, 2001) * LEGO Technic Cybermaster (Windows, 1998) * LEGO The Hobbit (Windows, 2014) * LEGO The Incredibles (Windows, 2018) * LEGO The Lord of the Rings (Windows, 2012) * LEGO Universe (Windows, 2010) * LEGO Worlds (Windows, 2017) * LEGOLAND (Windows, 2000) * LHX: Attack Chopper (DOS, 1990) * LLs (Windows, 2004) * LMA Manager 2007 (Windows, 2006) * LMA Professional Manager 2005 (Windows, 2004) * LOA: Me And Angel (Windows, 2018) * LOGistICAL (Windows, 2017) * LOGistICAL: ABC Islands (Windows, 2018) * LOGistICAL: British Isles (Windows, 2017) * LOGistICAL: Caribbean (Windows, 2018) * LOGistICAL: Chile (Windows, 2017) * LOGistICAL: Florida USA (Windows, 2017) * LOGistICAL: Italy (Windows, 2017) * LOGistICAL: Japan (Windows, 2017) * LOGistICAL: New York USA (Windows, 2017) * LOGistICAL: Norway (Windows, 2017) * LOGistICAL: Oregon USA (Windows, 2017) * LOGistICAL: South Africa (Windows, 2018) * LOGistICAL: Switzerland (Windows, 2017) * LOGistICAL: Wisconsin USA (Windows, 2018) * LOOP (Windows, 2015) * LOUD on Planet X (Windows, 2016) * LOVEDOS (DOS, 1988) * LSD (Windows, 2017) * LSD: Revamped (Windows, 2014) * LUXO Buddies (Windows, 2018) * LV-426 (Windows, 2007) * LYNE (Windows, 2014) * La Abadía del Crimen (DOS, 1987) * La Aventura Espacial (DOS, 1990) * La Aventura Original (DOS, 1989) * La Cité des Echos (Windows, 2000) * La Colmena (DOS, 1992) * La Corona Mágica (DOS, 1990) * La Cosa Nostra (DOS, 1995) * La Croix Pan (Windows, 2007) * La Diosa de Cozumel (DOS, 1990) * La Espada Sagrada (DOS, 1990) * La La Land (Windows, 2006) * La La Land 2 (Windows, 2006) * La La Land 3 (Windows, 2006) * La La Land 4 (Windows, 2006) * La La Land 5 (Windows, 2006) * La Prisión (Windows, 2000) * La Statuette maudite de L'oncle Ernest (Windows, 2006) * La Storia Ancestrale: Capitolo 1 (DOS, 1994) * La Storia Ancestrale: Capitolo 2 (DOS, 1994) * La Storia Ancestrale: Capitolo 3 (DOS, 1994) * La Storia Ancestrale: Capitolo 4 (DOS, 1994) * La Tale (Windows, 2008) * La Tale: 3rd Season - Devil's Mountain (Windows, 2014) * La Vallée Des Rois (Windows, 2001) * La escoba (DOS, 1995) * La maison de Loupy (Windows, 2008) * La-Mulana (Windows, 2005) * La-Mulana (Windows, 2012) * La-Mulana 2 (Windows, 2018) * Lab 14 (Windows, 2008) * Lab Rat (Windows, 2001) * Labyrinth (DOS, 1986) * Labyrinth (DOS, 1987) * Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk (Windows, 2018) * Labyrinthine Dreams (Windows, 2015) * Labyrinths of Atlantis (Windows, 2018) * Labyronia RPG (Windows, 2015) * Labyronia RPG 2 (Windows, 2015) * Lacuna Passage (Windows, 2017) * Lada Racing Club (Windows, 2006) * Lada: The Ultimate Challenge (DOS, 1996) * Ladder Man I (DOS, 1992) * Ladder Man II (DOS, 1992) * Ladder Man III (DOS, 1995) * Ladendetektiv (Windows, 2001) * Ladies (Windows, 2018) * Lady Bug (DOS, 2008) * Lady Cruncher (Windows, 2006) * Lady Luck 750 Plus Slots Jackpot Gold (Windows, 2004) * Ladykiller in a Bind (Windows, 2017) * Lafuma Unlimit (Windows, 2005) * Lagaf': Les Aventures de Moktar - Vol 1: La Zoubida (DOS, 1991) * Lagoon (Windows, 2000) * Lagoon Lounge: The Poisonous Fountain (Windows, 2012) * Lagsters (Windows, 2006) * Lair of the Evildoer (Windows, 2012) * Lair of the Titans (Windows, 2018) * Lake Ridden (Windows, 2018) * Lakers versus Celtics and the NBA Playoffs (DOS, 1989) * Lakeview Cabin Collection (Windows, 2015) * Lamborghini: American Challenge (DOS, 1992) * Lament (Windows, 2012) * Lamers (DOS, 1992) * Lamia Must Die (Windows, 2014) * Lamia's Game Room (Windows, 2016) * Lamp of Aladdin (Windows, 2011) * Lamplight City (Windows, 2018) * Lancelot (DOS, 1988) * Land der Hoffnung (Windows, 1999) * Land it Rocket (Windows, 2017) * Land of Legends (Windows, 2005) * Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green (Windows, 2005) * Land of the Magic Stones (Windows, 2002) * Land of the Unicorn (DOS, 1992) * LandTraveller (Windows, 2017) * Lander (Windows, 1999) * Landfall (Windows, 2017) * Landing Party (DOS, 1989) * Landless (Windows, 2017) * Landmark (Windows, 2016) * Landmine (Windows, 1995) * Landmine Larry (Windows, 2016) * Lands of Hope: Redemption (Windows, 2015) * Lands of Lore III (Windows, 1999) * Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny (DOS, 1997) * Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny (Windows, 1997) * Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos (DOS, 1993) * Landstalker: Treasure of King Nole (Windows, 2011) * Landwirtschafts Gigant (Windows, 2012) * Langrisser II (Windows, 2004) * Language Arts Grade 4: The Mission Masters - Network Nightmare! (Windows, 1999) * Lantern (Windows, 2016) * Lantern Forge (Windows, 2014) * Lao's Quest (Windows, 2008) * Laplace no Ma (Windows, 2016) * Lara Croft GO (Windows, 2016) * Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light (Windows, 2010) * Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (Windows, 2014) * Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - Anniversary (Windows, 2007) * Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - Legend (Windows, 2006) * Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - The Angel of Darkness (Windows, 2003) * Laraan (Windows, 2017) * Larax & Zaco (DOS, 1996) * Largo Winch: Empire Under Threat (Windows, 2008) * Larn (DOS, 1986) * Larry Bond's Harpoon 3: Advanced Naval Warfare (Windows, 2006) * Larry Ragland's 4x4 Challenge (Windows, 2001) * Larry Vales II: Dead Girls are Easy (DOS, 2001) * Larry Vales: Traffic Division (DOS, 2000) * Larva Mortus (Windows, 2008) * Las Tres Luces de Glaurung (Windows, 2006) * Las Vegas Pinball (Windows, 2009) * Las Vegas Super Casino (Windows, 1999) * Las Vegas Video Poker (DOS, 1987) * Las llaves del tiempo (DOS, 1999) * Laser Arena (Windows, 2000) * Laser Blast (Windows, 2010) * Laser Chess (DOS, 1994) * Laser Chess (DOS, 1987) * Laser Clash (Windows, 2000) * Laser Cycle (DOS, 1983) * Laser Disco Defenders (Windows, 2016) * Laser Dolphin (Windows, 2005) * Laser Kombat (Windows, 2003) * Laser League (Windows, 2018) * Laser Light (DOS, 1994) * Laser Squad (DOS, 1992) * Laser Squad: Nemesis (Windows, 2005) * Laser Surgeon: The Microscopic Mission (DOS, 1987) * LaserAge (Windows, 1999) * LaserTank (Windows, 1995) * Laserlife (Windows, 2015) * Lasermania (DOS, 1996) * Laserwars (DOS, 1994) * Lassi Quest (DOS, 1999) * Last Action Hero (DOS, 1994) * Last Anime Boy: Saving Loli (Windows, 2017) * Last Answer (Windows, 2017) * Last Bronx (Windows, 1998) * Last Call! (Windows, 2000) * Last Chaos (Windows, 2007) * Last Day of June (Windows, 2017) * Last Days (Windows, 2016) * Last Days of Spring (Windows, 2015) * Last Dream (Windows, 2014) * Last Duel: Inter Planet War 2012 (DOS, 1989) * Last Galaxy Hero (Windows, 2005) * Last Half of Darkness (DOS, 1989) * Last Half of Darkness (Windows, 2000) * Last Half of Darkness II (DOS, 1992) * Last Half of Darkness III (DOS, 1993) * Last Half of Darkness: Shadows of the Servants (Windows, 2005) * Last Half of Darkness: Society of the Serpent Moon (Windows, 2011) * Last Heroes (Windows, 2015) * Last Heroes 2 (Windows, 2016) * Last Heroes 3 (Windows, 2016) * Last Heroes 4 (Windows, 2017) * Last Hope: Tower Defense (Windows, 2016) * Last Imperial Prince (Windows, 1997) * Last Inua (Windows, 2014) * Last Knight in Camelot (DOS, 1996) * Last Man Standing (Windows, 2017) * Last Ninja 2: Back with a Vengeance (DOS, 1990) * Last Resort (Windows, 2008) * Last Rites (DOS, 1997) * Last Rites (Windows, 2018) * Last Rose in a Desert Garden (Windows, 2001) * Last Soldier (Windows, 2017) * Last Stitch Goodnight (Windows, 2017) * Last Tide: Aquatic Royale (Windows, 2018) * Last Word (Windows, 2015) * LastFight (Windows, 2016) * Late Night Sexy TV Show (DOS, 1994) * Late Shift (Windows, 2017) * Laura Jones and the Gates of Good and Evil (Windows, 2010) * Laura Jones and the Secret Legacy of Nikola Tesla (Windows, 2009) * Laura's Happy Adventures (Windows, 1999) * Lauras Tierklinik (Windows, 2005) * Laurie Anderson's Puppet Motel (Windows, 1998) * Law & Order II: Double or Nothing (Windows, 2003) * Law & Order: Criminal Intent (Windows, 2005) * Law & Order: Dead on the Money (Windows, 2002) * Law & Order: Justice is Served (Windows, 2004) * Law Mower (Windows, 2017) * LawBreakers (Windows, 2017) * Lawn Mower (DOS, 1987) * Lawnmower Game (Windows, 2017) * Lawnmower Game 2: Drifter (Windows, 2017) * Lawnmower Racing Mania 2007 (Windows, 2006) * Lawyer Hunt (Windows, 1998) * Laxius Force (Windows, 2008) * Laxius Force II (Windows, 2009) * Laxius Force III: The Last Stand (Windows, 2010) * Laxius Power (Windows, 2002) * Laxius Power II (Windows, 2003) * Laxius Power III (Windows, 2004) * Layers of Fear (Windows, 2016) * Lazaretto (Windows, 2017) * Lazarus (DOS, 1997) * Lazer Beam Wars (DOS, 1988) * Lazy Devil's Game Life (Windows, 2018) * Lazy Galaxy (Windows, 2018) * Lazy Galaxy: Rebel Story (Windows, 2018) * Le Fetiche Maya (DOS, 1989) * Le Havre: The Inland Port (Windows, 2016) * Le Labyrinthe d'Errare (DOS, 1989) * Le Labyrinthe d'Orthophus (DOS, 1989) * Le Labyrinthe de Morphintax (DOS, 1991) * Le Labyrinthe des Pharaons (DOS, 1990) * Le Mans 24 Hours (Windows, 2002) * Le Maître des Âmes (DOS, 1987) * Le Petit Prince (Windows, 1997) * Le Roi des Fjords (Windows, 1997) * Le pays des Pierres Magiques 2: Les brumes de l'oubli (Windows, 2002) * Lead Soldier (Windows, 1998) * Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West (Windows, 2010) * Leaderboard Golf (Windows, 2010) * Leadfoot: Stadium Off-Road Racing (Windows, 2001) * Leadlight (Windows, 2010) * Leadlight: Gamma (Windows, 2015) * League of Evil (Windows, 2016) * League of Legends (Windows, 2009) * League of Legends (Collector's Pack) (Windows, 2009) * League of Mermaids (Windows, 2015) * Leap of Fate (Windows, 2016) * Learn Japanese to Survive!: Hiragana Battle (Windows, 2016) * Learn Japanese to Survive!: Katakana War (Windows, 2017) * Learn to Add (DOS, 1987) * Learn to Play Chess with Fritz & Chesster (Windows, 2003) * Learn to Play Chess with Fritz & Chesster 2: Chess in the Black Castle (Windows, 2004) * Learning Land 1: At The Playground (Windows, 1999) * Learning about Counting (Windows, 2001) * Leashed Soul (Windows, 2017) * Leather Goddesses of Phobos (DOS, 1986) * Leather Goddesses of Phobos! 2: Gas Pump Girls Meet the Pulsating Inconvenience from Planet X (DOS, 1992) * Leave Home (Windows, 2010) * Leave the Nest (Windows, 2016) * Leaves: The Journey (Windows, 2017) * Leaves: The Return (Windows, 2017) * Leaving Lyndow (Windows, 2017) * Led It Rain (Windows, 2018) * Lederzwerge Deluxe XXL Version (Windows, 2005) * Lee Trevino's Fighting Golf (DOS, 1988) * Left 4 Dead (Windows, 2008) * Left 4 Dead (Kollekzionnoe izdanie) (Windows, 2008) * Left 4 Dead 2 (Windows, 2009) * Left Behind: Eternal Forces (Windows, 2006) * Left in the Dark: No One on Board (Windows, 2013) * Legacy (Windows, 2004) * Legacy of Dorn: Herald of Oblivion (Windows, 2015) * Legacy of Kain: Defiance (Windows, 2003) * Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver (Windows, 1999) * Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver - Quest for Melchiah (Windows, 1999) * Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 (Windows, 2001) * Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom (Windows, 2014) * Legacy of the Ancients (DOS, 1989) * Legacy of the Necromancer: Part I - The Adventurers' Museum (DOS, 1989) * Legacy of the Necromancer: Part II - The Palace of the Necromancer (DOS, 1989) * Legacy of the Necromancer: Part III - The Dark Tower (DOS, 1989) * Legacy of the Wizard (Windows, 2018) * Legacy: Dark Shadows (Windows, 2004) * Legal Crime (Windows, 1997) * Legena: Union Tides (Windows, 2015) * Legend (Windows, 2015) * Legend of Aladdin (Windows, 2005) * Legend of Blue (Windows, 2002) * Legend of Djel (DOS, 1989) * Legend of Dungeon (Windows, 2013) * Legend of Egypt: Pharaoh's Garden (Windows, 2017) * Legend of Fae (Windows, 2011) * Legend of Faerghail (DOS, 1990) * Legend of Fainn Dynasty (Windows, 2017) * Legend of Fairies (Windows, 1998) * Legend of Falconia (DOS, 1995) * Legend of Grimrock (Windows, 2012) * Legend of Grimrock II (Windows, 2014) * Legend of Himari (Windows, 2018) * Legend of Kay: Anniversary (Windows, 2015) * Legend of Mulan (Windows, 1999) * Legend of Myra (DOS, 1993) * Legend of Mysteria (Windows, 2015) * Legend of Zord (Windows, 2003) * Legend of Zun (Windows, 2016) * Legend of Zun 2 (Windows, 2016) * Legend of a Ninja: A Shadow to Remember (Windows, 2014) * Legend of the Ancient Dragon (Windows, 1997) * Legend of the Ancient Dragon (DOS, 1996) * Legend of the North: Konung (Windows, 2000) * Legend of the Purple Tit (DOS, 1994) * Legend of the Red Dragon (DOS, 1992) * Legend of the Red Dragon II: New World (DOS, 1992) * Legend of the Silver Talisman (DOS, 1996) * Legend of the Skyfish (Windows, 2017) * Legend of the Sword (DOS, 1987) * Legend: Hand of God (Windows, 2007) * Legendary (Windows, 2008) * Legendary Eleven (Windows, 2018) * Legendo's The Three Musketeers (Windows, 2008) * Legends (DOS, 1996) * Legends Of Iona RPG: The Well Of Yore (Windows, 2017) * Legends of Aethereus (Windows, 2013) * Legends of Atlantis: Exodus (Windows, 2015) * Legends of Azulgar (Windows, 2017) * Legends of Callasia (Windows, 2016) * Legends of Callasia: The Stoneborne (Windows, 2016) * Legends of Dawn Reborn (Windows, 2015) * Legends of Eisenwald (Windows, 2013) * Legends of Future Past (DOS, 1992) * Legends of Kesmai (Windows, 1997) * Legends of Might and Magic (Windows, 2001) * Legends of Murder II: Grey Haven (DOS, 1991) * Legends of Murder: Volume 1 - Stonedale Castle (DOS, 1989) * Legends of Norrath (Windows, 2007) * Legends of Pegasus (Windows, 2012) * Legends of Solitaire: Curse of the Dragons (Windows, 2014) * Legends of Solitaire: The Lost Cards (Windows, 2012) * Legends of Talia: Arcadia (Windows, 2017) * Legends of Valour (DOS, 1992) * Legends of Yore (Windows, 2013) * Legends of the Wild West: Golden Hill (Windows, 2009) * Legio (Windows, 2010) * Legion (Windows, 2002) * Legion Arena (Windows, 2005) * Legion TD 2 (Windows, 2017) * Legions of Ashworld (Windows, 2014) * Legions of Steel (Windows, 2015) * Legionwood 2 (Windows, 2014) * Legionwood: Tale of the Two Swords (Windows, 2016) * Legrand Legacy: Tale of the Fatebounds (Windows, 2018) * Leif and the American Viking (Windows, 2000) * Leisure Suit Larry 1: In the Land of the Lounge Lizards (DOS, 1991) * Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work (DOS, 1991) * Leisure Suit Larry 5: Passionate Patti Does a Little Undercover Work (Windows, 2017) * Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! (Windows, 2017) * Leisure Suit Larry 6: Shape Up or Slip Out! (DOS, 1993) * Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (In Several Wrong Places) (Windows, 2017) * Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (In Several Wrong Places) (DOS, 1988) * Leisure Suit Larry III: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals (DOS, 1989) * Leisure Suit Larry III: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals (Windows, 2017) * Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards (DOS, 1987) * Leisure Suit Larry's Casino (Windows, 1998) * Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust (Windows, 2009) * Leisure Suit Larry: Kühle Drinks und heiße Girls (Windows, 2004) * Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail! (Windows, 1996) * Leisure Suit Larry: Love for Sail! (DOS, 1996) * Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude (Windows, 2004) * Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude (Uncut and Uncensored!) (Windows, 2004) * Leisure Suit Larry: Reloaded (Windows, 2013) * Leisure Suit Larry: Wet Dreams Don't Dry (Windows, 2018) * Leithian: In the Abyss (Windows, 1999) * Lekis 1 (DOS, 1993) * Lekis 2 (DOS, 1993) * Lekis 5 (DOS, 1993) * Lemma (Windows, 2015) * Lemmings (DOS, 1991) * Lemmings 2: The Tribes (DOS, 1993) * Lemmings 3D (DOS, 1995) * Lemmings Paintball (Windows, 1996) * Lemmings Revolution (Windows, 2000) * Lemonade Stand (DOS, 1999) * Lemonade Tycoon (Windows, 2003) * Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (Windows, 2004) * Lemure (Windows, 2008) * Leo's Fortune (Windows, 2015) * Leona's Tricky Adventures (Windows, 2014) * Leopoldo Manquiseil (Windows, 2018) * Lepofrenia (Windows, 2017) * Lepur (Windows, 2018) * Les Fleursword (Windows, 2017) * Les Fourmis: Edition Gold (Windows, 2000) * Les Fous Volants (Windows, 1996) * Les Guignols De L'Info...Le Jeu ! (Windows, 1995) * Les JEUX de l'EURO (Windows, 2001) * Les Manley in: Lost in L.A. (DOS, 1991) * Les Manley in: Search for the King (DOS, 1990) * Les Misérables: Cosette's Fate (Windows, 2013) * Les Misérables: Jean Valjean (Windows, 2018) * Les Portes du Temps (DOS, 1989) * Les Visiteurs: La relique de Sainte Rolande (Windows, 2001) * Les Visiteurs: Le Jeu (Windows, 1998) * Les Voyages de Balthazar (Windows, 2002) * Les aventures de Carlos (DOS, 1994) * Les filles, les garçons, l'Amour ... et les bébés ! (Windows, 2000) * Les recettes de Monsieur Parmentier (Windows, 2004) * Let It Die (Windows, 2018) * Let It Ride for 95 (Windows, 1996) * Let Them Come (Windows, 2017) * Let There Be Life (Windows, 2015) * Let the Cat in (Windows, 2015) * Let's Draw (Windows, 2016) * Let's Eat! Seaside Cafe (Windows, 2016) * Let's Explore The Airport (Windows, 1995) * Let's Explore The Farm (Windows, 1995) * Let's Explore the Jungle (Windows, 1995) * Let's Go Read: An Island Adventure (Windows, 1997) * Let's Meow Meow! (Windows, 2004) * Let's Not Stay Friends (Windows, 2017) * Let's Ride! Championship Dreams (Windows, 2005) * Let's Ride! Friends Forever (Windows, 2006) * Let's Ride!: Corral Club (Windows, 2004) * Let's Sing (Windows, 2014) * Let's Sing 2016 (Windows, 2016) * Let's Talk About Me (Windows, 1995) * Let's Talk About Me Too (Windows, 1997) * Lethal Brutal Racing (Windows, 2016) * Lethal League (Windows, 2014) * Lethal League: Blaze (Windows, 2018) * Lethal Tender (DOS, 1993) * Lethal Weapon (DOS, 1992) * Lethis: Daring Discoverers (Windows, 2017) * Lethis: Path of Progress (Windows, 2015) * Letter Lab (Windows, 2008) * Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey (Windows, 2014) * Letter Quest: Remastered (Windows, 2015) * Letter Targets (DOS, 2004) * Letters from Nowhere (Windows, 2010) * Letters from Nowhere 2 (Windows, 2011) * Lettrix (DOS, 1990) * Level 22: Gary's Misadventure (Windows, 2016) * Level R (Windows, 2007) * Leviathan (Windows, 2018) * Leviathan: Warships (Windows, 2013) * Lew Leon (DOS, 1997) * Lex Venture: A Crossword Caper (Windows, 2008) * Lexi-Cross (DOS, 1991) * Lexica (Windows, 2014) * Lexicon Word Challenge (Windows, 1998) * Leyendas de Lhodrye: Arakhas el Oscuro (DOS, 1997) * Leyendas de Lhodrye: La Luz del Druida (DOS, 1997) * Leygref's Castle (DOS, 1986) * Leylines (Windows, 2003) * LiEat (Windows, 2016) * Liath: WorldSpiral (Windows, 1998) * Liberal Crime Squad (Windows, 2004) * Liberation Army (Windows, 2004) * Liberator (Windows, 2010) * Liberty Prime (Windows, 2018) * Liberty or Death (DOS, 1993) * Liberty's Kids (Windows, 2002) * Library of Blabber (Windows, 2015) * Lichdom: Battlemage (Windows, 2014) * Lichtspeer (Windows, 2016) * Liczby (DOS, 1999) * Liero (DOS, 1999) * Liero Xtreme (Windows, 2003) * Lies and Seductions (Windows, 2009) * Life & Death (DOS, 1988) * Life & Death II: The Brain (DOS, 1990) * Life Beetle (Windows, 2017) * Life Flashes By (Windows, 2010) * Life Goes On: Done to Death (Windows, 2014) * Life Is Strange 2: Episode 1 - Roads (Windows, 2018) * Life Is Strange: Episode 1 - Chrysalis (Windows, 2015) * Life at Space (Windows, 2017) * Life in the Fast Lane (DOS, 1989) * Life in the UK: Citizenship Test (Windows, 2009) * Life is Feudal: Forest Village (Windows, 2016) * Life is Feudal: MMO (Windows, 2018) * Life is Feudal: Your Own (Windows, 2015) * Life is a Race (Windows, 2008) * Life of Pixel (Windows, 2014) * Life of a Mobster (Windows, 2017) * Life of a Wizard (Windows, 2017) * Life on Mars: Remake (Windows, 2017) * Lifeless (Windows, 2016) * Lifeline (Windows, 2017) * Lifeliqe VR Museum (Windows, 2016) * LifesBattle (DOS, 1997) * Lifestream (Windows, 2004) * Lifetime (Windows, 2011) * Liftoff (Windows, 2015) * Liga Polska Manager '95 (DOS, 1995) * Liga Polska Manager '97 (Windows, 1997) * Liga Polska Manager '98 (Windows, 1997) * Liga Polska Manager 2000 (Windows, 2000) * Liga Polska Manager 2002 (Windows, 2002) * Liga Polska Manager 2003 (Windows, 2003) * Liga Polska Manager 2005 (Windows, 2004) * Liga Polska Manager 2005 NE (Windows, 2004) * Light (Windows, 2014) * Light (Windows, 2002) * Light Apprentice - The Comic Book RPG (Windows, 2017) * Light Bearers (Windows, 2018) * Light Crusader (Windows, 2011) * Light Fairytale: Episode 1 (Windows, 2018) * Light Fall (Windows, 2018) * Light Up (Windows, 2005) * Light of Altair (Windows, 2009) * LightWeight Ninja (Windows, 2004) * Lightfish (Windows, 2011) * Lightform (Windows, 2018) * Lighthockey (Windows, 2015) * Lighthouse: The Dark Being (DOS, 1996) * Lighthouse: The Dark Being (Windows, 1996) * Lightning Warrior Raidy (Windows, 2008) * Lightning Warrior Raidy 2 (Windows, 2007) * Lightning: D-Day (Windows, 2017) * Lights (Windows, 2005) * Lights 3D (Windows, 2005) * Lights Out (Windows, 2004) * Lights! (Windows, 1995) * Lightspeed (DOS, 1990) * Lightspeed (Windows, 2003) * Lili (Windows, 2014) * Lilipalace (Windows, 2018) * Lilly Looking Through (Windows, 2013) * Lily of the Valley (Windows, 2017) * Lily's Epic Quest (Windows, 2016) * Limbo (Windows, 2011) * Limbo of the Lost (Windows, 2007) * Liminal (Windows, 2018) * Limits & Demonstrations (Windows, 2013) * Lin Wu's Challenge (DOS, 1991) * Line Rider 2: Unbound (Windows, 2008) * Line of Defense: Tactics (Windows, 2014) * Line of Sight (Windows, 2017) * Line of Sight: Vietnam (Windows, 2003) * LineWars (DOS, 1990) * LineWars II (DOS, 1994) * LineWay (Windows, 2017) * Linea, the Game (Windows, 2016) * Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle (Windows, 2004) * Lineage: The Blood Pledge (Windows, 2001) * Linelight (Windows, 2017) * Lines (Windows, 2017) * Lines Free by Nestor Yavorskyy (Windows, 2017) * Lines Infinite by Nestor Yavorskyy (Windows, 2017) * Lines Millennium (Windows, 2000) * Lines by Nestor Yavorskyy (Windows, 2017) * Ling (Windows, 2018) * Lingering Fragrance (Windows, 2018) * Lingo (Windows, 1997) * Links 2001 (Windows, 2001) * Links 2003 (Windows, 2002) * Links 386 CD (DOS, 1995) * Links 386 Pro (DOS, 1992) * Links Extreme (Windows, 1999) * Links LS 1999 (Windows, 1998) * Links LS 2000 (Windows, 2000) * Links: Championship Course - Bighorn (DOS, 1994) * Links: The Challenge of Golf (DOS, 1990) * Linkz (Windows, 2000) * Linley Henzell's Dungeon Crawl (Windows, 1997) * Linley Henzell's Dungeon Crawl (DOS, 1997) * Linx Battle Arena (Windows, 2017) * Linyca (Windows, 2008) * Lion (DOS, 1995) * Liong: The Dragon Dance (Windows, 2007) * Liong: The Lost Amulets (Windows, 2009) * Lionheart (Windows, 2017) * Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader (Windows, 2003) * Liquid Crystals (Windows, 2003) * Liquidator 2: Welcome to Hell (Windows, 2005) * Liquisity (Windows, 2005) * Lisa (Windows, 2014) * Lisa: The First (Windows, 2012) * Lisssn (Windows, 2018) * Lissy: 50 Pferde-Spiele (Windows, 2006) * Literki - Cyferki (DOS, 1993) * Lithium: Inmate 39 (Windows, 2016) * Litil Divil (DOS, 1993) * Litil Divil (Windows, 2011) * Little Bill Thinks Big (Windows, 2003) * Little Blue Men (Windows, 1998) * Little Briar Rose (Windows, 2016) * Little Britain: The Video Game (Windows, 2007) * Little Bug (Windows, 2018) * Little Busters! (Windows, 2007) * Little Busters! Ecstasy (Windows, 2008) * Little Caesars Fractions Pizza (Windows, 1998) * Little Farm (Windows, 2008) * Little Fighter (DOS, 1995) * Little Fighter 2 (Windows, 2002) * Little Folk of Faery (Windows, 2009) * Little Girl in Underland (Windows, 2008) * Little Green Guys with Guns (Windows, 2010) * Little Hidden City (Windows, 2018) * Little Inferno (Windows, 2012) * Little Jonny Evil (Windows, 2002) * Little King's Story (Windows, 2016) * Little Kings (Windows, 1999) * Little Kings II (Windows, 2002) * Little Kite (Windows, 2017) * Little Lords of Twilight (Windows, 2017) * Little Miss Sunshine and the Scary Scarecrow (Windows, 2003) * Little Monk (DOS, 1995) * Little My Maid (Windows, 2004) * Little Nightmares (Windows, 2017) * Little Noir Stories: The Case of the Missing Girl (Windows, 2010) * Little Racers Street (Windows, 2012) * Little Red Lie (Windows, 2017) * Little Shop of Treasures (Windows, 2007) * Little Shop of Treasures 2 (Windows, 2007) * Little Shop: Big City (Windows, 2007) * Little Shop: Memories (Windows, 2009) * Little Shop: Road Trip (Windows, 2008) * Little Shop: World Traveler (Windows, 2009) * Little Things (Windows, 2009) * Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time (Windows, 2018) * Littlest Pet Shop (Windows, 2008) * Live Billiards (Windows, 2002) * Live Billiards 2 (Windows, 2005) * Live Pool (Windows, 2003) * Live Wire! (Windows, 1999) * Live for Speed (Windows, 2003) * Live for Speed S2 (Windows, 2005) * Livelock (Windows, 2016) * Liverpool: The Computer Game (DOS, 1992) * Living Ball (DOS, 1995) * Living Legends: Ice Rose (Windows, 2012) * Living Nightmare Deluxe (Windows, 2010) * Living World Racing (Windows, 2005) * Livingstone II (DOS, 1989) * Livingstone, I Presume? (DOS, 1988) * Lizardmen (Windows, 2006) * Llamatron: 2112 (DOS, 1992) * Loader Larry (DOS, 1992) * Loading Human: Chapter 1 (Windows, 2016) * Loading Screen Simulator (Windows, 2017) * Loadout (Windows, 2014) * Loadstar: The Legend of Tully Bodine (DOS, 1995) * Lobotomy Corporation (Windows, 2016) * Loca-Love My Cute Roommate (Windows, 2018) * Lock Her Up: The Trump Supremacy (Windows, 2018) * Lock On: Modern Air Combat (Windows, 2003) * Lock Parsing (Windows, 2018) * Lock Parsing 2 (Windows, 2018) * Lock's Quest (Windows, 2017) * Locman I (DOS, 1991) * Loco (Windows, 2006) * Loco Mania (Windows, 2006) * Loco-Commotion (Windows, 2001) * LocoCycle (Windows, 2014) * Locoland (Windows, 2015) * Locomotion (DOS, 1992) * Locus (Windows, 1995) * Locus (DOS, 1995) * Lode Runner (Windows, 2006) * Lode Runner (DOS, 1990) * Lode Runner 2 (Windows, 1998) * Lode Runner On-Line: The Mad Monks' Revenge (Windows, 1995) * Lode Runner: Legacy (Windows, 2017) * Lode Runner: The Legend Returns (DOS, 1994) * Log!cal (DOS, 1991) * Log(Hic!) (Windows, 2005) * Loggle (Windows, 2004) * LogiGun (Windows, 2012) * LogicBots (Windows, 2017) * Logical Journey of the Zoombinis (Windows, 1996) * Logication (Windows, 1999) * Logistics Company (Windows, 2014) * Logo (DOS, 1990) * Loki: Heroes of Mythology (Windows, 2007) * Lola huele bien y adora el marisco (DOS, 1998) * Lollypop (DOS, 1994) * Lomax Boulders (DOS, 1996) * Lombard RAC Rally (DOS, 1988) * Lonath Online (Windows, 2015) * London 2012 (Windows, 2012) * London Racer (Windows, 1999) * London Racer II (Windows, 2002) * London Racer: Destruction Madness (Windows, 2005) * London Racer: Police Madness (Windows, 2005) * London Racer: World Challenge (Windows, 2003) * London Taxi: Rush Hour (Windows, 2006) * Lone Case: Locomotive Breath (Windows, 2007) * Lone Eagle: Colombian Encounter (DOS, 1994) * Lone Echo (Windows, 2017) * Lone Survivor (Windows, 2012) * Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut (Windows, 2013) * Lone Wolf: The Mirror of Death (DOS, 1991) * Lonely Land (Windows, 2016) * Lonely Night (Windows, 2006) * Lonely Wolf Treat (Windows, 2016) * Long Gone Days (Windows, 2018) * Long Live the Queen (Windows, 2012) * Long Night: Episode 1 (Windows, 2014) * LongStory (Windows, 2017) * Longboard: Stunts and Tricks (Windows, 2018) * Longest Monday: Unveiling (Windows, 2018) * Longest Night: Lost Constellation (Windows, 2014) * Longest Night: NITW Supplemental #1 (Windows, 2013) * Longshot Universe (Windows, 2018) * Lookz (Windows, 2003) * Loom (Windows, 2009) * Loom (DOS, 1990) * Looney Tunes: Cosmic Capers - Animated Jigsaws (Windows, 1999) * Looney Tunes: Sheep Raider (Windows, 2001) * Loony Labyrinth (Windows, 1995) * Loonyland: Halloween Hill (Windows, 2001) * Loophole: Strattmagi och glädjetjuvar (Windows, 2003) * Loopy (Windows, 2005) * Loopy (DOS, 1994) * Loopz (DOS, 1990) * Loot Box Simulator 20!8 (Windows, 2018) * Loot Collection: Mahjong (Windows, 2017) * Loot Hero (Windows, 2014) * Loot Hero DX (Windows, 2015) * Loot Monkey: Bling Palace (Windows, 2018) * Loot Rascals (Windows, 2017) * Loot Run (Windows, 2017) * Looterkings (Windows, 2017) * Lord Avalot d'Argent (DOS, 1994) * Lord Monarch (Windows, 2017) * Lord Monarch Online (Windows, 1997) * Lord of Wars (Windows, 2016) * Lord of the Aisle (Windows, 2014) * Lord of the Shades (Windows, 2003) * Lords of Conquest (DOS, 1987) * Lords of Doom (DOS, 1990) * Lords of Doom: Part One - The Black God (DOS, 1996) * Lords of EverQuest (Windows, 2003) * Lords of Football (Windows, 2013) * Lords of Magic (Windows, 1997) * Lords of Midnight (DOS, 1995) * Lords of War (Windows, 2017) * Lords of Waterdeep (Windows, 2017) * Lords of Xulima (Windows, 2014) * Lords of the Black Sun (Windows, 2013) * Lords of the Fallen (Windows, 2014) * Lords of the Realm (Windows, 1997) * Lords of the Realm (DOS, 1994) * Lords of the Realm II (Windows, 1996) * Lords of the Realm II (DOS, 1996) * Lords of the Realm III (Windows, 2004) * LordsAWar! (Windows, 2015) * Loren: The Amazon Princess (Windows, 2012) * Lorna (DOS, 1990) * Los Inhumanos (DOS, 1990) * Los Justicieros (DOS, 1996) * Los Pájaros de Bangkok (DOS, 1988) * Los Templos Sagrados (DOS, 1991) * Lose Your Marbles (Windows, 1997) * Losing Your Grip (Windows, 1998) * Losing Your Grip (DOS, 1998) * Lost (Windows, 2018) * Lost (DOS, 1993) * Lost Adventures of Kroz (DOS, 1990) * Lost Artifacts: Golden Island (Windows, 2019) * Lost Artifacts: Soulstone (Windows, 2018) * Lost Artifacts: Time Machine (Windows, 2018) * Lost Base Escape (Windows, 2017) * Lost Castle (Windows, 2016) * Lost Chronicles of Zerzura (Windows, 2012) * Lost City of Aquatica (Windows, 2009) * Lost Civilization (Windows, 2014) * Lost Dimension (Windows, 2017) * Lost Dutchman Mine (DOS, 1989) * Lost Dutchman Mine 3D (Windows, 2005) * Lost Dutchman's Gold (DOS, 1982) * Lost Eden (Windows, 2016) * Lost Eden (DOS, 1995) * Lost Empire (Windows, 2007) * Lost Empire: Immortals (Windows, 2008) * Lost Fortunes (Windows, 2009) * Lost Grimoires 2: Shard of Mystery (Windows, 2017) * Lost Grimoires 3: The Forgotten Well (Windows, 2017) * Lost Grimoires: Stolen Kingdom (Windows, 2016) * Lost Horizon (Windows, 2010) * Lost Horizon 2 (Windows, 2015) * Lost Lagoon: The Trail of Destiny (Windows, 2010) * Lost Lands: Ice Spell (Windows, 2018) * Lost Marbles (Windows, 2014) * Lost Memory of Angel Frane III: Hi Ao No Gensōkyoku (Windows, 2003) * Lost Orbit (Windows, 2015) * Lost Patrol (DOS, 1991) * Lost Planet 2 (Windows, 2010) * Lost Planet 3 (Windows, 2013) * Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (Windows, 2007) * Lost Realms: Legacy of the Sun Princess (Windows, 2009) * Lost Realms: The Curse of Babylon (Windows, 2009) * Lost Sea (Windows, 2016) * Lost Secret of the Rainforest (DOS, 1993) * Lost Secrets: Bermuda Triangle (Windows, 2008) * Lost Secrets: Caribbean Explorer - Secrets of the Sea (Windows, 2009) * Lost Shipwreck (Windows, 2017) * Lost Signals (DOS, 1995) * Lost Souls: Enchanted Paintings (Windows, 2011) * Lost Sphear (Windows, 2018) * Lost girl's [diary] (Windows, 2016) * Lost in Harmony: The Musical Odyssey (Windows, 2018) * Lost in Reefs (Windows, 2008) * Lost in Secular Love (Windows, 2016) * Lost in Space (Windows, 2018) * Lost in Space 2 (Windows, 2018) * Lost in Time (DOS, 1993) * Lost in Time: The Clockwork Tower (Windows, 2010) * Lost in Woods 2 (Windows, 2016) * Lost in a Forest (Windows, 2015) * Lost in the City (Windows, 2009) * Lost in the City: Post Scriptum (Windows, 2010) * Lost in the Nightmare (Windows, 2005) * Lost in the Static (Windows, 2007) * Lost: Via Domus - The Video Game (Windows, 2008) * LostWinds (Windows, 2016) * LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias (Windows, 2016) * Lotus Challenge (Windows, 2003) * Lotus Deluxe (Windows, 2006) * Lotus Simulator (Windows, 2018) * Lotus: The Ultimate Challenge (DOS, 1993) * LotusCraft (Windows, 2012) * Louisiana Adventure (Windows, 2012) * Love (Windows, 2010) * Love (Windows, 2012) * Love & Death: Bitten (Windows, 2010) * Love & Order (Windows, 2015) * Love Bites (Windows, 2018) * Love Chronicles: The Spell - The Mystery of the Cursed Kingdom (Windows, 2010) * Love Death 2: Realtime Lovers (Windows, 2007) * Love Death 3: Realtime Lovers (Windows, 2008) * Love Death 4: Realtime Lovers (Windows, 2009) * Love Death 555! Realtime Lovers (Windows, 2010) * Love Death: Realtime Lovers (Windows, 2005) * Love Invaders (Windows, 2005) * Love Potion (Windows, 1998) * Love Ribbon (Windows, 2017) * Love Simulation (Windows, 2018) * Love Story: Letters from the Past (Windows, 2010) * Love Story: The Beach Cottage (Windows, 2018) * Love Story: The Way Home (Windows, 2018) * Love at Elevation (Windows, 2018) * Love at First Sight (Windows, 2015) * Love is Blind: Mutants (Windows, 2016) * Love's Fiery Imbroglio (DOS, 1988) * Love's Power Mahjong (Windows, 2010) * Love's Sweet Garnish (Windows, 2018) * Love, Guitars, and the Nashville Skyline (Windows, 2016) * LoveBeat (Windows, 2016) * LoveChess: Age of Egypt (Windows, 2006) * LoveChess: The Greek Era (Windows, 2004) * LoveKami: Divinity Stage (Windows, 2016) * LoveKami: Healing Harem (Windows, 2018) * LoveKami: Useless Goddess (Windows, 2017) * Lovecraft Game (Windows, 2008) * Lovecraft Quest: A Comix Game (Windows, 2018) * Lovefield General: Back to Work (Windows, 2018) * Lovely Girls (Windows, 1998) * Lovely Island (Windows, 2018) * Lovely Planet (Windows, 2014) * Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime (Windows, 2015) * Low Blow (DOS, 1990) * Low Magic Age (Windows, 2017) * Lu Ding Ji (DOS, 1994) * Lucadian Chronicles (Windows, 2015) * Lucah: Born of a Dream (Windows, 2018) * Lucid (Windows, 2011) * Lucid Dream (Windows, 2018) * Lucid9: Inciting Incident (Windows, 2016) * Lucidity (Windows, 2009) * Lucinda Green's Equestrian Challenge (Windows, 2006) * Lucius (Windows, 2012) * Lucius II: The Prophecy (Windows, 2015) * Lucius III (Windows, 2018) * Lucius: Demake (Windows, 2016) * Luck Charm Deluxe (Windows, 2006) * Luckslinger: A Fistful of Fortune (Windows, 2015) * Lucky Luke (Windows, 1997) * Lucky Luke (DOS, 1997) * Lucky Luke (DOS, 1987) * Lucky Luke (Windows, 2000) * Lucky Luke: Shoot & Hit (Windows, 2014) * Lucky Luke: Western Fever (Windows, 2001) * Lucky Rabbit Reflex! (Windows, 2015) * Lucky Seven (DOS, 1990) * Lucky Streak (DOS, 1991) * Lucullus (DOS, 1995) * Lucy Got Problems (Windows, 2018) * Lucy Q Deluxe (Windows, 2007) * Lucy: -The Eternity She Wished For- (Windows, 2016) * Ludo (Windows, 2002) * Ludo Park (Windows, 2008) * Ludwig (Windows, 2014) * Luftrausers (Windows, 2014) * Luftwaffe Commander: WWII Combat Flight Simulator (Windows, 1998) * Lugaru (Windows, 2005) * Luigi & Spaghetti (DOS, 1992) * Luigi en Circusland (DOS, 1994) * Luka und das geheimnisvolle Silberpferd (Windows, 2005) * Luka und der verborgene Schatz (Windows, 2008) * Lula 3D (Windows, 2005) * Lula Flipper (Windows, 1999) * Lula Virtual Babe (Windows, 1998) * Lula: The Sexy Empire (Windows, 1998) * Lumber Island - That Special Place (Windows, 2015) * Lume (Windows, 2011) * Lumen (Windows, 2007) * Lumines: Puzzle Fusion (Windows, 2008) * Lumines: Remastered (Windows, 2018) * Lumino City (Windows, 2014) * Lumo (Windows, 2016) * Lumpies of Lotis IV (DOS, 1986) * Luna (Windows, 2017) * Luna Online: Reborn (Windows, 2017) * Luna Sky (Windows, 2015) * Luna and the Moonling (Windows, 2018) * Luna's Wandering Stars (Windows, 2015) * Luna: Shattered Hearts - Episode 1 (Windows, 2014) * Lunar Command (DOS, 1993) * Lunar Deep: The Adventure Below (Windows, 2006) * Lunar Explorer (Windows, 2006) * Lunar Explorer: A Space Flight Simulator (DOS, 1986) * Lunar Flight (Windows, 2012) * Lunar Jetman (Windows, 2003) * Lunar Lander (DOS, 1995) * Lunar Lander (Windows, 2010) * Lunar Landing (DOS, 1982) * Lunar Stone: Origin of Blood (Windows, 2016) * Lunar Take (DOS, 1989) * Lunar: Silver Star Story - Complete (Windows, 1999) * Lunarsea (Windows, 2017) * Lunatic Dawn: Passage of the Book (Windows, 2015) * Lunch Truck Tycoon 2 (Windows, 2018) * Lunchtime of the Damned (Windows, 2001) * Lunnye Devitsy (Windows, 2009) * Luntik Poznajot Mir (Windows, 2009) * Luntik Uchit Bukvy (Windows, 2008) * Luntik: Russkiy Yazyk dlya Malyshei (Windows, 2007) * Lupercalia (DOS, 2008) * Lupercalia (Windows, 2008) * Lupinball (Windows, 2017) * Lupo Alberto: The VideoGame (DOS, 1990) * Lupus in Fabula (Windows, 2017) * Lure of the Temptress (DOS, 1992) * Lure of the Temptress (Windows, 2008) * Lust for Darkness (Windows, 2018) * Lux (Windows, 2004) * Lux Alliance (Windows, 2017) * Lux Delux (Windows, 2015) * Luxor (Windows, 2005) * Luxor 2 (Windows, 2006) * Luxor 2 HD (Windows, 2013) * Luxor 3 (Windows, 2007) * Luxor Evolved (Windows, 2012) * Luxor HD (Windows, 2015) * Luxor: 5th Passage (Windows, 2011) * Luxor: Adventures (Windows, 2009) * Luxor: Amun Rising (Windows, 2005) * Luxor: Amun Rising HD (Windows, 2012) * Luxor: Mah Jong (Windows, 2009) * Luxor: Quest for the Afterlife (Windows, 2008) * Luxuria Superbia (Windows, 2013) * Luxury Liner Tycoon (Windows, 2005) * Lychnis (DOS, 1994) * Lydia (Windows, 2017) * Lyle in Cube Sector (Windows, 2006) * Lylian: Episode one - Paranoid Friendship (Windows, 2010) * Lynne (Windows, 2018) * Léto s Oskarem (DOS, 1998) * Lü Bu Maker: Records of the Three Kingdoms (Windows, 2018) * Lü Bu yu Diao Chan (Windows, 2001) * l'Abbaye des Morts (Windows, 2010)